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  • Validity of suspended degrees

    Do you have a question regarding degrees suspended by supreme court? Looking out for answers to whether the degree is valid and can one take up a government job or opt for higher education? On this Ask Expert page find responses from experts.

    I have completed BTech mechanical engineering by lateral entry mode from JNRVU by distance mode from 2002-2007. Supreme court has suspended those degrees in 2017. Now my degree is eligible for higher education like MTech or not, if not from which period?
    This degree is eligible for govt job or not. If any body already doing govt job what is the latest position of supreme court judgement if already admitted to higher study like MTech, then it is valid or not? .
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • The SC suspended the Engineering degrees awarded from 2001-2005 for distance mode courses from thee universities of which one is JNRVU. The SC asked the students enrolled between 2001-2005 to get their degrees recognised by appearing for a new examination that is conducted under the auspices of AICTE. They may give two chances to each candidate and if they have not completed the examination your degree will be cancelled.
    But you have completed the course in 2002-07. So how that ruling will affect you I don't know.
    You will not have any problem with your degree and you can go for M Tech and also to government jobs.
    In case you have any doubt about it you can write to the following and get the correct update,

    1.The distance education wing of UGC
    Distance Education Bureau (DEB) Main Office
    University Grants Commission (UGC)
    Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi
    Pin:110 002

    2.AICTE-Western Regional Office,
    Industrial Assurance Bldg.,
    2nd floor, V.N. Road, Churchgate,
    Mumbai – 400 020

    You can give all the details correctly and get the clarification.

    always confident

  • In the Judgement by the Supreme Court dated 03.11.2017, all the Distance Education Degree for the students enrolled between 2001-2005 and for students enrolled thereafter, the degrees were considered as had suspended, illegal and invalid from the four universities, namely (1) JRN Rajasthan Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan, (2) Advanced Studies in Education, Rajasthan (IASE), (3) Allahabad Agricultural Institute (AAI) and (4) Vinayaka Mission's Research Foundation, Tamil Nadu, (VMRF). You can find the article from the link:

    But, there is also an update that the Supreme has recalled its earlier order suspending all the Engineering Degrees acquired in distance education mode until the declaration of the result and has also excluded the Diploma Holders from the AICTE Examination/revalidation process after receiving much application seeking clarification on the judgment. You can find the article from the link:

    You can also visit the link about the question raised by you on 09 Jun 2019 seeking clarification on suspended degrees of the deemed university from the link: Supreme court judgment of B.Tech distance education

    “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." — Morrie Schwartz

  • Earlier the B.Tech. degrees obtained by the students from some colleges/institutions were suspended and termed as illegal by supreme court especially for the 2001-2005 batches and as a special measure supreme court asked AICTE to hold an exam for them to test their performance and eligibility. These institutions were JRN Rajasthan Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan; Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE), Rajasthan; Allahabad Agricultural Institute (AAI); and Vinayaka Mission's Research Foundation, Tamil Nadu.

    Some engineers already in job having acquired those degrees from these institutions and some of their companions from other places lodged a petition against the decision of the court for sympathetic consideration of the court and same was heard by the supreme court in the year 2018 and supreme court heard the case at length and then gave its verdict and reiterated their earlier verdict that all the students who have been affected by this must clear a test by AICTE without which their eligibility for a job would not be existing. Supreme court also observed that UGC cannot make these institutions eligible as a one time measure from some retrospective date and held it wrong and illegal. The court also announced that the degrees obtained after 2001-2005 would also be illegal and suspended until unless these institutions get approval of UGC and AICTE. So, please check this point with your institution as you have done the course during 2002-2007 sessions, whether they had the approval for the years 2002-2007 or not.

    So, as on today there is no further relief and one has to approach AICTE for finding out if they are ready to hold another such exam for the remaining candidates so that the candidates get over this problem of illegal degree. Please do not be discouraged by the AICTE exam as it is meant mainly to find a via root for making these degrees legal without touching the status of the institutions from where they were obtained. Supreme court has given a via route to escape from the problem to help the students and one must avail that to take the advantage out of it.

    Knowledge is power.

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