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  • Solution for different names on documents if applying for NEET counseling

    Is there a name mismatch in any documents? Wondering what to do during NEET counseling and how to handle the document verification process? check out this page for answers from ISC experts and decide how to resolve the issue.

    My father's name does not match in both 10th and 12th marksheet with that on my Adhar card and EWS certificate.
    Will it create problem during NEET counseling?
    Will my form be rejected?
    During document verification process if I have submitted affidavit stating that this both person are same then would my problem be solved?
  • Answers

    5 Answers found.
  • You have to make an affidavit before you go for document verification.

    Please consult a lawyer in your area. He will guide you through the process of making an affidavit. After getting the affidavit you have to give an advertisement in two newspapers one in English and another in the local language. Once you have done it, the same should be published in the Gazette. This is required. Some may not accept affidavit without this. There will be an application form for this. You have to fill it, attach a copy of the affidavit, the copies of the newspaper publications and you have to pay the required fee also as per the government rules. Then the concerned will process your application and the same will be published in the Gazette. You should get a copy of the Gazette in which your case mentioned.

    Start the process immediately, keep the copies with you and don't send original affidavit to anybody. First, complete the affidavit and paper advertisement and apply to gazette publication. Once you complete it you can make copies of all this for documents and carry without for document verification.

    always confident

  • In this case you have to get an affidavit prepared duly signed by you and the countersigning magistrate in the court. You will have to take help of the lawyer in drafting the affidavit accordingly and incorporating all the facts and bringing out the mistake in your fathers name in the respective certificates. Please remember you have to annex a copy of all the supporting documents in strengthening your oath in the affidavit. The document showing your father's correct name is the most important one and will form a part of the affidavit. Once the affidavit is ready you have to check this thoroughly and see that no errors are crept in there. This is a legal document and any error in it will only complicate the things further.

    You have to sign the affidavit in presence of the magistrate in the court who will also countersign it and seal it. This is now an authentic document which can be shown at the time of document verification or any other such time when it is needed.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Firstly, there are some questions like:
    1. Which documents are having correct father name either in 10th & 12th mark sheet or Aadhar card & EWS certificate?
    2. Does your mark sheet are having only minor spelling errors or surname or complete name is wrong.

    According to 1st case if name mentioned in 10th and 12th mark sheets are correct and only mismatch from Aadhar card and EWS certificate. You can go for correction in name in Aadhar card and EWS certificate.

    But if name is wrongly mentioned in marksheets then you will have to produce an affidavit during document verification. You can make an affidavit in advance stating that my father name is XXXX and is mentioned wrongly in mark sheets. And both the name belongs to same person.

    According to 2nd case, I think that if there is minor spelling mistake (mistake of one or two alphabets) and both of your mark sheets i.e. 10th and 12 mark sheets having same name. You can continue writing that spelling in future.

    Because if you will use different name (correct name). The process is little bit complicated. You will have to prepare an affidavit and get it notarized. Then publish an advertisement in two news papers (one national and one local) and then you will have to publish it in Government Gazette.

    Because one of my friend's name was misprinted in 10th mark sheet and then he adopted his changed name for 12th class and further studies. If only a minor spelling mistake is there you can continue writing that name in your studies.

    But if full name is wrong and you really want to change it then you have to make and affidavit and publish it in official gazette as per the above described method.

    Further, if you will be using name printed in your 10th & 12th marksheet. I don't think that there will be any problem because you have documentary proof (marksheets) with you. And Nobody will reject your form.

    Hope your query got resolved.

    Good luck.

  • Select andshortlist the documents where your father's name is written correctly.
    It is relatively easy to correct Aadhaar or EWS certificate. But not so easy to correctthe same in 10th or 12 th sheet.
    What is the type of mistake? Is is just a spellin mistake of one alphabet etc in English version?
    The best wy now is to take the name in 10 th &12 th mark sheet as correct .Then change the name in Asdhaar Crd and EWS certificate.

    If the mistakes are minor like when changing from Englishto Vernacular or vice versa then it is not that serious.

    Howeverget an affiavit for the matter ready and submit when needed. Also get letter or certificate from Village ofice, Panchayat/Municipal ward meber ec statingthat the person is same . If possible and legally allowed, get the certificate/affidavit countersigned on his photo affixed by your father also.
    You need not panic. But it is also better to keep everything rectified to avoid problems and complications in future.

  • Yes, your problem can be sorted out by having the proper affidavit if the name of your father is not appearing exactly what it should have been. You may meet the lawyer of the first class magistrate with the relevant photocopies of documents of your father and yourself and the anomalies can be corrected with an affidavit to be made the lawyer with the appearance of your name in the left side of the documents with the inclusion of signature of the Magistrate in the right side.
    Get it published in an well established English Newspaper apart from a local Hindi - paper. Keep the portion of this advertisement as a proof to be shown to the authorities whenever it is reqiquired. In the meanwhile, if there is a scope of document verification, you may produce any other copy such as your VoterID card, PAN card and any document showing that you have moved to court for making an affidavit for correcting the mistakes.

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