What are the different types of phones and connections used to date?
Interested in knowing the evolution and current information about phones and connections? Want to know how to select the best one and having the best features? On this Ask Expert page you can read the answers for your query.
Many of us know about Landline and mobile phones but there are other types of telephones used by people but some are not known to many. I came to know about WLL (Wireless in Local Loop) telephone connections. I would like our experts to throw more light on the subject and tell us more about:
a) What are the different types of phones and connections used to date?
b) What is the difference between WLL and mobile phone connection?
c) How to select the best one suitable for our use?
d) What are the different features available on these phones?
e) What is the latest technology used in phones these days?
f) Any other additional details on the subject?
a) What are the different types of phones and connections used to date?
b) What is the difference between WLL and mobile phone connection?
c) How to select the best one suitable for our use?
d) What are the different features available on these phones?
e) What is the latest technology used in phones these days?
f) Any other additional details on the subject?