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  • How to improve the low hemoglobin levels in girls?

    Have a query about low haemoglobin levels in females ? Searching for detailed information to increase the haemoglobin level? Find suggestions from experts on this page and decide which fruits and vegetables to consume.

    One of my friend is having low hemoglobin level. She is girl between 20-23 years of age. She gets tired quickly and falls sick often. According to the reports her hemoglobin is 6-7 gms. Please give your expert information on improving the hemoglobin levels.
    Which fruit or vegetable can improve her hemoglobin level?
    How many days will it take for such an improvement?
    Doctors already checked and prescribed medicine and asked her to curb tea, which is follwed by her.
  • Answers

    6 Answers found.
  • Homoglobine is a type of iron rich Protien available in our blood cells which is responsible for carrying out oxygen throughout the body. The normal content for for an adult lady/ girl above 16 years of age should be within the range of 12- 16 GM / dl, having a slightly below figure as compared to adult men for whom the ideal range is 14 - 18 GM / dl.
    The low level of Homoglonobile may be due to heavy flow of blood during menstruation period, pregnancy, piles, worms in the intenstine etc. In such cases, the underlined causes are to be sorted out so that the Aneamatic case be managed effectively.
    However, there are other points which should be taken into account for improving the Homoglobine -levels. You may try the following points -
    1) Include Iron - rich foods such as spinach, beetroots, apples, pomegranates, dates apricots, water- melons etc as your regular intakes in the breakfast.
    Even the non veg foods such as meat, sea - foods, red lean meats, whole eggs would help in raising the Homoglonobile- level.
    If you feel constipated, you may include half tea - spoon of Triphala powder to be taken half an hour after your dinner.
    2) Enhance your vitamin c level - This is essential so that iron - rich foods could have proper assimilation with the enrichment of vitamin - c. Such supplements enhances our immunity as well. The best source of vitamin - c are Lemons, Oranges, Grapefruits, Papaya, Gooseberry etc. The most convenient way of compensating vitamin - c is to take half tea spoon of Goosebery powder of any reputed Ayurvedic- Pharmaccetuals early in the morning in the empty - stomach. Apart from vitamin - c, it contains Calcium, Magnesium, Chromium and other valuable nutrients in the nourishment of the body.
    3) Increase Folic - acid Intake - Beetroot is highly recommended to enhance the blood - cells. Other sources for stepping up Folic - acid are peanuts, bananas, broccoli, dried beans etc.
    You may take folic - acid supplements as recommended by your physicians as well in case of acute conditions.
    4) Include either Apples or Pomegranates as supplements in your daily diet - plan.
    Apples are the ideal staple having all the essential nutrients to nourish the entire body and its regular consumption would enhance body metabolism apart from iron nourishment.
    Pomegranate contains sufficient amount of Calcium, Fibre, Protiens etc for the overhaul body nourishment.
    5) Include Nettle - tea as your morning and evening beverage-Two teaspoon of dried leaves of Nettle tea should be boiled in 200 ml of water and allow it to boil till its volume recedes to half. Filter it and allow it to cool so that you can consume the same comfortably. In order to get taste, you may add some amount of honey when it is moderately warm. Taking the same twice would improve your Homoglonobile level. Nette - tea is good source of iron and vitamin - c.
    6) Engage in some exercise - Without engaging in brisk walks for at least 45 minutes daily and other light exercises, you cannot strengthen your immunity system. Such exercises help in proper assimilation of iron.

  • Haemoglobin found in the blood of human and made up of Heam (an iron-rich pigment) and globin ( a type of protein). The level of haemoglobin in a female should be 12-16 gm/dl. But as you mention the level is 6-7 gm/dl which is very low. The following practice will certainly improve the level of haemoglobin:

    1. The juice of pomegranate will provide iron which makes haemoglobin. So, try to take juice twice a day.

    2. Carrot, spinach, cheeku, green vegetables, eggs, jaggery, etc are iron-rich food material. So, increase these things in diet to improve the level of haemoglobin.

    3. Boil the milk in iron Kadai or any iron pot for 10-15 minutes and drink this milk. It is the best way to improve haemoglobin level.

    4. The juice of beetroot will also help to increase the level of haemoglobin.

    I have provided some food items to increase the level of haemoglobin but 6-7 gm/dl is very low level. So, the tablet of iron is very necessary. I will suggest you to concern the physician regularly and follow his instruction.

    Honesty is the best policy.

  • The doctor has prescribed suitable medicines or supplements for deficiency. The girl has to follow the doctor's advice and take the medicines/supplements for the period and course as prescribed. After the prescribed period course, she may have to meet the doctor and if needed the doctor may either ask her to continue the supplements or may ask to take a test for hemoglobin again to know the Haemoglobin level. Accordingly, she will be given suitable advice.
    Generally, iron supplements may cause slight constipation. The doctor would have factored this and would have advised or given suitable supplements. The doctor would have factored this and would have advised or given suitable supplements.

    There are many foods that are rich in iron. Dark green leafy vegetables like Spinach are examples. The Indian traditional menu consists of these items in the daily food menu in some way. Sesame and various nuts, Jaggery et are also rich sources of iron. In Tamil Nadu traditionally growing girls are given sweets made with Jaggery and sesame, peanuts, etc. (Chikki-like sweets). That was the native wisdom in this regard.

    Consuming Maatalam (Pomegranate) either as frit or as juice can help increase blood content (Haemoglobin). Similarly, Carrot plus Beetroot juice also good for hemoglobin.

    It is better to use iron kadais and Tawas for sautéing and frying instead of the non-stick Tawas and Kadais. Cooking in such traditional iron vessels increases the iron content of the food cooked.

    Taking a15 ml mixture of Lohasavam and Draaksharishtam daily will improve the Haemoglobin level. This is used as 'Raktavardhak". It is suggested to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before taking such self-medication.

  • The following are the ways one can improve the hemoglobin content in the blood.
    1. Iron deficiency is the most common reason for low hemoglobin levels. The top iron-rich foods include green leafy vegetables. So one should eat green leafy vegetables for increasing the levels of iron.
    2. Foods rich in vitamin C are oranges, lemon, strawberries, papaya, bell peppers, broccoli, grapefruit, and tomatoes. Eat these foods daily so that vitamin C levels will increase. Iron and Vitamin C will help in increasing the blood cells.
    3. Folic acid is a B-complex vitamin. It is required to maintain hemoglobin levels in the blood. Leafy vegetables, sprouts, dried beans, wheat germ, peanuts, bananas, broccoli, and chicken liver are rich in Folic acid. The regular intake of these items is good.
    4. An apple every day will keep the hemoglobin in control.
    5. coffee, tea, cola drinks, wine, beer, etc are not good for anemic patients. They will not allow the iron to build in your body. So we should avoid these foods if we want to increase our RBC count.

    always confident

  • Haemoglobin is one of the vital constituents of the blood in the human body. It is basically a protein that is present in the red blood cells. Its purpose is to combine with the oxygen in the lungs of a person and then take it to the different parts of the body as oxygen is an important requirement of each and every cell in our body. The decrease of haemoglobin in the body is a sign of anaemia. Actually haemoglobin contains iron and iron deficiency is the cause of anaemia in the body. An anaemic person would feel tired and would feel fatigue time to time. There are some other symptoms also like pale skin, dizziness, headache and ringing in the ears. The lack of iron in the body leads to reduction in the manufacturing of red blood cells and lack of red blood cells is nothing but anaemia. In girls of this age sometimes anaemia is related to loss of more blood during menstruation.

    These girls are generally advised to take iron supplements or iron rich foods to compensate for the loss of iron every month especially when menstrual discharge is significant. Blood test is done time to time to see the improvement in the situation of an anaemic person. Doctors generally advise to consume the iron supplements in between the meals as that paves way for better absorption of iron by the body. The minimum recommended dietary iron for females is 15 to 18 grams per day above the age of 15 years. Vitamin-C is also very helpful in getting the iron absorbed by the body so fruits and other foods which are high in Vitamin-C are also advised. Regular tests would be mandatory to watch the patient as overdose of iron is also not desirable.

    Some of the foods having good iron contents are fish, poultry, lean meats, cereals, pasta, bread, apricots, prunes, raisins, green vegetables, brown rice, beans, peas etc. So increasing the consumption of these food items is advisable in such anaemic condition.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Haemoglobin (Hgb) contains iron and transports oxygen in the red blood cells in human body and to the rest of the body from the lungs. Its responsible for the metabolism in the human body. Production of blood is the basic requirement for the functioning of the human body. Blood transport nutrients and water via cell to cell. It helps in the exchange of gases. This is the reason due to which respiration happens. Inhalation and exhalation helps the body to get rid of a major amount of toxic carbon dioxide and only a small amount of carbon dioxide is stored in the lung tissue and a major amount of oxygen is inhaled.

    Fatigue, stress, tiredness, dizziness and other problems faced in a younger age should be taken into consideration.
    Lack of haemoglobin can be due to various reasons which are as follows-
    Inadequate diet plan. Indiscipline regarding eating food on time. Avoiding healthy food and having junk food with delight.
    Do- Eat green leafy vegetables and raw fruits and vegetables. Wash it with water before eating or cooking.

    2. Water
    Not drinking water frequently.

    Do- Drink atleast 5-7 glasses of water daily.
    Water helps in the transport of nutrients, metabolism and excretion of waste products.

    Vitamins should be taken in small amounts. It can be either taken in the form of fresh vegetables, fruits, dry fruits or vitamin tablets prescribed by physician or doctors consultation.

    4. Minerals
    Minerals should be taken in minor amount. It's essential for the human body.

    5. Blood enriching food items
    Green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli etc , carrot, tomatoes, meat, legumes, grains, oranges, lemons, papaya, grapefruits, bell peppers, kale, strawberries and many more.

    6. Diet plan
    Make one according to your flexibility or ask someone to make it for you. Consult a nutritionist. Appoint a nurse if you can't take care of your own self.

    7. Time management
    Time management is the most crucial step in maintaining life and health. Quality time must be devoted to lead a happy and a successful and also a stress-free happy go lucky life.

    8. Focus
    Be alert. Be dedicated towards your goal. Be yourself. Don't pressurise. Be easy on yourself at the same time be determined to improve your health and life to be stress free happy.

    9. Patience
    Patience is the key to success. Most of the time, people get panicked. They want quick results. Make a checklist and observe your progress manually.

    10. Prevention is better than cure
    The problem is 1% but due to panic, stress, and other types of reaction this 1% is elevated to 99%. The problem is not that big as we see it. We spend more time pondering over the problem instead of analysing, evaluating and finding solutions. Prevent the minor problems before there is no cure available when the problem becomes major. There is every escape get through from a minor issue.

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

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