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  • What kinds of jobs are available in the railways?

    Planning to get a job in the railways? Are you looking forward for all the details including types of jobs, minimum qualification required, entrance exams to be given, minimum salary and benefits of such a job? Check out responses from experts here.

    What is the minimum qualification for getting a railway job? What kinds of jobs are available in the railways? Which entrance exams must be passed to get a job? If you get a job on the railways, what benefits do the railways offer to employees? What is the minimum salary?
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • Railways in India is a very big department and there are so many types of jobs available for the prospective candidates. There are two agencies which recruit the employees for the Railways. One is Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) while other is UPSC. RRB takes care of the staff commonly known as class III or IV positions. On the other hand UPSC conducts the examination for officers generally known as class I officers. Railways have their own nomenclature for different categories of employees from A to D. A is the highest grade officers while D is the lowest staff. Being a public sector it has good salary and other benefits or perks.
    The details of different services are as follows -

    Group A (Class I):
    1. Non-Technical - This contains IRTS: Traffic Service, IRPS: Personnel Service, IRAS: Accounts Service, RPF: Railway Protection Force and IRSE: Civil Engineers.
    Civil Services exam is conducted by UPSC.
    Eligibility is Bachelors degree.
    Age limit is 21 to 32 years.
    Salary Rs 80000+ perks per month.

    2. Technical - This contains IRSEE: Electrical Engineers, IRSME: Mechanical Engineers, IRSS: Stores Service and IRSSE: Signal Engineers.
    Indian Engineering Services (IES) exam is conducted by UPSC.
    Eligibility is Bachelor's degree in Engineering or MSc in Wireless Communication/ Electronics/ Radio Physics/ Radio Engineering.
    Age limit is 21 to 30 years.
    Salary Rs 80000+ perks per month.

    3. Medical - IRMS: Medical Service.
    Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) conducted by UPSC.
    Eligibility is MBBS qualified.
    Age limit is less than 32 years.
    Salary Rs 80000+ perks per month.

    Group B (Class II):
    These are not inducted from outside and taken departmentally.

    Group C (Class III):
    1. Ticket Collector - Written Exam on General Awareness, Arithmetic, Technical Ability, Reasoning, Aptitude, and General Intelligence followed by Psychological Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Examination.
    Exam conducted by RRB.
    Eligibility - Class 12 pass.
    Age limit is 18 to 29 years.
    Salary Rs 20200+ perks per month.

    2. Assistant Station Master (ASM) - Written Exam on General Awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence, General Science followed by Personal Interview.
    Eligibility is Graduate or equivalent from recognised university.
    Exam conducted by RRB.
    Age limit is 18-32 years.
    Salary Rs 20200+ perks per month.

    3. Assistant Locomotive Pilot (ALP) & Technician Grade 3 - Written Exam on General Awareness, Arithmetic, Technical Ability, Reasoning, Aptitude, General Intelligence, General Science and Technical Ability followed by Skill Test.
    Eligibility for ALP is - 10th pass/SSLC + ITI from certified Board and for Technician same as ALP + Apprentices or 12th with Physics, Math or Diploma in Engineering.
    Exam conducted by RRB.
    Age limit is 18-30 years.
    Salary Rs 19900+ perks per month.

    4. Goods Guard - Written Exam on General Awareness, Arithmetic, Technical Ability, Reasoning, Aptitude and General Intelligence followed by Psychological Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Examination.
    Exam conducted by RRB.
    Eligibility is Graduation Degree or Diploma in Rail Transport and Management.
    Age limit is 18-29 years.
    Salary Rs 20200 +perks per month.

    Group D:
    This contains posts like Trackman, Gateman, Helpers, Porter, etc. Computer based testing (CBT) Exam is conducted followed by Physical Efficiency Test (PET).
    Exam conducted by RRB.
    Eligibility is passing the 10th class or an Industrial Training Institute (ITI) certificate from either the National Council for Vocational Training or the State Council for Vocational Training.
    Age limit is 18 to 33 years
    Salary Rs 18000 per month.

    Knowledge is power.

  • These are jobs available.
    1. Gazetted
    (1) Railway Services Group A
    (2) Railway Services, Group B.
    2. Non-Gazetted
    (1) Railway Services, Group C
    (2) Railway Services, Group D
    (3) Workshop Staff ( Group C & D )

    Description of Posts
    Group A (Gaz.):- A Railway Service Post in Apex Scale (Rs.80000-fixed), HAG+ (Rs.75500-800000), HAG (Rs.67000-79000), GP Rs.10000, Rs.8900 and Rs.8700 in PB-4 (Rs.37400-67000) and GP Rs.7600, Rs.6600 and Rs.5400 in PB-3 (Rs.15600 – 39100) but excluding the posts in Gr B & C below.
    Group B (Gaz.):- A Railway Service Post carrying GP Rs.5400 and Rs.4800 in PB-2 (Rs.9300-34800) but excluding the posts in Gr C below.
    The post of Assistant Nursing Officers carrying Grade Pay Rs.5400, Principal/Head Master/Head Mistress (Secondary/High School & equivalent) (Basic Grade & Sr. Grade) carrying Grade Pay Rs.5400, Rs.6600 in Pay Band PB-3 (Rs.15600-39100) and Non-functional Grade of Group 'B' Gaz. Posts of various organized Railway services & RBSS/RBSSS carrying Grade Pay Rs.5400 in Pay Band PB-3 (Rs.15600-39100) will continue to be classified as Group 'B' (Gaz.)
    Group C:- A Railway Service Post carrying Grade Pay Rs.4600 and Rs.4200 in Pay Band PB-2 (Rs.9300-34800) Grade pay Rs.2800, Rs.2400, Rs.2000, Rs.1900 and Rs.1800 in Pay Band PB-1 (Rs.5200-20200).
    The post of S.O. (Acs)/Sr.SO (Acs), TIA/Sr.TIA and ISA/Sr.ISA (Merged grades) carrying Grade Pay Rs.4800 in Pay Band PB-2 (Rs.9300-34800), Nursing Sister carrying Grade Pay Rs.4800 in Pay Band PB-2 (Rs.9300-34800), Matron / Chief Matron (Merged Grade) carrying Grade Pay Rs.5400 in Pay Band PB-3 (Rs.15600-39100). Primary School Teacher/Trained Graduate Teacher / Post Graduate Teacher and equivalent (Basic / Senior / Selection Grade) carrying Grade Pay Rs.4800/5400/6600 in Pay Band PB-2/PB-3 (Rs.9300-34800/15600-39100) will continue to be classified as Group 'C'.
    Group D:- A Railway Service Post carrying Grade Pay Rs.1650, Rs.1600, Rs.1400, Rs.1300 in Pay Band 1S (Rs.4440-7440).

    always confident

  • We all know that the Indian Railways has always been the backbone of the Indian government as well as the Indian economy and considered as one of the largest employers with 1.4 million people as a workforce in the world. Indian Railways is the second-largest network operated in the world and the largest rail network in Asia as it connects all states with each other. It runs 12,617 trains connecting more than 7,172 stations and carries over 23 million passengers daily.

    Q1: What is the minimum qualification for getting a railway job?
    A: The services in the Indian railway are divided into two cadres which are technical and non-technical. The two cadres are again divided into four groups- A, B, C and D.
    - Group A: These are the official cadre posts wherein the exams for group A are conducted by Union Service Public Commission(UPSC) for a post like medical staff, engineering staff, etc. One has to have a bachelor's degree in Engineering, medical (MBBS) or any other relevant stream to apply for the said post through UPSC.
    - One can even apply directly after HSC or +2 science or PCM by taking the Special Class Railway Apprenticeship Examination (SCRA). The age limit for the said position is 32 years with some relaxation for OBC/SC/ST candidates.
    - Group B: Group B cannot be applied from external exams as it is reserved for promotion from Group C. After a good service period and track record in Group C, the person is promoted internally to Group B.
    - Group C: Group C is the subordinate staff positions like the supervisors, clerks, and skilled labor selected by conducting exams by the Railway Recruitment Control(RRC) Board. It requires graduation or equivalent for goods guard or Assistant Station Master, HSC (+2) or equivalent for ticket collector post and SSC or equivalent for the technician post. The age limit for Group C varies from 30-33 years with some relaxation for OBC/SC/ST candidates.
    i) Group D: The said group is for unskilled laborers selected by conducting exams by the Railway Recruitment Control(RRC) Board and the vacancies are advertised on the website of RRB and all the main national newspapers for posts like porters, gatemen, trackmen, etc along with the age limit and relaxation for the reserved category.

    Q2: What kinds of jobs are available in the railways?
    A: Some of the jobs available according to the group mentioned above are as follows:
    i) For Group A: There are two categories;
    - Engineering graduates - Executive Engineers, Assistant Executive Engineers, Junior Engineer, Superintendent Mechanical Engineers, Central Engineering Service, Indian Railway Service of Engineers, Sr. Section Engineer, Indian Railways Electrical engineer, Telecommunication Engineer, Indian Railways Traffic service, Senior P- way supervisor, Indian Ordnance Factories Service, Station Master, Station Controller, Assistant Station Master (ASM), Deputy General Manager, Additional General Manager, Database Administrator, Junior computer operator, Customer Relations Assistant, Chief Depot Material Superintendent, Depot Material Superintendent, Indian Railways Personnel service, Indian Railways store service, Assistant Executive, etc.
    - MBBS graduates - Medical Service after clearing Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) conducted by UPSC.
    - HSC or +2 science or PCM through Special Class Railway Apprenticeship Examination (SCRA) - Railway Information Department, Ticket Checker or Ticket Examiner or Ticket Collector, Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) Loco Pilot, Railway Driver, Railway Constable, Railway Clerk, etc.
    ii) For Group B: Reserved for promotion from Group B
    iii) For Group C: Assistant Station Master, ticket collector, technician, supervisors, clerks, and skilled labor.
    iv) For Group D: unskilled labors like flagman, porters, gatemen, trackmen, etc.

    Q3: Which entrance exams must be passed to get a job?
    A: The following are the exams that one can appear according to their education qualification, age, and percentage.
    - Indian Services Examination (IES) for BE or B.Tech graduates conducted by UPSC
    - Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) for medical graduates conducted by UPSC
    - Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
    - Special Class Railway Apprenticeship Examination (SCRA)
    - Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) ALP
    - Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) NTPC
    - Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) JE SSE
    - RRC Group D Exam

    Q4: What benefits do the railways offer to employees?
    A: There are many benefits which railway offers depending upon the Group and class to its employees and they are as follows:
    a) A stable and secure job.
    b) Provides free medical care in Railway hospitals to its employees and their family members.
    c) Provides free travel passes for the whole family once a year and for everyday travel.
    d) Provides seats to employees children in railway owned schools and colleges.
    e) Provides residential quarters to its employees and their family.
    f) It offers Sports Quota to gain entry into the Indian Railways.
    g) It offers subsidized meals and refreshments to its employees at any of the Railway canteens.
    h) It provides pension to its retired employees.

    Q5: What is the minimum salary?
    A: The salary structure may vary according to the Group and class they are working. The minimum salary package along with other perks like HRA, medical, transport, etc are as follows:
    - Group A Class 1 officer will have a salary range between Rs. 80,000 – 90,000 per month.
    - Group B Class will have a salary range between Rs. 50,000 – 60,000 per month.
    - Group C will have a salary range between Rs. 20,000 – 30,000 per month.
    - Group D will have a salary range between Rs. 10,000 – 18,000 per month.

    “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." — Morrie Schwartz

  • The Indian Railways is a world's largest company with largest number of employees in India:

    Railways offer career opportunities for everyone in many fields:

    1. Technical
    Junior Engineers, Section Engineers, Engineers (P/Way), Engineers (Civil), Engineers in various steam Mechanical, Instrumentation, Electrical, Electronics, ECE, Lineman, Gangman, Mason, Carpenter, Gatekeeper, Signal, Mechanics, Technical Associates, Loco Pilot, Assistant Loco Pilot and more

    2. Non-Technical
    Traffic Apprentice, Commercial Apprentice, Assistant Station Master, Guard, Goods Guard, Enquiry cum Reservation Clerk, Office Clerk, Accounts Clerk, Accounts Assistant, Clerk, Typist, Stenographer, Train Clerk, Ticket Collector, Statistical Clerk, Goods Clerk, Coaching Clerk, Ticker Collector, Commercial Clerk. Medical Practitioners, GDMO, Nursing Superintendent, Staff Nurse, Specialist, Super Specialists, various jobs related to IT, and more.

    3. Administrative Posts;
    General Manager Electrical, Jt. GM Mech., Addl. GM Mech., Technical Member, Vice-Chairman Judicial, Technical, Executive Director, GM Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, GM Traffic, Executive Director (Technical or Marketing), GGM (S&T), Director (Project & Planning), AGM, JGM, DGM, Sr. DGM in many fields and more.

    4. Security:
    Security Guard, Train Engineer (Cyber Security), Railway Protection Force Jobs and more

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