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  • Query about AKTU guidelines about year back criteria

    Worried about wasting a year because of year back criteria? Looking out for detailed guidelines for this criteria for engineering? Here on this Ask Expert page you can check out the advice provided for all your queries.

    I missed my three exams in AKTU 1st semester.
    Now I am confused that it may waste my year.
    So I want to know what is year back criteria in AKTU engineering ?
    Will I be eligible to go to next year (second) if I cover my 1st semester paper in 2nd semester in carry over exam?
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • You can continue your studies and you will go to the 2nd year. You can write your backlogs and clear them at the earliest. For this, all you need is your hard work and focus. You should not waste your time on any unwanted issues. You should think about your studies. You have to plan your studies in such a way that you will clear all the subjects of the semester in which you are studying and you should clear all your backlogs before you come to the final year. It is not impossible. You can do it by making a road map in consultation with your seniors, classmates and teaching faculty.

    You can get your doubts cleared by consulting your faculty. You devote full time to your studies. This will help you in clearing all subjects and obtain your degree. If you finish this course within four years you will have more chances to get a job through campus recruitment.

    If one is not able to complete the subjects within these 4 years. He will be given another 3 years' chance to complete all the subjects and you will be declared passed once you complete all the subjects. Otherwise, they will tag you as Not Fir for any Professional course. (NFPC). Then you will not be allowed to do any professional course.

    always confident

  • Even if you have a backlog of two to three papers of the last semester, you will be promoted to next semester. You have to be a limitless bit cautious in clearing the backlog papers. In the next semester, you will have to gear up your preparation for the papers included in the semester 2 apart from all the back log papers of semester 1. This will produce severe strain on your mental health.
    The best way would be not to ignore the backlog papers and take help of senior colleagues or professors in the connected subject/ subjects and follow their advice. You may also take up the help of solved papers of such subjects written by the eminenent professors. Go through the contents of such papers and prepare for the next examination accordingly. Plan in such way that the backlog papers are revised regularly in order to avoid the last minute tension.
    By the time you enter upon the 7 th semester, you don't have the burden to clear the backlogs. Such an achievement will help you to get an assignment through the campus interview and that will be of course be the marvellous achievement.
    The maximum duration to clear the backlog is three years and if you fail to complete the same within this stipulated period, you will be tagged as Not Fit For Professional courses. It would be then your irreparable loss and later cannot be compensated.

  • You have missed your three exams in 1st semester, but don't get confused, because you will be promoted to 2nd year and you can write and clear all these backlogs of 1st semester. So, you will fill carry over form for 1st semester's backlogs in 3rd semester and give exams with your juniors.

    Universities gives 3 more years in addition to 4 years ofcourse duration . So in total you will have to complete your degree course in 7 years. If you will not complete your course and all backlogs in this time period, university will issue NFTE i.e. Not Fit for Technical Education) certificate, after that you will not able to take admission in any other professional course in any university.

    Similarly, AKTU will also give additional time period of 3 years for clearing of backlogs and completion of course. But try to complete all papers before 8 semester of 4th year. So that you will be able to appear in GATE exam also. You will be able to appear in the campus selection process and any good company may hire you.

    Now focus on your study and make proper study planning and do work hard. You will definitely get succeed.

    Good luck.

  • Many students are facing such problems of backlog or arrears in their engineering courses. To help them recover or clear these at a later time or next semester the scheme of backlog or arrears clearing is devised in which a maximum of additional 3 years are provided after the end of the main engineering period that is 4 or 4-1/2 years. It means practically a student can clear his exam in a maximum period of about 7 years.

    Now this is a facility given to the students not to leave the course in desperation and anyhow complete it. But this has a serious implication on ones career. First thing is all the campus recruitment companies will ignore such laggards while selecting for their positions. Second is one will be losing the valuable years of his life only in getting an engineering degree in 7 years rathe than the normal 4 years. By this time the others who have completed it in 4 years would have made good progress in their careers.

    Another problem with the arrears is that in the next semesters one has to work very hard not only to cover the current syllabus but also prepare for the arrear papers. This becomes very strenuous to cope up with such load. More arrears means it further accumulates and creates hindrances in the present studies. So, the better strategy is to complete the courses in the earliest semesters and avoid the arrears as far as possible. I agree that sometimes due to health reasons or other eventualities in life the backlog becomes inevitable but one should try to refrain from this evil as far as possible because the basic reason of doing a clean engineering degree in the minimum period is being defeated by going for the backlogs and arrears and struggling to clear the course in such a prolonged period of 7 years.

    Knowledge is power.

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