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  • Is there cure for Pemphigus foliaceus in homeopathy

    Is someone you know or you are suffering from Pemphigus foliaceus? Looking out for a homeopathy solution for curing this ailment? No worries, on this page our experts shall respond to your queries.

    I would like to know about the treatment for pemphigus foliaceus in homeopathy.I would also like to know details like: How much time it will take for treatment, the chances of recurrence etc. Kindly pls let me know this. I am asking this for a friend of mine who is diagnosed by this now. He is a 30 year old male.
  • Answers

    7 Answers found.
  • Pemphigus foliaceus is a kind of autoimmune disorder where antibodies attack the healthy cells and the bonds between the cells is completely broken down.
    First of all, the blisters may be seen on the face, chest, scalp etc and later there will be progression of the blisters on the feet, axilla, mouth etc.
    Homeopathic Treatment-
    Though there are several medicines which can act actively on this disorder of the immune system. Some of the medicines benificial for this disorder could be Natrum Mure, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Flouric Acid etc.
    However, the potency and the specific medicine can be selected after having the detailed feed- backs of the patients from an experienced Homoeopath. He would prescribe the exact medicine with the suitable potency such as 30 C, 200C etc once he examines the nature of the patients, his likings, dislikings and the extent of progression of the disease.
    The patients are advised to stick to the physician for a longer duration and they should have the absolute faith on the physician since tangible results can be seen after a couple of months.
    Some other tips -
    1) Include foods rich in fibres, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin c, folic acid etc.
    2) Take Calcium enriched diet. Hence you must take milk regularly apart from Calcium supplements as suggested by a physician.
    3) Include Wallnuts, Almonds, Pistachios etc so as strengthen your immune system.

  • It is an autoimmune blistering disease. Cornified skin of the face and upper torso, will get affected because of this problem. Many doctors treat this with systemic glucocorticosteroids with Immunosuppressive therapy. Some may treat without immunosuppressive therapy.

    Antibodies will attack the healthy cells and will break the bonds between the cells. The fluid will get collected between the layers of the skin. This will cause the formation of blisters and erosions on the skin.

    Homeopathic medicines are available for safe treatment of this. The homeopathic medicine should be selected based on the individual case. Treatment requires complete analysis. Hence medicines should be taken from a qualified homeopathy doctor after meeting him and giving the details to him as required.

    always confident

  • The treatment through Ayurveda and Homeopathic are based the route cause of diseases. They plan to give medicines to cure from the basic problem so, the treatment seems to be slow and the cure of setback is not result good immediately. If immediate relief required the allopathic treatment is good but the total cure cannot be expected. Since the Homeopathic and Ayurvedic treatments are historical the treatment of any diseases are possible and the names of diseases may be different according to each type of treatment. It is better to approach the right doctor of Ayurvedic or Homeopathic for your setback. In case of Ayurvedic treatment you can approach a good big hospitals in Kerala and Karnataka. In Karnataka I can recommend the Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatha Ayurveda Hospital, Kuthpadi, Udupi District. (Situated in the outskirt of Udupi - many autos available from Udupi Bus stand.)This hospital runs in a charity, charges are minimum and there are more than 600 doctors for many faculties.

  • Pemphigus is an autoimmune disorder of the body. It has many subtypes like Pemphigus vulgaris, Pemphigus foliates, Pemphigus vegetans and Paraneoplastic pemphigus. Out of these the first one Pemphigus vulgaris is most common while the last one that is Paraneoplastic pemphigus is the rare one.

    In this disease the antibodies break down the healthy bodies by their actions on them and the healthy cells become bond less and in that process the released liquids start collecting in shape of small blisters on the skin. These blisters and erosions generally form on the face and then spread to other parts of the body. These blisters are painful and sometimes liquid oozes from it. Old people are more prone to this. Weakness, fatigue and eye problems are associated with it.

    In homeopathy, the exact prescription of drug is based on many conditions and symptoms of the patient and same drug would not work for everyone. The doctor would go for all the details and then prescribe the drug for this ailment. Depending upon the acuteness or intensity of the ailment the dose and strength would be determined. These details are essential to work out to prescribe the exact drug in homeopathy and many times the experienced doctor would change them one by one to fine tune the treatment. Some of the homeopathic medicines selected by the doctor in such cases are Caltha palustris, Natrum Mure, Lycopodium, Cantharis, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Mancinella, Flouric Acid, Ranunculus sceleratus, Juglans cinerea, Rhus tox etc.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Pemphigus is an autoimmune?condition wherein blisters(bullae which are filled with watery fluid) are formed on the skin and mucous membranes that burst and form sore spots. It happens as the healthy cells are attacked by the antibodies which break down the bonds between the cells causing blisters. There are four types of pemphigus and they are:
    i) Pemphigus Vulgaris: These are the most common type and in this type, the blisters first appear in the mouth and the blisters do not itch. The blisters can even appear on the skin and genitals.
    ii) Pemphigus vegetans: In this type, the blisters appear on the groin, feet and armpit.
    iii) Pemphigus foliaceus: This is the least?severe type of pemphigus. In this type, the blisters cause itching without any pain and it appears on the face and scalp, on chest and back.
    iv) Paraneoplastic pemphigus: This is a rare type of pemphigus and occurs in people with complications of cancers. The blisters appear on the mouth, lips and on the skin causing lung problems.

    Commonly affected people of Pemphigus: Pemphigus most commonly occurs in older people i.e. between the age group of 50-60 years but it can affect both the sexes( gents and ladies) equally.

    Sign and symptoms of Pemphigus: Some of the Sign and symptoms of Pemphigus are-
    - Painful blisters appear on the mouth, esophagus, labia, vagina, cervix, penis, urethra, anus and skin area.
    - Fever, Muscles and joints pain.
    - Burning sensation of the skin.
    - Bleeding from the affected area.
    - crusting and peeling near the blisters.
    - Sensitivity to acidic foods.
    - Eye problems.

    Different diagnosis of pemphigus: After proper investigation of the patient through patient and family history, Skin biopsy, presence of anti-desmoglein?autoantibodies in blood, blister examination and direct immunofluorescence on the skin biopsy, helps to select the best diagnosis for pemphigus. Some of the diagnosis of pemphigus is Erythema?multiformis, Familial benign pemphigus, Eczema, Dermatitis and Scleroderma.

    Homeopathy treatment for pemphigus: The first step of treatment is to reduce the blister formation and promote healing of blisters by minimizing activities that cause physical injury to the skin and mucous membranes. These include avoiding spicy, acidic, and junk foods, sports or outdoor activities. As homeopathy has genuine medicines for treating Alopecia Areata or hair loss, the patient can be given the best medicine from Fluoric acid, pulsatilla, nat mur, phosphorus, lycopodium, staphysagria, kali phosa and psorinum after a detailed and complete case study.

    Patients having pemphigus should consume food rich in calcium atleast one time a day and include foods rich in fibers, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin c, folic acid, various nuts like walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts in their diet for better core strength and help recovery.

    “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." — Morrie Schwartz

  • Pemphigus is a major problem, but having patience and treating it will give proper results. It is a little difficult to find out about this disorder based on the blisters in it. Medical history has to be examined to find out this. Pemphigus is also detected by doing a skin biopsy, for this, a small sample of the skin in the biopsy is removed and sent to the lab for examination. Antibodies are detected through the blood test. The antibody responsible for pemphigus is desmogleins.

    Along with other treatments, you can also get rid of this problem quickly by changing your lifestyle and some home remedies:
    The most painful thing about this disease is wound so you take care of these wounds, do not touch them with your hands repeatedly, and keep bandages on them from time to time.
    Talcum powder or any other powder may be used. It will reduce itching in the wound on the skin and also provides relief from irritation.
    Do not eat too much oil and spicy food, it will increase the heat in your body and, it can cause a burning sensation in the mouth. Take special care of your oral health. Because the risk of infection from mouth ulcers increases significantly.
    Avoid sun rays as much as possible, sunlight can cause more damage to the skin, and more blisters may occur on the skin than before. Clean the blisters and wounds frequently with clean clothes and also take care that your skin does not get hurt.
    Awareness of its symptoms is your first treatment. So if you are experiencing symptoms, then you should not panic at all and start the remedy. Take medicines on time.

  • Pemphigus foliaceus is an autoimmune blistering disease which affects the cornified skin of the face and upper torso such as the presternal and interscapular regions. It causes blisters, cuts, and crusty spots on the skin. The
    Pemphigus foliaceus occurs when cells of the body's immune system produce autoantibodies which damage the adhesion points between skin cell. It has four types like Pemphigus vulgaris, Pemphigus foliates, Pemphigus vegetans and Paraneoplastic pemphigus.
    Homeopathy treatment - It can't be cured by treatment. But, some drugs like Natrum Mure, Lycopodium, Cantharis, Phosphorus etc are used in homeopathy.
    I think home remedies would give better result. You can apply cool herbal powder like nycil as it keeps skin cool. Moreover, don't eat spicy food, junk food and oily food because it may increase problem.
    Avoid sunlight. While going outside, cover your whole bod as sunlight may increase blister problem.

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