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  • Best way of learning Andriod studio for non IT proffesional !

    Interested in learning Android studio to develop applications? Wondering how to proceed if one does not have any programming experience? Our ISC experts shall suggest the best online resources for learning Android on this page.

    I am excited to develop application from android studio. I have developed android (.apk) application in last 2 week using mi2 app inventor a template based learning website. But it doesn't provide many complicated future like payment gateway, attractive theme, menu bar, user profile in detail, email based or mobile number based (OTP based ) login system. I don't have knowledge about java, PHP, lava, c++ etc. computer language. Even though I have also developed a website based on WordPress last year. Mostly I use YouTube as a learning medium. So kindly suggest any good channel or video series name.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • There are many options for doing the same. I will mention the important ways here.

    1. There are many training institutes which will train the people in the best way possible. You can learn the complete requirements of well-experienced people if you join a good training institute. But you may have to spend some money on the same. Once you get trained here and get a certificate you will be a certified developer,

    2. If you are a student, you can look around for companies who will be conducting some workshops to train the students in the field of Android studio development. They will be doing this as a promotional activity for their company.

    3. Another option is self-learning. There are many websites on the internet which conducts tutorial to teach Android. You can try through these tutorial websites. You can learn this easily if you know the basics of Java. You can download the Java Development Kit, Android Study IDE and Android SDK. You have to have an Android Phone. In this phone, you have to enable to development option. This phone will be useful for you to install and debug applications from the Studio.

    Then go through the tutorials and start slowly with small programmes.

    always confident

  • kindly suggest some website or some good video channel name so I can watch it in you tube

  • If you want to learn Android Studio from the scratch then one good idea will be to join a course in a reputed academy. Some of the leading online academies in this regard are Udemy, Udacity, Cousera, EdX and Lynda. They have courses for the beginners as well as for the professionals. They have Android for beginners to complete Android for the professionals. The course duration could be in days or months depending upon the type of course you choose. These courses will help you in learning Android OS starting from configuration to security, learning Kotlin, learning to build codes in oreo, introduction to framework ionic and Cordova, learning as how to handle http requests, learning writing, compiling and running basic Java applications any many such elements.

    Once you complete this course as a beginner then only you can think of seeing You Tube videos or other various online articles covering this subject. You Tube videos will not be covering everything at one place and you will have to try at many channels to clear your doubts in this area. Remember everything is available in internet but when you go to search it, it will all be disintegrated in different channels and places. One has to assimilate that by making the hand notes. Learning from internet is not so easy that you see one video and become an expert. Sorry to say that but it is true.

    Next thing which I will like to suggest to you is do not make old codes yourself. There are android libraries where you will get them easily. Read more code and practice after understanding. Adhere to good coding practices. Do not release your app on the Play Store without using ProGuard. It is important as ProGuard protects your code from reverse-engineers to understand and replicate it. It is a safety measure against copying.

    Knowledge is power.

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