Presently the smartphones are the boons for both the teachers and the students. Keeping smartphone in the pocket is no more regarded as a punishable offence if the learning procedure is carried on via this rout in the class rooms. The mobile app can help us in expanding our learning procedure, preparing lectures on different subjects, enhancing the learning capacity of the individual students.
With the inclusion of host of teaching software, teachers can demonstrate their skills in relation to attendance keeping, recording of behaviour of the individual and the progress of the students in the ongoing sessions.
Here we can employ a few apps to enhance the interactive learning among the aspirants-
1) Remind - This app is very popular among the teachers allowing them to have smooth communication with the parents and the students outside the class room. This can be used for the group chats, some urgent announcement and also to establish contacts with the students if the situation demands.
2) Pocket- This app is used by the teachers so as to make contact with both parents and the students outside the class room.
This app would allow group chats, modification of the earlier announcements, fresh announcements, establishing contacts with the students in case of emergency.
3) Class Dojo - This app enables the teacher to provide positive feed back of his students by giving suitable comments such as participating or working hard. With the use of this app, parents would be able to monitor the progress of their children. In turn, this app saves the expenditure relating to school newsletter which was to be circulated otherwise.
4) Slack - This platform provides the opportunity to students to learn the lessons even outside the class - rooms. This messaging tool would provide opportunities to both teachers and the students to remain in touch with each other even after the class hours. This is a very effective tool to remind the students of the previous notifications if served earlier.
5) Evernote- Evernote is note taking platform enabling the teachers to eliminate the printed lessons to be used outside the classroom. Parents can locate the completed assignments of their wards on this website. This platform has established transparency among the circles of students, teachers and parents highlighting its special charecterstiics.
6) Seesaw - This is basically an app designed for a student where parents can view the progress and achievements of their wards. The students would store their best performances in this app so that the parents could check the progress of their children.
This can also be utilised by the teachers to show the weakness and strength of a particular student before the the parent in the annual teachers- parents meeting.