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  • Eligibility for school teaching job or TET exam after post graduation in biochemistry

    Do you have a postgraduate degree in biochemistry with B.Ed. qualification as well and are keen on getting a school teaching job? Know from experts if you are eligible to appear for the TET exam and can taking up a teaching career at the school level.

    I completed M.Sc Biochemistry with B.Ed. Is there any chance to get a government job in the teaching line in school or there is any chance to write the TET exam? Please clarify.
  • Answers

    6 Answers found.
  • You are a Postgraduate with B.Ed.

    1. You are eligible for teaching posts in government schools, colleges and also in private institutes.
    2. You can appear for the TET examination to become a teacher in government schools. The government will issue notification for this examination and you have to apply for that. You have to attend the written test. Once you are qualified in that you can become a government school teacher.

    2. Since you have all the required qualifications you can apply for other government schools, aided schools, and Kendriya Vidyalaya schools. Please be looking for their advertisements and apply for the posts.

    3. You are also eligible to become a lecturer in private or government colleges. You have to apply for the NET examination that will be conducted by CBSE. Once you are qualified in this examination you can get lecturer post.

    4. While working as a teacher or lecturer you can apply for a doctorate degree and you can complete that also which will give you a better chance for your career growth.

    always confident

  • Yes, absolutely you are eligible to get a government job in the teaching line in school. You have already completed post graduation and completed B.ED course which is prerequisite for teaching as Post Graduate Teacher (PGT). With this qualification you can apply in government as well as private institutions for teaching as PGT teachers.

    As far as TET is concern, you can appear in TET exam. TET exam are conducted by CBSE is called as CTET and state level exam is STET. I will suggest you to appear in CTET instead of STET as CTET will be valid in all states. But CTET exam is conducted by CBSE and paper level is also tough hence side by side you can also appear in State TET. After qualifying CTET exam you will be eligible to apply for primary as well as Junior classes or uptp 10th Standard. Next CTET 2020 will be conducted in June or July month. Keep checking website of CTET for notification. You can apply for vacnacies in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Navodaya Vidyalaya, DSSSB, or other State level teaching exam. You have Master Degree with Biochemistry subject, hence you can apply as PGT Biology teacher and after qualifying CTET you can apply for TGT Science teacher.

    But as you are having a Post graduate Degree in Biochemistry, you can also take National Eligibility Exam (NET) conducted by CBSE or State Level Eligibility Exam (SLET) and can apply for job of lecturer in degree colleges and University.

    You can also join Ph.D. after qualifying NET or Research Eligibulity Test (RET) conducted by several University for admission in Ph.D. course and after completing Ph.D. you can join as Assistant professor in any degree college or University.

  • Since you have acquired the post graduate qualification in Biochemistry followed by the completion of your B.Ed and hence you are entitled to take classes in both private and government school as a PGT teacher.
    However, if you qualify TET in both oral and written tests, your chances of absorption in Central - schools, Navodaya Vidyalaya, government - schools etc will multiply. TET test consists of two sections such as CTET test and the other one is State TET. Both the examinations are conducted by CBSE but there is some variance in their pattern. TET test is treated as tough in respect of the difficulty level and hence you have to examine the question papers set for the last eight years for the clarity of your conception. Your basics should be clear in the papers for which you are to write in TET.
    With your qualification in Biochemistry, you will be given an assignment to teach Biology subject in both Class Ten and Class Twelve level.
    The other option is to prepare for NET so after the clearance of NET conducted by CBSE, you will be eligible for the post of Lecturership in the constituent college.

  • Yes you may apply for
    1-any TET examination (third grade teacher)
    2-second grade school teacher
    3-First grade school teacher

    If you wants to teach in teacher training college then you must do M.Ed. course
    For your kind information I want to tell you that UPSC orgainises CTET examination every year in the month of July and December. You can give this exam.

    After that you will have to apply for next step when DSSB will provide vacancies for third grade teacher

  • For more information read the rules and regulations of teacher recruitment.

  • As per your qualification you are well qualified and eligible to appear in TET exam. This is conducted by CBSE as CTET and every state also has its own state TET exam for the vacancies in state Govt schools. You can try in both or one of them depending upon your aspirations.

    CTET is generally conducted twice a year and you can avail the nearest opportunity in this regard. Successful applicants can get appointment in Kendriya Vidyalaya or Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya. You can go through the syllabus of the exam and prepare accordingly. It consists of two multiple choice question papers that is paper I and paper II. The first one is meant for primary stage (Class I to V) and second one is for elementary stage (Class VI to VIII). You can attempt both. Generally both the papers will be conducted on the same day.

    Knowledge is power.

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