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  • How to get rid of dandruff/dry scalp for good?

    Confused between dandruff and dry scalp? Searching for advice to remove the same and thus resolve scratching, itching and avoid getting bald? No worries, on this ask Expert page check out the advice and suggestions.

    First of all, I want to know what is the difference between dandruff and dry scalp. Do they mean the same thing? If not, how to know whether we have dandruff/dry scalp?

    Since the last two years, only during winters, I get dandruff in my hair (in summers they fade away). They itch a lot, especially at night and often I end up scratching my head and crying badly. I have tried almost everything I was aware of and even followed the suggestions of others. From homemade remedies to shampoos that claim to remove dandruff/dry scalp, I have used them all twice-thrice a week still, I couldn't get rid of dandruff/dry scalp.

    Is there any way to get rid of dandruff/dry scalp for good, without getting bald? Please suggest only those remedies that will work, for I have already tried many.
  • Answers

    9 Answers found.
  • My sister is having a problem with dandruff and she has visited a doctor also for that. We were discussing this problem earlier and what little knowledge I have on this subject I will share with you. Mostly the inputs are from my sister who had this problem.

    Dry Scalp: It is mainly due to yous Scalp not having required moisture or oil. This dry scalp will have itching sensation and irritation. The hair looks very dry. There may be some flakes formation. If you have a dry skin problem, you will have this dry scalp problem also. This problem will be more in winter. If you shampoo your hair very frequently also you may have this problem. The problems what you have with dry skin will be there with you for dry scalp also.

    The dry scalp will also result in some flakes from the head. They will be whitish in colour and they will be small in size. In case of dry scalp, your hair becomes very dry.

    Dandruff: Dandruff may be mainly due to fungal or any other type of infection to your scalp. The flakes that will fall from your hair will be bigger. They will have a slight yellow tinge. If the formation of dead skin cells is fast it will lead to dandruff. If your scalp is sensitive to the hair products you are using, then there is every chance for dandruff. If your scalp is very oily because of the release of oil from the scalp also you may have this problem.
    If you have sensitive skin also you will have the problem.

    If your scalp is oily, your hair looks oily and irritation and itching sensation is there it may be dandruff only.

    In your case, as you are telling that the problem is more in winter and in summer it is not there, it may be dry scalp problem only I think.

    I advise you to see a doctor if you have any open wounds on your head or on the face. You have to see a dermatologist. If you find any reddish tinges on your skin or head, it is better to see the doctor.

    For dandruff, you can try the following methods.

    1. Instead of shampoo, you can use soap nuts.
    2. There are some shampoos with coal tar, They are good for dandruff reduction.
    3. Many shampoos for dandruff will contain Pyrithione, which will give good relief from this problem.

    For dry scalp, you can try the following methods.

    1. Shampoos with moisturisers
    2. Don't shampoo your hair very frequently
    3. Humidification of hair is good for this.
    4. Try drinking more water.

    always confident

  • Dandruff is a very common problem, especially during winters. As per my knowledge, Dry scalp and dandruff are two different problems with similar symptoms like itching in the scalp, falling flakes, etc. Dandruff basically occurs due to oil which causes skin build-up and then it sheds.
    There are many commercial treatments and home remedies available for this problem but the success of any of these treatments depends upon various factors like the climate you live in, your skin type, etc.
    Below mentioned are some of the home-based treatments and you can give a try-
    1. Although oiling is good for hairs one should prefer overnight oiling only and wash your hairs next day. Overnight oiling is sufficient to provide the required nourishment to scalp and hairs. Why I mentioned overnight is because oiling causes sticky hairs that attract dirt, so dring night hours we mostly stay inside the house and there is less possibility of attracting dirt in hairs.

    2. Apply lukewarm oil in hairs with a moderate massage in scalp. It improves blood circulation and the oil gets easily absorbed in scalp and hair follicles.

    3. Apply Aloe vera gel on scalp and keep it for 1-2 hours and then wash your hairs with shampoo.

    4. This remedy is what I am using currently and it is working really well for my hairs. What I do is, I take a half of a small bowl of coconut oil, add some washed curry leaves and some small aloe vera leave cubes in it. Aloe vera leaves cubes means you have to take a fresh aloe vera leaf, wash it and peel it from one side and then cut it into small cubes. Now heat the mixture for around 4-5 minutes on medium flame. You can observe the change in the color of the oil and can smell the fragrance of curry leaves very easily. Now let is settle down for some time and then add 2-3 teaspoons of castor oil in it and mix it well. When it is completely cool, filter it in a bottle suitable to store it. Then add 2 capsules of vitamin E. Vitamin E capsules are easily available in medical shops and that too at reasonable rates. You need to prick the capsules at one end and squeeze it in the oil. Close the lid and mix it properly. You can apply it thrice a week and keep it overnight.
    Store it in the refrigerator as you don't need to prepare it every time and can stock it for 10-15 days in the refrigerator.
    The recipe may sound lengthy but believe me, it hardly takes 15 minutes and you are done. It helped in treating dandruff and even controlled my hair fall.


    Living & Learning- simultaneous processes!

  • Dry scalp and dandruff are two conditions which are connected to each other as in most of the cases the dry scalp is a reason for base setting for dandruff flakes origination. There are many causes of dandruff in our hair but some of the most common causes are dry scalp, seborrheic dermatitis, sensitivity to hair oils and shampoos and growth of a specific type of fungus that lives on the scalp. It is easier to treat dry scalp with the help of oils and hydrating agents but treating dandruff is a bit difficult task and requires a multi thronged strategy.

    One of the causes for dandruff is attributed to higher stress levels. In fact stress is the source of many ailments in our body. In our modern life it is not easy to remove the stress completely but we have to control it as far as possible. To control the stress levels some techniques like meditation, yoga, deep breathing or aromatherapy can be tried.

    There are many home remedies and chemical shampoos which are used by the people to get rid of this menace and it is not necessary that each method will be useful for every person. One has to do trial and error to find out which one is the best remedial measure for oneself in this regard.

    Some of the tested and more prevalent methods are -

    1. Coconut oil - It is one of the time tested remedy for dandruff through hydration of the scalp skin. It is also useful in some eczema type of condition of skin which is responsible for dandruff. Research indicates that applying coconut oil to the scalp for a month reduces the severity by 70%.

    2. Aloe vera - It is a popular material used in many types of cosmetics and skin preparations. Aloe vera preparation can not cure the dandruff completely but they help in reducing the inflammation and reduce the fungal infections and reduce the hair fall also. It can be used as one of the elements in a holistic treatment of dandruff.

    3. Apple cider vinegar - It helps in balancing the pH of the scalp and helps in reducing the dry conditions which are supposed to help in retarding the growth of skin flakes leading to dandruff. Adding 1-2 table spoon of this to the usual shampoo may be beneficial in the dandruff conditions. It can also be combined in a small quantity with the usual hair oil used for oiling the hair.

    4. Rough washing of hair - Washing the hair with gram flour and curd does a very good action of rough washing and cleans the dandruff flakes and gives a soothing scalp after the treatment. Many people use this technique once in a week. It may not treat the dandruff but gives symptomatic relief. I have used it during my student life and it reduces the dandruff intensity significantly.

    5. Tea tree oil - It is used for many conditions and dandruff is one of them. It has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. It has to be used as 5% proportion with the usual shampoo. It alleviates the dandruff symptoms. As per one study after one month treatment the dandruff severity reduced by 40%. While administering as direct use, do not use it directly to the skin and use with a carrier like coconut oil.

    6. Salicylic acid - Salicylic acid or Aspirin is useful in combating the dandruff conditions and one can get the shampoo from the market which contains it. Alternatively one can crush 2 tablets of aspirin and mix it with the shampoo for washing the hair.

    7. Omega-3 fatty acids intake - These are very healthy for the skin and having them in the diet can help to reduce the dandruff menace considerably. It can be had from the fish or as supplement from the chemist shop. It is also present in flaxseed, chia seeds and walnuts.

    8. Probiotics supplements - Certain probiotic supplements and foods are available in the market which are good to fight in conditions of allergy, dandruff, fungal infections, eczema etc. One can have them in the diet. Yogurt and many fermented products are examples of probiotics.

    Knowledge is power.

  • The best remedy to get rid of dandruff and dry scalp is to use Shikakai powder and Kunkudukai powder. In fact, the powder-based shampoo sachets are available in the market and they give the best results. Shikakai and Kunkudukai mixed powder will also get rid of lice present in the hair. Even today in villages, the people used to take oil bath at least twice a week and use the above-mixed powder to remove the residue of oil in the hair and thus the hair becomes silky, beautiful and also there won't be breakage of strands. And if you prepare those power at the home itself will be pure and most lasting.

    K Mohan
    'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
    Even this challenging situation would ease

  • Even in winter also try to take bath/wash your hair using comfortable warm water and mild herbal shampoos. You can usecrushed hibiscuss leaves , hibiscus shampoo, Shikakai shampoo/powder etc for shampooing hair. After properly dryingyour hair aplly pure coconut oil to your hair. It can be just pure plai cocnut oil or medicated hair oil.
    Using hair oil otherthan cocnu oil or cocnut oil based ones, wil increase dandruff.
    Comb your hair at leat twice a day removingthe dandruff from the comb and kepingitwashed and clean for next use.
    Avoid seatingof head scap. That wl alow dirt accumulation and enable increase of danduff. A couple of weks doingthese will reduce and stop dandruff. If not you may have to visist a docto, as the reasons may be something different for which iternal medicines may be neded.

  • Solution is very important than finding... what is the problem or or how problem occurs etc. The below answer may surprise you.

    In short, specially use grape juice (without ice, mix little honey if one feel cold), and other seasonal fruits and vegetables' intake to get rid of many things including Dandruff and dry scalp, surprisingly. You can tell the result, later if followed these and get rid of.

    Try to use Coconut hair oil (twice in a week at least) and use just one brand shampoo or soap for a long duration than keep on changing them often.

  • Dandruff and dry scalp are different conditions but having similar symptoms like scaly, flaky and itchy skin. In dry scalp, the skin gets irritated due to itchiness and flakes off. On the other hand dandruff is caused due to excess oil on the scalp. That excess oil causes flaky skin called seborrheic dermatitis. Dry scalp can be treated with the help of oiling and shampooing with mild shampoo. But in case of dandruff excess oil is to be removed and keep scalp oil free to avoid fungal growth on scalp.

    1. To get rid of dandruff use Amla, Reetha and Shikakai powder. You can use their seeds also. For this you have to boil 4-5 Amla, 5-6 Reetha, and 5-6 Shikakai seeds and soak overnight and then boil in morning and filter. Use this filtrate to wash your hair. If you are using powder then mix this powder with water and boil and use this liquid for washing your hair. Reetha is a natural soap, also known as soap nut. Amla and shikhakai and also beneficial for hair.

    2. Fenugreek seeds are also good for hairs. Soak half cup fenugreek seeds overnight and grind it then mix it with half cup yogurt, lemon juice, and water together and make a thick paste. Apply this paste on your hair and wash after 45 minutes using mild shampoo.

    3. Apply onion juice on scalp. For this grate onion and squeeze its juice and then apply this juice on your scalp. Onion juice also promotes hair growth and also removes hair infection.

    4. Use of black cumin seeds also boosts hair growth. It also helps to get rid of dandruff. The oil present cumin seeds are having great anti oxidant, stimulant properties and have been used for scalp treatments to get rid of dandruff. Take a few teaspoons of cumin seeds and boil in 2-3 liters of water. Strain the seeds away and then bring the water to room temperature. Use this cumin water to wash and then rinse your hair to get rid of dandruff. This can be used for both oily and dry scalp. You can also add some cumin seeds in any hair oil. And apply this oil to your scalp and give a gentle message and keep overnight. Then wash hair next day with a mild shampoo. To treat hair loss mix equal quantities of black cumin oil and olive oil. Apply this oil mix on the entire scalp and hair. This will stop hair loss and promote new hair growth.

    5. Lemon with curd also useful to kill dandruff from hair.

    6. Always use mild or herbal shampoo. Shampoo having sulfur content sometime can harm.

    7. You can also use Aloe vera on scalp and keep it for 1-2 hours and then wash your hairs with any mild shampoo. It is helpful in reducing the inflammation and remove fungal infections.

    8. Apply any oil either coconut or olive oil on scalp and message and let it for half an hour. Thereafter, wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Oiling in hair improves blood circulation in scalp. But remember don't keep oiled hairs for longer hours or while going outside because dust and sweat can stick to hairs and with oil may cause fungal growth.

    9. Apple cider vinegar is also very helpful to reduce infection on the scalp. It also maintain pH of the scalp. To use apple cider vinegar, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one cup of water, and soak your hair after washing. Massage into scalp, and leave on for about 10 minutes and then rinse with water.

    10. Tea tree oil is also used in hairs to treat dandruff and hair fall. It has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Many shampoo are available in market having tea tree oil as an ingredient.

    11. You can also try baking soda. For this wet your hair and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of baking soda along your scalp. Leave it on for a minute and wash it off using a mild shampoo. Baking soda remove fungal infection.

    12. Let dry your hair naturally. Don't use dryer.

    13. Use warm or cold water for washing hair. Not use hot water.

    14. Drink plenty of water

    15. Eat healthy food rich vitamins and minerals.

    16. Check for Vitamin D deficiency and iron deficiency.

    But, if you are having too much itchy and nothing is working then you should consult a good dermatologist. He can suggest you any lotion and growth promoting serum and a good anti dandruff shampoo.

  • Stress might cause itchy scales in the head. Eat more fruits and veggies, avoid oily foods and meat. Always try to sleep 7 to 8 hours in night. Don't visit a allopathy doctor there is no proper long term solution for this. Consult a good Ayurvedic doctor and do 'Sirothara'. Believe me this will give a definite solution for your problem.

  • Dandruff is a condition of appearance of white flakes and may be characterised as a seborrheic dermatitis . It can be in the form of flakes, red, itchy or a combination of all the factors mentioned above . The same may exist behind ears, eye brows or in the part of the face causing great inconvenience to the sufferers.
    However in case of Dandruff we need to follow certain tips so as to keep this menace under control. A few tips for controlling Dandruff are as follows -
    1) Change of Diets - Excess consumption of High Carb foods followed by intake of sugary items may stimulate the sebaceous glands producing more oils on the skin. The best way to prevent the same is to desist from such foods. Switch over to some nutritious foods containing Protien, mineral and vitamins especially the Vitamin- C to enhance immunity.
    2) Regular washing of the skins - Oil and dead skin cells further accumulate as a result of infrequent hair washing. Regular washing of hair would eliminate this problem.
    3) Try hot oil mask - Applying oils on the scalp will,help draw oils from the scalp and ultimately help in removing the excess accumulated oil. It is a kind of law of attraction where like substances attract each other. The oil should be sufficiently warm but not hot enough to burn your scalp.
    4) Use Apple Cider Vinegar - it has antimicrobial and anti inflammatory properties to take care of excess yeast formed in the scalp. On its application, the inflammation can be brought under control and hence it can control Dandruff as well.
    5) Apply specially formulated Shampoo containing Zinc and Sulphur since such formulations would take care of excess yeast.
    6) Even Tea Tree oil can eliminate excess inflammation on its regular usage taking two to three drops mixed with Sesame - oil or Coconut - oil.
    7) You should never try to scratch the surface to get some relief from itching as a result of presence of Dandruff. This may further aggravate the problem. However, gentle massaging with Almond, Sesame - oil or Coconut oil would help because of these being antifungal in nature.
    8) Coconut or like oils combined with Micro - exfoliative shampoo would produce positive result. Micro - exfoliative shampoo contains a lot of charcoal and when this is combined with a few drops of tea tree or peppermint oil and applying this concoction on the affected part would produce a wonderful result.
    Dry - scalp may result in the following condition -
    1) Prolonged use of harsh shampoos having a lot of chemicals.
    2) Fungal - infection.
    3) Over usage of hard - water during the bath
    4) Lack of intake of nutrition
    5) Neglecting hair - care including unhealthy beauty habits, lack of use of proper oils and conditioning.
    Remedies of Dry - scalp -
    1) Lemon - juice - Take half cut Lemon juice and apply it on the pores of the skin of the head, leave it for an hour and finally rinse the same.
    2) Onion - juice - Take two spoon of Onion - juice and apply it all over the scalp, leave it for an hour so as to penetrate the same into the pores and finally rinse it through soft water. This should be continued at least thrice a weak to produce result.
    3) Consume Amla - powder twice a day taking a tea - spoon each time along with hot water in the empty stomach for at least forty days in orde to eliminate the dry - scalp condition.
    4) Intake of water has to be stepped up say at least 2.5 litres a day but ensure that no water should be taken along with the meals immediately as it may affect the digestion process. The best way is to consume water 45 minutes after the meals. It keeps the body moistened, removing the toxins from the metabolic system apart from removal of dry scalp.
    5) Vitamin D may be taken as per recommendation of the doctor so as to tackle the dry scalp issue.

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