Termination of House lease or Rent agreement when the termination clause is not mentioned
Have a query about termination of house lease or rent agreement in case termination clause is missing? Searching for details of these clauses online? On this page our legal experts shall provide your guidance to resolve the issue.
I would like to know the procedure of termination of Rent Agreement.
Actually one of my friend has moved into a Rented House in Mangalore city.
Rent agreement is of 11 months. However the rent agreement does not say anything about termination before the completion of 11 months.
The house is quite far from the city and he and his family are facing travelling problem. So he wants to terminate the agreement and move in to nearby area.
Can you please advise how can he proceed. He does not want to stay there for 11 months.
To be more clear, i will present some of the content of that agreement below:
And whereas, the Lessor has desirous of rent out the said Residential Apartment on monthly basis for a 11 months and also looking for a suitable party, mean time the lessee has requested to grant the said residential premises on monthly rental basis for a period of 11 months in his favour and the lessor has agreed for the same.
No therefore, the Rent Agreement is executed and witnessed as follows:
1. The lessor has agreed to rent out the lessee has agreed to obtain the said residential premises on monthly rental basis for a period of 11 months
2. The rent period shall be commencing from ............. or a period of 11 months i.e ending on 20-07-2019
3.The lessee shall pay the monthly rental of RS.... which shall be payable on or before 5th of every calendar month to the Lessor by cash.
4. The addition of the monthly rent reserved, the lessee shall also be liable to pay the Electricity charges and water bill to the concerned authorities
5. The lessee today deposited a sum of RS......................... by cash to the lessor as a Security deposit to the said premises and the lessor hereby admits the receipt for the same.
6. That the above said security deposit shall be refundable at the time of surrendering the vacant possession of the said premises, without any interest after deducting any dues of bills or any damages etc.. to the Lessee.
7. The Lessee shall not sub-let or sub-lease the said premises to any other person without the consent of the Lessor
8. That the Lessee shall not erect any permanent structure or make any alteration or additions to the scheduled apartment. If any damages caused to the scheduled premises he will restore to its original state at the termination of agreement at his cost.
9. The lessee shall use the scheduled premises only and exclusively for residential purpose and shall not divert use of same for any non residential use or for running any business or any other commercial or other activities.
10. The Lessor shall not in any way be liable for any loss or damage to the goods, material or any other property belongs to the Lessee caused by fire tempest, flood. civil, commotion, riot theft, robbery or any cause whatsoever.
11. In case the lessor is put any expenses costs, loss, damage and payment due to any act of commission or ommission on part of the lessee, in the matter of enjoying of the scheduled apartment or under this agreement the Lessee shall be liable to compensate and make good to the lessor such expenses, costs, loss, payment etc..
12. The Lessee shall not keep any explosive or combusting articles in the scheduled premises.
a) If both the parties do agree to continue the rent for another term of 11 months, the lessee has to pay an increased rent of Rs...... per year from the rent fixed in this agreement.
13. This Rent Agreement is typed in Rs ... E Stamp. The original of the same will be kept with the lessor and the duplicate with signature is kept with Lessee
Actually one of my friend has moved into a Rented House in Mangalore city.
Rent agreement is of 11 months. However the rent agreement does not say anything about termination before the completion of 11 months.
The house is quite far from the city and he and his family are facing travelling problem. So he wants to terminate the agreement and move in to nearby area.
Can you please advise how can he proceed. He does not want to stay there for 11 months.
To be more clear, i will present some of the content of that agreement below:
And whereas, the Lessor has desirous of rent out the said Residential Apartment on monthly basis for a 11 months and also looking for a suitable party, mean time the lessee has requested to grant the said residential premises on monthly rental basis for a period of 11 months in his favour and the lessor has agreed for the same.
No therefore, the Rent Agreement is executed and witnessed as follows:
1. The lessor has agreed to rent out the lessee has agreed to obtain the said residential premises on monthly rental basis for a period of 11 months
2. The rent period shall be commencing from ............. or a period of 11 months i.e ending on 20-07-2019
3.The lessee shall pay the monthly rental of RS.... which shall be payable on or before 5th of every calendar month to the Lessor by cash.
4. The addition of the monthly rent reserved, the lessee shall also be liable to pay the Electricity charges and water bill to the concerned authorities
5. The lessee today deposited a sum of RS......................... by cash to the lessor as a Security deposit to the said premises and the lessor hereby admits the receipt for the same.
6. That the above said security deposit shall be refundable at the time of surrendering the vacant possession of the said premises, without any interest after deducting any dues of bills or any damages etc.. to the Lessee.
7. The Lessee shall not sub-let or sub-lease the said premises to any other person without the consent of the Lessor
8. That the Lessee shall not erect any permanent structure or make any alteration or additions to the scheduled apartment. If any damages caused to the scheduled premises he will restore to its original state at the termination of agreement at his cost.
9. The lessee shall use the scheduled premises only and exclusively for residential purpose and shall not divert use of same for any non residential use or for running any business or any other commercial or other activities.
10. The Lessor shall not in any way be liable for any loss or damage to the goods, material or any other property belongs to the Lessee caused by fire tempest, flood. civil, commotion, riot theft, robbery or any cause whatsoever.
11. In case the lessor is put any expenses costs, loss, damage and payment due to any act of commission or ommission on part of the lessee, in the matter of enjoying of the scheduled apartment or under this agreement the Lessee shall be liable to compensate and make good to the lessor such expenses, costs, loss, payment etc..
12. The Lessee shall not keep any explosive or combusting articles in the scheduled premises.
a) If both the parties do agree to continue the rent for another term of 11 months, the lessee has to pay an increased rent of Rs...... per year from the rent fixed in this agreement.
13. This Rent Agreement is typed in Rs ... E Stamp. The original of the same will be kept with the lessor and the duplicate with signature is kept with Lessee