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  • Which software should be used to check plagiarism

    Interested in knwonign about a good plagiarism software? Searching for sites where copied contents can be checked? Find suggestions from epxerts here.

    I generally post educational material and write the articles on the different topics related to physics, chemistry and biology. It is possible to have duplicated content as a lot of educational materials are available on the internet and on different blogs and different sites.

    How to check that our contests are 100% unique? I generally use, which is a free site to check plagiarism. But couple of times it happened that some contents are found on other sites also.

    Respected members, can you suggest me some sites or software through which we can check the contents for copied materials?
  • Answers

    7 Answers found.
  • There are many Softwares available on the internet. There are some paid Softwares also.

    1.Plagiarism Checker X: This is very useful to Copywriters, editors, and publishers to check for plagiarism in their line of work, which is very prone to such issues.
    3 Plans of Plagiarism Checker X online software is available.
    The basic plan is free. 30searches can be done free per day.
    The second package costs us Rs,2855.- for a lifetime. The features include unlimited words, extended PDF support, URL/webpage scan, and cross-comparison.
    The last one is a business package. It costs Rs 10,503 for a lifetime. The features include are customization, extended support, and a multi-machine license. This will help in the following activities.
    1, Enhanced Capability
    2, Side by Side Comparison
    3, Online Plagiarism Detection
    4, Bulk Search
    5. Keyword Analyzer

    2. DrillBit Plagiarism Checker: This will support zip file for a fast check. It will also support different formats like PDF, doc, HTML, PPT, etc. It will provide source links for the plagiarized content. The starting price is Rs.5000/=

    You can try any of the two.

    always confident

  • When you write an article in your own style then it would be a unique one and you should not bother for it as it would show no plagiarism at all. The problem comes when either it is a copy and paste thing or line by line repetition except a few words here and there. Both are the cases of plagiarism. There are many softwares and sites available in the internet to check for the duplicate contents. Some of them are as under -

    1. Copyscape - This is a very simple site where you have to just enter your address of the content and it will fetch similar material from any place in the internet.
    2. Copywritely - This is a site where either you can paste your text or its link. The application would bring the copied or similar contents in your notice.
    3. Smallseotools - It has a plagiarism checker which works smoothly and brings copied and almost similar contests from the internet and presents to us.
    4. Duplichecker - In this site one can input the file or text or its link and the site would find out the duplicate if available in the net.
    5. Siteliner - In this, one has to enter the link address of the individual work and then see the duplicate contents if availably in the internet. The free version allows only for one transaction per month.
    6. Plagspotter - This works very fast and brings the result quickly in front of the user. One has to enter the html link in it to find out the

    Knowledge is power.

  • Synonyms of words are very useful to make your article or any post unique. To check whether your article or post is unique, you can check it using websites or softwares like smallseotools, searchenginereports, edubirdie, copyleaks, paperrater, quetext, prepostseo, plagiarismdetector, Plagscan, copyspace. Grammarly also allow users to check plagiarism of any article or essay.

  • There are plenty of plagiarism tools available at present but practically a limited number of plagiarism checker tools are good to be used.
    We can check the assignment of the students through Turnitin for plagiarism purpose and it is convenient to use the management system to award marks to the the students. However, there is the biggest disadvantage of this tool having the prohibitive cost and the same is used in the institutions. There are several alternatives in place of Turnitin as mentioned below -
    1) Grammarly
    2) Prowritingaid
    3) Plagiarism Checker
    4) Ithenticate
    5) Write Check.
    However, Grammarly is the most versatile tool for checking up of the answer - sheet of students with rapidity.
    In relation to checking of research papers, Write Check and plagiarism checker are ideal.
    In case, you are a SEO content writer, you may use Grammarly or Prowrtingaid. However, Grammarly is somewhat better than Prowrtingaid in terms of its convenient usage.

  • The following tools also are helpful in checking plagiarism
    1. Plagtracker_(
    2. Article Checker –(
    3. Plagiarism checker-(
    4. Plagiarisma- (
    5. Plagscanplagiarism check-(

  • Plagiarism means stealing contact from another person without the permission of its rightful owner.
    There are free tools to check a lot of Plagiarism on the Internet using which you can check the Plagiarism of your block contact,
    I am giving you a link to 2-3 tools from which you can copy and paste your contact and check Plagiarism.

    Small Seo Plagiarism Check
    Plagiarism detector
    Write Check.

    SmallSEOTools Plagiarism Checker

    When you do a Plagiarism checker search on Google, this is the first tool you get. This is a popular free copied content checking tool.

    In this you can check whether your content is copied by entering the content in the text box. You can check the content of maximum 1000 words at a time. Along with this, you can also check by uploading a Word document or a text document. It is very easy to use it.


    Copyscape is both a free and premium tool. If you want to enter a URL and check whether the content on that URL is copied or not, then you can check it for free.

    But if you have a piece of content or document and you want to check it, then you have to pay.

    Copyscape has long been a global standard for plagiarism checking.

    I hope I provided your information as per your requirement.

  • Plagiarism is considered theft and fraud of using others words or ideas purposefully or unknowingly as your own or not giving them the credit for their work. It can accidental, flagrant or self. Normally plagiarism is seen as only copy and pastes method but even rewording, reusing, patchwriting, paraphrasing, etc is also a type of plagiarism. There are thousands of writing or reports or research papers or articles or videos on a single topic but if you want to make your own, one need to add your creative ideas, originality, interpretation, examples, etc which makes it stand as a new and good source. Some of the software that helps to get updates on other similar contents or plagiarism are as follows:
    a) iThenticate - The software was launched in 2004 by iParadigms, LLC who's headquartered in Oakland, California. It helps in detection that include document vs document analysis, easy to use submission process, manuscript tracking systems (MTSs) and content management systems (CMSs) that are mostly used by researchers, professional writers and institutions.

    b) Turnitin - It was Founded in 1997 in Oakland, California. It checks unoriginal content by comparing with the submitted papers in their databases and other available databases. These are mostly used by universities, high schools and their students to checks their documents or reports that can fetch the source and eliminate duplicating or similarities in their report.

    c) Urkund - It is a fully automatic text recognition program that helps to detect and prevent plagiarism no matter in which language you are writing. It supports most of the file formate and provides the degree of the matches with the original or other documents.

    d) Copyleaks - It is powered by artificial intelligence and Machine Learning technology that can detect and compare text online which has similar, identical or patchwriting across online sources and various databases even from another language Upload in different file formats.

    e) Whitesmoke - It was incorporated in 2002 as an all-in-one English writing tool and also the top plagiarism checking software that scans online pages and resources. This is similar to Grammarly and integrates with Outlook, MS Word and the browser.

    Some more online plagiarism software is Duplichecker,, Quetext, SmallSEOTools, Viper, Plagium, Plagtracker, Plagiarisma, Unicheck, ProWritingAid, etc.

    “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." — Morrie Schwartz

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