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  • Is honorarium, remuneration and reimbursement all applicable for IT Form 10B?

    Do you have a query while filling IT return form 10B? Want to know if honorarium can be excluded from the form? Here, on this aks Expert page you can scroll through the responses from experts for your query.

    For filing the return of income in Form 10B, are details of all these to be mentioned - honorarium, remuneration and reimbursement. Can honorarium be excluded?
  • Answers

    2 Answers found.
  • Form 10B is filed alongwith ITR 7 of a Trust or Charitable Institute. It is a kind of Audit report or technically considering the details sought an Audit Certificate.

    As you asked that Honorarium can be excluded or not. In my understanding honorarium is paid to an individual and not a registered Trust or Society. So if the same is paid to an individual then it will be a part of individuals income and not that of Trust.

    Now coming to reimbursement. Again if it pertains to Trust or Society then, reimbursement is a kind of paying back the expense that are actually incurred based on submission of actual bills. Form 10B pertains to income reporting of Trust and Society so the reimbursement part has nothing to do with here.

    Will need more details to clearly understand the issue.
    The amount of information provided in question only allowed me to provide the above suggestion.

    Live before you leave.

  • Form 10 B is one of the essential components to be filled up along with ITR7 of a trust or a charitable institute.This is nothing but the reflection of an audit report furnishing all the relevant details required to make it a relevant report in respect of Income - tax reporting.
    Now while you are getting an honorarium from some trust - charity or otherwise, this amount will be clubbed with your annual income earned from any other source from any institution or a company. Hence while calculating the income tax, the honorarium amount however small it may be is to be added with your income already earned from your main source.
    Trust or society if engaged for the reimbursement of any amount to the beneficiaries is not likely to get relief on that account from the Income Tax Authorities.

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