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  • Are both blood and urine tests required to check for Diabetes?

    Have a query about diabetes checkup? Wondering if tests are needed for both blood and urine for all or only some specific types of this ailment? No worries, scroll through this page and read the advice provided by medical experts.

    A blood test is done to test the blood sugar levels and, as per my understanding, it is for diagnosing Type 2 Diabetes. I would like to know if it is a sufficiently reliable test for pre-diabetes/diabetes or whether it is also important and necessary to do a urine test as well.
    Is it that a urine test is required only for certain types of diabetes and is not required really for a general, pre-diabetes check-up?
  • Answers

    8 Answers found.
  • The blood test is important for diagnosing the diabetes. Based on blood test only the severity is also decided and medicines also will be prescribed. Urine test is less reliable for diagnosing diabetes. Generally, they will be used for screening. Urine test is generally common for type 1 diabetes. A urine test may reveal about the presence of ketones. They will be more if insulin production is not up to the required level. A urine test alone is not sufficient for diagnosing the sugar levels exactly. A blood test is more authenticated. A urine test will be useful for follow up. Instead of going for blood test every time a urine test may be performed.

    always confident

  • I am a diabetic type 2 patient and whenever I asked to do the periodical test for the presence of blood sugar for the pre and post-session, the investigating clinics are insisting for blood samples only and not insisting for the urine. When questioned, I was told by the investigating person that blood throws enough information about the diabetic condition of the patient on all counts and blood test gives more authenticated information about the diabetic presence in the person. And Urine test is performed only to know the albumin presence which may give rise to kidney disorder and so on.

    K Mohan
    'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
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  • In present lifestyle Diabetes is very common. Uncontrolled diabetes may leads to more severe conditions like blindness, kidbey failure and heart disease etc. Type 1 Diabetes is a genetic problem. But Type 2diabetes is caused by insulin resistance. It is more common in obese people.
    For a prediabetic checkup especially Type 2 Diabetes reliable blood tests are available. These are A1C, fasting plasma glucose, and 2-hour post 75 g oral glucose challenge.
    Urine test are not much more useful for pre diabetic diagnosis. Because this is usually done to check the higher sugar level( hyperglycemia) by looking ketones in urine, and presence of protein in urine.
    Testing of ketones is usually done in case of diabetes type 1.

  • In order t know the exact level of presence of sugar in both the cases fasting and after two hours after lunch can assess the severity of sugar - level. Random blood sugar is often carried out to know the presence of sugar at any moment indicative the seriousness of diabeletes.
    If fasting blood sugar exceeds beyond 125 in three consecutive moments and its value after two hours of lunch is beyond 140, one should be cautious and the consultation with the Endocronoligist would be better for the onward treatment.
    There is a Hb1ac test which may reveal the true picture of level of diabetes and range less than 4.5 dl per litre is supposed to be normal and a range between 4.5 and 6 .0 is indicative of pre diabetic level and beyond that would indicate the confirmation of diabetes.
    Routine Urine Analysis may indicate the level of sugar if it exceeds more than 180 and presence below this level may not indicate in the urine - test. This test is important in the sense that it may reveal the presence of Ketone and Albuminuria occurring due to diabetic condition.

  • In diabetes, the glucose levels in the blood stream are increased due to incapability of body in proper insulin management for absorption of glucose. For diagnosing the diabetes the doctors will go for various blood tests for glucose level. Some of the common tests prescribed are fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test, random plasma glucose (RPG) test, A1C blood test, Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and sometimes autoantibodies test. Based on the test results the doctors will assess the severity of the diabetes whether it is pre diabetes or diabetes.

    Only in the cases of increased thrust and urination, the doctors may advise for urine test to diagnose the condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). So, urine test is not required for general diabetes conditions.

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  • Actually, it's a blood sugar test so a blood test is sufficient to know about the sugar level. Though from the urine test one may come to know that a person is diabetic or not as in urine of a diabetic person pus cells are observed. As mentioned by other members also Hb1ac is a very reliable test. It gives the past record of three months trend of how your blood sugar is varying. The person if has a value below 6.5% has a very good control so next time if you want to check your sugar level you should prefer this test. As these days all medical agencies ask for this test to know if the person is diabetic or not.


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  • Bood test and a urine test is necessary for diabetic individuals. One cannot rely only on blood tests. Urine test helps to diagnose kidney diseases and high levels of blood sugar. It can detect urinary tract infection and the presence of ketones, bilirubin in the urine.

    Kidney disease-
    Many diabetics are at high risk of suffering from kidney diseases. Early diagnosis of symptoms will prevent the disease from taking a serious form. Urine test helps to detect protein in the urine. It is known as microalbuminuria. Albumin is the main protein present in blood can enter into the urine. If a leak of albumin through urine is not stopped, kidneys suffer from extensive damage. They can even fail.

    Urine test for albumin is not necessary every time a person visits a hospital. It can be done once a year to detect microalbuminuria. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetic individuals should go for this test.

    Urine test is also important to know the high blood sugar level in urine as well as the presence of ketones. The body produces ketones when insulin is not adequately released. Too many ketones can be dangerous and give rise to ketoacidosis which is a fatal condition.

    Type 1 diabetic individuals should get their ketones level checked frequently especially when their blood sugar is over 300mg/dL. Also, they should get it checked in pregnancy, fever, illness, excessive fatigue etc. Type 2 diabetic individuals do not require a urine test for ketones. Once in a while is enough for them.

    There is a kidney condition which is rare in which blood glucose levels are normal but high levels of glucose get excreted in the urine. It is known as glycosuria. To determine such a condition, a urine test is necessary. Thus, those who are prediabetics or go for a general check-up are asked to get a blood test done along with urine test to rule out all the possibilities.

  • I have done the tests and would now like some advice related to avoiding certain things to prevent diabetes.

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