When we talk about stalking, it literally means following a person and having a close look at him/her. Stalking on social medial or what you call Cyberstalking is a way of using the Internet to keep a close watch on someone by using any electronic means like mobile or smartphone, laptop, desktop, tab, etc. Stalking can be with two motive, first, when you like or love a person and would like to know more about him/her. Secondly, it can be to harass, defame, or collect false allegations about that person. Normally, a stalker may be a known person, within your friend circle or it can even be a stranger.
Some of the ways to know if some is stalking you on WhatsApp are:
- You can view that person always with a green dot i.e. online 24x7.
- You get a "Hi" or any other message, the time you get online or is logged into WhatsApp.
- They will be the first to like, comment or view your status, uploads or wish you.
- You may receive a message from them about your status or upload.
- The message or post forwarded to them is viewed within seconds and you can know about it by the 2 blue tick.
Some of the ways to stop stalking are:
i) Hide your Last Seen: This is an important feature of WhatsApp as it helps us to know about when the other person was online. As it is good for people, it is also an advantage for the stalkers to know about your last login time. You can easily choose to close this and this will block others to know your last login status. As it blocks the stalkers, it will also close your way of knowing about others' last login timing. For activating this setting, You need to open your account option, choose the privacy option, choose the last seen option (Everyone, My Contacts, and Nobody). You have hidden your last seen option.
ii) Switch off Read Receipts or blue ticks: As it is a blessing to know that your message is read by the person you have sent, it is also an option for the stalker to know that you have read their message and help them to send more message. You can restrict it by disabling the option but be known that by disabling it, you too won't be able to know others' read receipts. For disabling this option, go to my account option, choose the privacy option, choose more options and in it toggle off the Read receipts option.
iii) Hide WhatsApp profile photo: Many of us update our profile pic but be sure that our profile pic cannot be saved by others but they can take a screenshot of the same. This feature will allow you to decide the people or friends who can view your profile picture on WhatsApp. This will help you to control the misuse or stalking of your Whatsapp account. In order to activate it, go to settings, select accounts, Go to the Privacy tab, Select Profile photo, choose from the 3 option (Everyone, My Contacts, and Nobody).
iv) Manage Group settings: Those who are being stalked may have noticed that they are being added to various groups without their consent or knowledge. You only realize when you start getting unwanted messages from the group. By activating this, you can easily control who can add you to a group. For this, go to setting, choose accounts, select piracy, see Groups option and choose from the three options, Everyone, My Contacts, and My Contacts Except some. In this way, admin of a group who can't add you will send you an invitation to join the group.
v) Block contacts: Many a time, a person stalking you will keep on sending messages on WhatsApp as to know your whereabouts. Some stop when they see that you are not responding but some keep on sending and it actually bothering. The best way to stop such annoying is by blocking that person. To block contacts, Go to Settings, select Account, click on Privacy, Choose block contact, and add that person to the list. When the person is not from your contact list, Open their chat, Click the 3 dots on the right-hand corner or more option, select the Block option.
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." — Morrie Schwartz