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  • Which software is best to make animated video for kids?

    Want to make animated videos for kids? Wondering how to search for the best apps which may be freely available and can make a storyline? Here, on this page you can check out the suggestions from experts and decide to make the animated videos.

    Which software is best to make animated video for kids? Please suggest if its freely available and easy to use. Price base should be second priority. I know if its free then variety will be less but I am looking for best apps.
    I tried one app but its limited feature we can not do everything like jump , fight, drive etc. I mean to say character should able to do anything to set in our story.
  • Answers

    2 Answers found.

  • There are many apps available in the internet which can be downloaded for making animation videos for the children. Some of the good ones sorted out from that long list are as follows

    1. Animiz - This is an animation application which is very good for making the videos for the children. It has a wide functionality and one can select various templates in it. It has plenty of ideas and activities which kids can take advantage of in conceiving their animation videos. The basic version of app is free and is having more than one hundred animation effects.

    2. Animoto - The trial version of the app can be downloaded for assessment from the Animoto website and after finding it useful one can buy it for the regular use. It is a good app for making story in video format and is ideal for school projects and other creative videos. It has a good scheme for mixing the photos and videos in one composite video.

    3. Video Scribe - This app can be purchased from the website of Video Scribe and is a very versatile app for interactive videos. It has some special packs for educational purposes. Kids can learn a great deal with this app.

    4. Stop Motion Cartoon Maker - It is available free from the Google Play Store. It provides a learning as well as gaming experience to the children. Videos can be created from drawings, toys, dolls etc. This app is developed by a company specialising in e-learning mobile apps.

    5. FlipaClip - This is an app for cartoon animation. It is free of charge available from Play Store. It merges the drawings in the cool animation videos. It is an easy to use app for animation videos and children will find it useful for their purposes.

    6. Toontastic - It has a large number of tools helping in making interesting animation videos. It has good functions like sound mixing, sharing, character designing etc. It is available free of charge and can be downloaded from Play Store.

    Knowledge is power.

  • I like your answer and I started to use Toontastic application I found Toontastic is interesting tools but its limited with some scenario and characters. I will try other option to check and will post review in future. Thanks for sharing your advice.

    Santosh Kumar Singh
    (Sr. Microsoft Dynamics Axapta Technical,Mumbai)

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