Pemphigus is an autoimmune?condition wherein blisters(bullae which are filled with watery fluid) are formed on the skin and mucous membranes that burst and form sore spots. It happens as the healthy cells are attacked by the antibodies which break down the bonds between the cells causing blisters. There are four types of pemphigus and they are:
i) Pemphigus Vulgaris: These are the most common type and in this type, the blisters first appear in the mouth and the blisters do not itch. The blisters can even appear on the skin and genitals.
ii) Pemphigus vegetans: In this type, the blisters appear on the groin, feet and armpit.
iii) Pemphigus foliaceus: This is the least?severe type of pemphigus. In this type, the blisters cause itching without any pain and it appears on the face and scalp, on chest and back.
iv) Paraneoplastic pemphigus: This is a rare type of pemphigus and occurs in people with complications of cancers. The blisters appear on the mouth, lips and on the skin causing lung problems.
Commonly affected people of Pemphigus: Pemphigus most commonly occurs in older people i.e. between the age group of 50-60 years but it can affect both the sexes( gents and ladies) equally.
Sign and symptoms of Pemphigus: Some of the Sign and symptoms of Pemphigus are-
- Painful blisters appear on the mouth, esophagus, labia, vagina, cervix, penis, urethra, anus and skin area.
- Fever, Muscles and joints pain.
- Burning sensation of the skin.
- Bleeding from the affected area.
- crusting and peeling near the blisters.
- Sensitivity to acidic foods.
- Eye problems.
Different diagnosis of pemphigus: After proper investigation of the patient through patient and family history, Skin biopsy, presence of anti-desmoglein?autoantibodies in blood, blister examination and direct immunofluorescence on the skin biopsy, helps to select the best diagnosis for pemphigus. Some of the diagnosis of pemphigus is Erythema?multiformis, Familial benign pemphigus, Eczema, Dermatitis and Scleroderma.
Homeopathy treatment for pemphigus: The first step of treatment is to reduce the blister formation and promote healing of blisters by minimizing activities that cause physical injury to the skin and mucous membranes. These include avoiding spicy, acidic, and junk foods, sports or outdoor activities. As homeopathy has genuine medicines for treating Alopecia Areata or hair loss, the patient can be given the best medicine from Fluoric acid, pulsatilla, nat mur, phosphorus, lycopodium, staphysagria, kali phosa and psorinum after a detailed and complete case study.
Patients having pemphigus should consume food rich in calcium atleast one time a day and include foods rich in fibers, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin c, folic acid, various nuts like walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts in their diet for better core strength and help recovery.
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." — Morrie Schwartz