We all know that drinking water is essential for healthy living and drinking pure and natural water is very important. Water helps in maintaining healthy skin, looks young, keeps every organ function properly, keeps us hydrated and energetic but also provides vital nutrients that our body requires for proper functioning. When we think about drinking water, the first thing that comes to our mind is the purity of the water as we all are aware of pollutions and water contaminants that water reservoirs have in them. We get normal water through taps in cities and through borewell, well, lake or river in villages. When we are not at home, we prefer buying bottled water called as mineral water or by any other names that the bottled water company advertise as but what is the guarantee that they are safe and rich in mineral than the tap water that we get free is a question. Many of us have filters, water purifiers, and even RO units in society to remove dirt and other impurities from water.
Mineral water: As the name suggests, mineral water contains natural minerals like including magnesium, calcium, bicarbonate, sodium, sulfate, chloride, and fluoride, when packed in factories, and as per the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the bottled mineral water should not have less the 250 ppm (parts per million) of total dissolved minerals naturally without adding it while bottling it and toxic substances like arsenic must be removed while processing. As mineral waters are packed directly from the source from where the water comes, the types and amounts of minerals may vary accordingly. Some of the benefits of mineral water are:
- It contains magnesium which helps in regulating blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and nerve function.
- Lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- It helps in promoting blood circulation and regulates heartbeat.
- It promotes bone strength as it contains calcium.
- It prevents constipation and improves the digestive system.
Tap water: Tap water at home is received through the underground pipe as per the Safe Drinking Water Act standards of the state or country. The water from a natural source is collected and treated in treatment plants to remove debris, unwanted residues by injecting chemicals. Tap water also contains minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium but as these are transported through pipes, there are chances or getting contaminated from other sources like leakage, pipe rust, etc.
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." — Morrie Schwartz