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  • What is procedure of mobile app creation

    Having programming knowledge and want to learn android app envelopment by self? Looking out for links for good websites providing free trial and templates? Scroll though this page where our experts shall suggest how to build a mobile app.

    I'm belong to Computer science engineering background, and i have basic knowledge of c/c++, JAVA/HTML pro programming as well sql and now I would like to do self learn android /iOS mobile app creation . Could someone please help me on this guidance ,
    Q1), link to learn and create new mobile app as a free trial process, any websites links to learn and create mobile app by self in free trade website links please.
    Q2), let me know is it possible to find any mobile app program template available. I want website link too.
    Q3), I would like to know , the procedure to include both language English and tamil in the app.
    Q4), as well I wanna to know how to upload records(data) inthe created my app.
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • For making a mobile application there are many platforms available. Most of them charge a fee but give a free 15 days or one months trial period also. So one can try them and see their effectiveness before subscribing them for a few months or as desired. These platforms are very versatile and with your knowledge of the computer languages it would be a very easy task to grab the technicalities there. Some of these are as follows -

    1. AppyPie - Here one can learn to make apps for Android and iOS both. They give 14 days trial. The platform is available in cloud based or premises based both the options.

    2. Bizness Apps - This is also for both android and iOS. It gives 30 days trial period.

    3. App Sheet - This is free for the beginners but with limited functionality. Works for both Android as well as iOS. The pro version is available for a payment.

    4. Zoho Creator - It is available in cloud based as well as premises based mode. Trial period is 15 days. Works for both Android as well as iOS.

    There are many others like, iBuildApp, Shoutem, Rollbar, JIRA, AppInstitute, GoodBarber, Caspio etc and one can try them.

    Knowledge is power.

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