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  • What are the effects of increased caffeine in the body?

    Are you looking out for information regarding the impact of caffeine on the body? Want to know how to deal with the side effects? Check out this page for tips and suggestions from experts and get answers for your question here.

    Most of us drink coffee or tea every day. Some people take these drinks multiple times in a day as an addiction or to keep them active. As these drinks have caffeine, I would like to know what happens when its content is increased in our body. What side effects does it bring and how to deal with it?
  • Answers

    6 Answers found.
  • Coffee is supposed to be a health drink as long as one is not consuming high quantities every day. Coffee and tea are the sources of this caffeine. Up to 4 cups, a day may not be bad to our body but more than that may have some side effects. The normal quantity of caffeine will boost your physical and mental strength at work.
    1. Caffeine makes us alert. But higher quantities this alertness will increase and make you anxious. It will cause nervousness to you. The anxiety induced due to Caffeine usage is known well all over the world.
    2. Caffeine will make you be alert. But over dosage will make you sleepless. It will more time to you get into sleep and the overall sleep time will decrease.
    3. Small quantities of Caffeine will improve gut motility. Higher quantities may result in loose motions.
    4. We may get Rhabdomyolysis if we consume more Caffeine. An intake of 250mg per day may be OK. But more than that is never advisable.
    5. People may get addicted to Caffeine if they consume more and they will become nervous if they don't get in time the required quantity.
    6. Blood Pressure may increase if you consume higher quantities of this item. But BP will become normal after some time.
    7. Heartbeat will be fast for the person who consumes higher quantities of Caffeine. But the effect will not be the same in all the persons and will vary from person to person.
    8. If we are accustomed to more intake of Caffeine, you will be very active when you consume this material. After some time you will feel the fatigue,
    9. If you consume more caffeine you may have to go to urinals many times and it will become very urgent sometimes.

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  • Caffeine is a stimulant and affects our body in many ways. Though the limited use of caffeine is supposed to be a healthy stimulant for the body but increased consumption can be harmful in many ways. Limited amount of caffeine intake is supposed to make a person alert and reduces the chances of getting ailments like Alzheimer's or/and Dementia. Many people are habituated to take a cup of coffee in the morning and one in the afternoon though there are many who take many cups in a day.

    A mug of coffee especially in coffee shops would give about 450 - 500 mg of caffeine to the person while a cup would be about 250 mg only. Many research scholars and clinics advise not to take caffeine more than 400 mg a day. Which means that many of us are easily and habitually crossing that threshold limit. It is evident that safe limit of consuming caffeine is only 3-4 cups a day.

    Those who take more amount of coffee can have acidity in the stomach and that could lead to heartburn and other discomfort. It can also increase the blood pressure and affect the working of heart especially in people having irregular heart rhythm. Such people should consult their doctors about the consumption of coffee. Pregnant women are also advised not to take too much caffeine during the pregnancy stage. It can easily reach the placenta harming the baby's system in many ways.

    Another thing is if the body becomes habitual of caffeine consumption then there are problems when we want to withdraw it due to medical reasons and a sudden withdrawal can bring many symptoms like irritability, anxiety, drowsiness, achy muscles, headache and even tremors.

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  • Coffee if taken within the permissible limit i.e. consuming twice not exceeding the quantity 150 ml per serving would offer you some amount of health benifits such as helping the people in fighting the cases of Dementia and nerve related disorders. It can enhance mental alertness and concentration. However, in such situations the intake of caffeine should not exceed 200 mg.
    Exceeding the consumption beyond the limit as stated above may cause the following side effects -
    1) Mood Swings and Irratibility - If the consumption of caffeine is exceeded to the level of 1000 mg per day, it may affect our central nervous system causing mood swings and Irratibility.
    2) Low Birth weight of the Baby - It has been proved by Research that the mothers in their advanced stage of pregnancy ie within 6 th to 9 th month taking 3 to 4 cup of coffee would affect the health of her infant in respect of the weight of the baby. The baby delivered may suffer from low weight as compared to mothers not addicted to such a high amount of intake.
    3) Rapid High Heart Rate - The normal rate of heart is within the range of 60 - 100 and this range should be maintained at any given time. This rhythm is affected due to excess coffees consumption say consumption level goes beyond 4 cup to 5 cup daily. Heart rate often goes high immediately after taking coffee but within an hour it recedes to the normal rhythm. Exceeding its consumption in an abnormal way will shift the heart rate on the higher side.
    4) Insomnia - Insomnia is associated with the excess alertness of the mind. Due to high consumption of coffee, excess stress hormone will be released affecting the normal sleep pattern.
    5) Stomach Disorder due to high acidity - Frequent indulgence with the coffee especially in the empty stomach will lead to excess segregation of acid making the stomach upset such as heart - burn due to acidity or in some case, there could be manifestation of diarrhoea.
    6) Affecting the Sugar Level - This is noticeable especially in case of diabetic patients where a high level of glucose could be seen due to high intake of caffeine. Hence diabetic patients should be careful regarding its excess consumption.
    7) Loosing Bladder Control - Excess consumption of coffee will invite the problem of less control of bladder with the feeling of sensation of going to bath - room to often for urinal.

  • Caffeine is a drug. This is a mild drug but if taken in extreme large doses can prove to be fatal to life. Cold drinks, soft drinks, tea , coffee and other drinks containing caffeine are regularly consumed daily.
    Some people take in caffeine to be awake. Some are of the believe that cold drinks and soft drinks make them more reenergised which is a myth. The effervescence produced when a bottle of cold drink is opened is due to the presence of carbon dioxide. Humans are advised to consume oxygen. Cold drinks is a carbonated drink with artificial flavours and sugar and other constituents in the composition. Cold drinks and soft drinks are categorised under junk and fast food.
    Tea is prepared using tea leaves which is collected in large backpacks from large tea fields. Tea shops are found mostly at every bus stops, highways , hotels , motels, restaurants and local areas. More than half the population love tea and they are addictive to it. They are of the believe that tea keeps them awake and makes their mind refreshed. Doctors advise especially people who have high blood pressure to stop drinking tea.
    Coffee is worst than tea as per my opinion. This is my personal experience with coffee-
    " I started drinking coffee during exam time to study and learn more. I thought I would be able to finish the syllabus in time if I sleep less.
    But, what actually happened. After, 1 hour I started filling sleepy and dizzy after drinking coffee. I failed to complete the syllabus. I quickly washed my face with mild cold water and then started studying."
    My personal experience with tea- " I certainly believe that tea works wonder in preventing you from falling sleepy. Having 2 cups of tea especially the black tea does the whole work".
    People suffering from any kind of disease, aliment or undergoing any medication must consult doctors and physician before consuming caffeinated products.

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  • Most of the people have the habit of drinking coffee or tea which is a stimulator and makes us alert to start the day. It is better to take a cup of coffee in the morning but continuing the same procedure between small intervals leads to health problems.
    1. It becomes an addiction without which you cannot continue your work. The body psychology pressurises you for it.
    2. You may have a headache without drinking coffee.
    3. If the coffee is not provided on time you get angry and irritated leading to increase in blood pressure for short periods. This could not be the same in non-habitual people.
    4. Some people tend to have body pains until they get that cup of coffee.
    5. They can even starve like skip breakfast or dinner but they cannot stay away from coffee. Skipping breakfast leads to obesity.
    6. People who request for coffee are more confused until and unless they get it. There work performance will reduce.
    Drink once in the morning but not throughout the day. After every half an hour of consuming coffeedrink water.

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  • Caffeine is most commonly found in coffee beans, tea, energy drinks, soft drinks, cocoa, and chocolate. The excessive intake of these things is dangerous as it increases the caffeine level in the body.

    How excessive caffeine intake affects the body?
    Caffeine has stimulant properties that increase blood pressure and heart rate. It is recognized as an addictive substance. When you consume moderate, this can help you keep more alert and less sleepy, in this case, you may experience few or negative side effects. If you consume an excessive amount of caffeine then this may lead to sleep deprivation. Too much caffeine may also lead to anxiety-related feelings like excessive nervousness, sweating, and tremors, etc.

    This is very dangerous during pregnancy period. High doses of caffeine may increase the rate of miscarriages, premature deliveries or low birth weights. In high doses, caffeine can affect fetal breathing and heart rate. If you have a habit of having coffee multiple times or you drink beverages having high caffeine then you should be alert if you are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. You should limit the caffeine intake to 200-300 mg per day if it is required.

    Many people experience caffeine jitters after consuming caffeine-based beverages. This is a physical sensation when you feel rush then a sudden crash of energy, it's too hard to concentrate at this time. Below are the few ways to get rid of jitters quickly.
    Water - Drinking water will decrease the effects of caffeine in relatively in short time.
    Excercise - This can help metabolize the caffeine and get all of that unwanted energy you have got bottled up.
    Sip on some herbal tea - Herbal helps in neutralize caffeine on the body.

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