Exam question on different types of wiring systems
Unable to answer an exam question related to wiring systems? Let our experts help you to know how to answer the question in detail to get maximum marks for it.
Below is the question asked in the questionnaire on electrical engineering (Electrical Material and Wiring Practice in the 3rd semester) of the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) for the exam for winter 2019.
This question is asked for 6 marks and therefore requires some explanation. Please give me a detailed answer to this-
Q) Explain the following wiring systems:
(i) Concealed wiring
(ii) Metal conduit wiring.
[06 Marks]
This question is asked for 6 marks and therefore requires some explanation. Please give me a detailed answer to this-
Q) Explain the following wiring systems:
(i) Concealed wiring
(ii) Metal conduit wiring.
[06 Marks]