A few decades back, people was thinking only about single sex education due to their traditional thoughts. But now time is changing and thinking of peoples is also changing. Due to modernization, traditional thoughts of single sex education have been changed and getting replaced by co-education. And choosing co-education is necessary and demand of changing time and fortunately co-education has spread far and wide and to a greater extent accepted in India.
There are innumerable benefits of co-educations.
1. Early mixing of boys and girls: While studying in co- education, kids start integrating at an early age. They become friends, know and understand each other and learn about them. Girls and boys connect in groups, exchange their ideas and sometimes debate issues in class. A feeling of cooperation also develops among them. It also makes boys and girls comfortable with each other. They eat, play and do other activities together and remain comfortable and support one another. Co-education also helps children overcome a dread of the opposite gender, so that they maintain positive relationships in the future.
2. Healthy competition: Competition is essential for learning and progress. It also helps children to deal and overcome with failures. In co education learning environment children work together and despite the feeling of gender. Boys and girls study, participate in play and sports and do other activities together. They take part in cricket, hockey, volley ball, badminton, and tennis etc. They make a team and work with each other. This also develops a healthy competition among them. They understand their capability, importance and distinction. They learn to maintain their dignity after a failure.
3. Confidence and skill development: Co-education develops confidence, as opposite gender works together hence they do not feel shyness. When you choose to send your child to a school with both girls and boys, they will benefit from development of social skills, self-respect and self-confidence and it will better future where both genders play an important role. They learn to communicate and shares their views and ideas with each other and develop their vision towards life.
4. Gender equality: They gain knowledge of gender equality. By gaining education with each other they know strengths and weaknesses of each other and also develop respect for them. So by getting education in a co-education environment both boys and girls recognize the importance of co-existence and they develop the sense to accept them as they are. It also gives knowledge to their families and society that there is no such discrimination in between two genders except physical difference. They both have equal potentials. No one is backward.
5. Social and behavioural development: Children studying in a co education environment, they develop respect for each other. Ultimately boys and girls have to work together at home, offices and at any other place. They start socialize early if they study in co-education. They also put together better relationships.
6. Mutual understanding and respect: Children studying in co-educations schools, colleges and universities respect each other and they used to behave graciously and more civilly in the presence of opposite gender. The inclusive education, co-educational system supports superior understanding between the boys and girls and induces indiscrimination and increasing high opinion towards each other.
7. Helps in Gender specific behavior: Co-education in puberty helps to balance the gender specific behaviours.
8. Character improvement: Co-education helps in character building as both genders learn to behave well, listen and respect to each other.
9. Promotes healthy environment: Co-education also develops good ethics, proper dressing, use of good language and discipline and develops decent and healthy learning environment.
However, during teenage there may be some distraction due to psychological changes and feeling of attraction and personal interest. But still co-education is having more beneficial.