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  • Is this Govt or Govt undertaking jobs joining in Air Force or Army Public schools etc.

    Have a query about admin positions in air force or army public schools? Want to know about the applicaitons process and its benefits? On this Ask Expert page check out answers to your query.

    I asked my friend who was once working as one of the Admin post in Army Public school and joined in a private firm later: why did you leave the Govt or Govt undertaking jobs etc. He simply replied that it is an Army Public school and associated with Army people and its premises but the one who working as teachers or any other post are not Govt. or its undertaking employees.

    Working in Air Force or Army Public school in any post will consider as Govt. jobs? Benefit? How to know about it before applying it?
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • These schools are established for imparting education to the children of the employees on the Indian Air force. These are chain schools and almost all the areas of air force we will see these schools. There are about 130 schools all over India. Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) will be managing these schools. Generally, they follow the CBSE pattern. The regional commands will be overseeing the function of these schools. The rules and regulations will be framed by AWES and this Society is established in the year 1983. The pay scales and employment conditions will be as per the decision of the Army Welfare Education Society and these may definitely be different from that of government school teachers' salaries. The army will not be paying the salaries to the teachers and the Society only will pay the salaries. So we can't say a post in this school is a government teacher post or a government undertaking school. It is like any private schools, But working conditions may be better here than in a private school.

    always confident

  • The Army public or the Air Force public are the public schools managed by a trust known as AWES also known as Armed Welfare Society. These scrolls have to follow the rules and regulations framed by this trust. The funds are generated by the tuition fee collected from the students apart from the regimental funds made to run the schools smoothly.
    Up till now, this trust contains 137 schools altogether providing quality education in the different subjects chosen by the pupils.
    This trust is very particular in the selection of teachers of the different subjects with the process of rigorous interview headed by the members of the selection committee and based upon the performance of the candidates, some candidates are screened out.
    The last round consists of offering such candidates a scope of teaching to the students in a particular class for the subject in which he has specialised. His final selection would be considered with the positive feed back of the students.
    They remain under the probation of a year and to make such teachers permanent, they would be interviewed every three years for three times so as to get the permanent post of the teacher.
    Their pay scale is not at par with the teachers of the central government but they are guided by the trust of AWES. Fee - structure of the students would vary depending upon the designation of their father. Higher the designation, more will be the fee. There is some quota for the children for the general public but for them, the fees have been fixed at some higher levels. These schools are popular because of their quality education.

  • Army Public Schools are established under Army Welfare Education Society founded in 1983. All these schools are basically for the wards of army personnels and some quota is there for outside students also. The teachers in these schools are not Govt servants. They are the employees of this society. This society tries to match the salary of the teachers to the central Govt pay scales but does not guarantee all the facilities that the central Govt employees get. Their fee structure is also different as per their fund raising concerns for expenditures. Though a larger part is taken care by the armed forces itself but to some extent they depend upon the fee collection also. The chairman of these schools is the army commander in that particular area. As on today there are 137 such Army Public Schools and 239 Army pre-primary schools in India. They follow CBSE pattern of education. The Apex Body controlling the AWES is the Board of Governors (BOG) with the Chief of Army Staff as the Patron-in-Chief and Army Commanders as Patrons and they make the policies and modifications in the rules and regulations of AWES.

    These schools give admission to army wards as first preference and accommodate them all which means that they have a no-denial policy in this matter. Presently there are about 2.4 lakhs students in these schools and an approximate number of 8500 teachers are there.

    Knowledge is power.

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