When we look at a problem it appears as a big problem. But when you divide that problem into many small problems. each problem will be a small problem. One big problem may be divided into 100 small problems. Solve one by one. As you go on solving problems there will be betterment and the extent of the problem will come down and finally, when you solve all the problems the goal will be achieved. Generally, in sciences and clinical research this method will be adopted Our every step will be in the right direction and the end will become nearer. This method is known as Randomised controlled trial. Banerjee and his co-researchers adopt this method in their work.
Unlike other researchers in this field, these people went to the field level and conduct experiments and because of their works, many poor people got benefitted. They focused more on India as more number of poor people are there in India. They have done similar studies in other countries also. They say when you give additional money to a poor family, they will never spend that money on having a portion of better food. But they may go for a TV purchase as they also want to have some relaxation. That is why they say better give Rs.2500/- poor so that they will think of their food but if you give Rs.6000/-, they may use it for some other waste expenditure.
They feel that the government schemes are not reaching the people who need and in the way it wanted. For example, to see that poor children will also come to school, the government started distributing books to all the poor boys and girls. They have books. They keep them neatly. But they never read it. They sit in the class but they never understand the subjects. So they instead of giving books selected some poor students who are not able to understand the lessons and separately tutored them and mentored them. The students gained the knowledge and they became good at studies. They conducted these experiments and found that the results are very good
The essence of their research is that see how the schemes will reach the needy in the right direction. Don't think of making them rich overnight. But teach them how to earn and solve the problems one by one. Many people think big. These researchers say think small and solve the problem.
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