The natural homemade pesticides are as follows -
1. Tomato leaf
Tomato plants are a part of the nightshade family. They contain alkaloids like "tomatine," which can control aphids and other insects. It can be used as a natural pesticide. In order to make tomato leaf spray pesticide, you need to cut two cups of fresh tomato leaves into one-quarter of the water and leave it overnight. It is advised to take leaves from the bottom part of the plant. Now strain out the plant material and spray the liquid on the plant foliage.
2. Garlic
Garlic spray can be used to the knockdown insect infestations in the garden. Its pungent aroma is delectable to some and repellent to others. This strong scent helps in making garlic a natural pesticide. In order to make a garlic spray, take two whole garlic (not only two cloves). Now, puree them in a blender with a small amount of water. Leave it overnight. Then strain it into a quart jar, adding a half cup of vegetable oil, one teaspoon of mild liquid soap and sufficient water to fill the jar. Use one cup of mixture with 1 quart of water and then spray on insect-infested plants.
3. Neem oil
Neem oil is a very powerful natural pesticide. The oil extracted from the seeds of the neem tree can knock down different insects in their different life stages. Neem oil is biodegradable and even non-toxic. You can easily buy a neem oil bottle from the market and follow the instructions written on it on how to use it. You can also use one teaspoon of mild liquid soap mixed in 1 quart of water with 2 teaspoons of neem oil to spray on the affected plant part. Neem oil can be sprayed on plants to prevent the growth of insects even before they infest the plant.
4. Vegetable oil
Vegetable oil spray can have a good impact on trouble-causing insects like aphids, mites, thrips etc. In order to make a vegetable oil spray insecticide, you need to mix one cup of vegetable oil with one tablespoon of soap. Cover the container and shake it thoroughly. When you are going to use the spray, add two teaspoons of oil spray and mix it with 1 quart of water. Shake it thoroughly and spray on those parts and surfaces of plants that are affected by the pests. The vegetable oil coats the body of the insects blocks the pores through which they breathe and eventually suffocate them.
5. Soap
Soap spray can also be used to knock down insects like whiteflies, mites, aphids, beetles and other insects. In order to make a soap spray insecticide, you need to mix one and a half teaspoons of mild liquid soap with one quart of water and spray it directly on the affected parts of the affected plant. It is advised to apply it during evenings on plants instead of applying it in afternoons.
6. Chile Pepper
Chile pepper is also very effective in killing insects. It is a homemade natural pests repellent. It can be made either from fresh hot peppers or chile pepper powder. In order to make a chile spray from pepper powder, you need to blend a half cup of pepper with one cup of water. Then you need to add one quart of water and boil it. Let it cool down. After this, strain out the chile material and add several drops of liquid soap in it. You can now spray it on affected plants. It is advised to wear gloves while applying it because this spray is very potent on humans as well.
7. Diatomaceous earth
Diatomaceous earth has many uses. One of them is that it acts as a natural insecticide. It is made from sedimentary rock created by fossilized algae. It doesn't poison the insects, it absorbs the lipids from insects' exoskeleton and then dehydrates them to death. Diatomaceous earth is available in garden stores. It is usually not available in small packages. In order to apply it, you only need to dust the ground around your plants or sprinkle on them. Because of its dried nature, it needs to be reapplied after every rain.
8. All-in-one spray
As the name suggests, it is made by a combination of different kitchen materials. In order to make it, you need to blend one whole garlic and one small onion. Now you need to add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder. After doing so, leave the mixture for one hour. After that, strain the mixture and add one tablespoon of mild liquid soap. Mix it well. Now spray it on both the upper and lower sides of leaves. You can store this spray in a refrigerator for up to a week.
9. Baby Shampoo
Baby shampoo can be used to control common garden pests both indoor and outdoor including aphids, whiteflies, scale, thrips and spider mites. It is gentle and contains unnecessary chemicals. In order to make baby shampoo pesticide spray, you need to mix two tablespoons of baby shampoo with one gallon of water. Spray the mixture on the plants and let it rest there for hours before gently rinsing it off with a water hose. It is advised to not use this spray in the sun, or on plants with hairy leaves or wax-like coating.
10. Salt
Salt spray can also be used as a pesticide. It does not only knock down pests but also helps in increasing nutrition absorption by the plants like magnesium. It also helps plants take important nutrients like phosphorus and sulphur. It is very easy to make. You only need to add some salt in the water and spray it on the plants, on leaves, or at the base of plants. You need to reapply it every week for better results.
11. Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus oil also acts as a natural pesticide. Its strong smell deters insects and bugs. You will see the result with your own eyes after you apply it on the affected plant foliage. You can buy it from the market.
12. Chrysanthemum flower
These flowers contain a very powerful chemical compound known as "pyrethrum". Pyrethrum damages the nervous system of insects and pests. In order to make chrysanthemum flower spray, you need to boil some dried flowers in a vessel for about 20 minutes. Let it cool down. Then, strain the flower material. Now you can put it in a spray bottle and spray it on the affected plant. You can store the solution for up to 2 months. Adding neem oil in it can make it even more effective.
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