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  • Different undergraduate courses

    Confused between the various courses in the computing domain? Looking out for major differences between BE, BTEch, BCA,BCS, BSc, BBA? Find responses from experts here.

    I have done my HSC in Science and am confused on the different courses available for IT besides BE. and, and would like to know the difference between the following courses available i.e
    BSC in Computer Science
    BBA in CA
    BSC in IT
  • Answers

    6 Answers found.
  • BE/ B Tech is a technical course and B.Sc is a pure science course. In B.Sc you will have three subjects and in that one will be computer Science and the other two can be Physics and Mathematics. There may be some other combinations. You can take the combination you like. In this course, the pure theory and science part will be taught. The application part will not be taught. This is a 3 years course only. These days many companies are recruiting B.Sc graduates also as software professionals. But the starting salary will be less than what they are offering for a B Tech/ BE candidate.

    BCA is also a three your course and in this, you will be introduced to some application part. But they will be treated on par with B Sc graduates only. To join into the course a candidate should pass intermediate with Maths, physics and chemistry. The admissions will be based on merit. But some colleges are conducting admissions based on the performance in the entrance test.

    BCS course is good to make a career in computers. It is also a three years course and equivalent to B.Sc Computers. The syllabus includes Electronic devices, Digital Electronics, Computer Programming Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Advanced Programming using Python, C++, Java, etc.

    BBA with CA is also a three-year degree course in Business Administration with computer applications as a subject. This is the course almost equivalent to B Sc computers. The admission will be based on either merit in intermediate or entrance test. This method differs from institute to institute.

    B Sc IT is also a three-year degree course and dealing with information technology. Many colleges are offering this course. It is also on par with B.Sc Computer Science. The admissions will be based on merit in some colleges and other colleges, it will be based on entrance test and differs from one institute to other.

    All these courses are on par and all are three years degree course. Job potential is the same for all the courses. If the institute is good, there are chances for campus recruitments also. But it all depends on your subject knowledge and the percentage you get. You can give preference to BCA or BCS and then B.Sc.

    always confident

  • After doing HSC in science, generally students get this situation as there are so many streams some alike and some different for making a career. But this is nothing unusual as we are getting more options and choices in our lives to undertake a course and then make a career in that. Before deciding what to select and what not, we have to do some introspection in the sense that we should also be aware as what is our take in that which means what is our interest and liking out of so many options available. It is a fact that people generally excel in the line of their interest or I will put it as in the line of their passion. Can you identify that? If yes, then your problem is solved instantaneously. If not then we have to assess how these courses compare with each other and what are their pros and cons.

    Today making a career is very different than what it used to be in earlier times. Today a science student can become a financial expert also. He or she can become a business manager also. If they have inclination, they can become good administrators also. Some people are going for innovative entrepreneurship and getting success in life through that route also. So there are plethora of options and thinking that one would stick to one's core subjects does not stand merit today until one has a strong inclination for it for doing a research or some sort of other academic achievement.

    So choosing an academic ladder today is decided by the ultimate career that one is seeking. For example if one has an interest and liking for teaching science then the simple path would be to go for B.Sc. and then M.Sc. and then qualify in NET (National Eligibility Test) and apply for lecturer ship. Alternatively one can do PhD also in which case thee is no need of NET and one can straight apply for that coveted position in colleges and universities. On the other hand if someone is interested to become a software professional then the obvious choice is to go for engineering degree in computer science and then further acquire some specific qualifications in the niche area and make a career. These niche areas could be advanced computer coding, AI (Artificial Intelligence), software development, network management, data base and cloud computing, digital marketing and many others. We have seen that many science students fare very well in the management and financial lines and for such students doing MBA is definitely a good option. Specialisation can be attained in the desired line like finance or HR or marketing etc. If one does not get admission in a good college or institution, then one need not be worried as that is not what makes a person knowledgeable. What matters is only hard work and skills attained by oneself through sustained and focussed efforts. Remember, there would be so many options for making a career but the one thing that is common and for that there is no substitute is hard work.

    There was a time when limited scope was there for learning as the boundaries were defined and people only remained within that periphery. Today there are so many new avenues opening up that even the old stalwarts in the industry are being forced to acquire those skills to survive in the industry and those who are continuously learning are only able to maintain their positions in the organisations. I would suggest you to go through some threads in this site in Ask Experts section where many new generation career paths are emerging and it makes sense to select one from them. One such recent discussion and question answer set performed by the experts in this site is here for your reference and then there are many others which can be searched in the data base of this site for getting meaningful information on career paths after doing HSC with science.

    Knowledge is power.

  • The universities have formulated many courses now a days to attract the best talents in such formulations. However, it would be always better to verify the credential of the university first in the sense that it is recognised in terms of UGC affiliation and the technical courses especially BE/ B.Tech covers the norm of AICTE. The best universities maintain quality of syllabus and their degrees are just like hot cakes for the employers. You are aware of the values of the degrees offered by IITs. Now let us understand some difference between the two courses -
    1) BE and B.Tech - Both are basically engineering degree course consisting of four years giving you inputs in different streams such as Mechanical, Chemical, Metallurgical, Civil, Computer Engineering etc and their course content and infrastructure are under the constant vigilance by All India Technical Education and since this is backed by AICTE, this assures a quality Enginnering Education. Some leading Institutions like IIT, BHU and some other engineering colleges impart the degrees of B.Tech but rest Engineering Colleges offer BE degree course.
    However, there exists a major difference between the two courses. B.Tech insists more on practical application while BE programme is directed more towards the theoritical approach. Otherwise in terms of value of qualification, it is all the same.
    2) BCA - It is a three year degree course after the higher secondary. It is denoted as Bachelor of Comuter Application and to get admission in the said course, the candidates must have secured at least 60 percent marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics apart from the entrance test in some universities. This course stresses on the application part of the different modules making the aspirants well versed in the different computer languages. This course has been structured in such a way where there is ample scope of application of logical thinking and problem solving capabilities.
    3) B.Sc in IT - This is also a three year degree course where the aspirants would take up the subject of Information Technology apart from two subjects Physics and Mathematics. They will go on intensive programme on web designing, development of software, data basic system etc. They can further take up the course of M.Sc in IT.
    4) B.Sc in Computer Science - It is a three year undergraduate programme dealing with modules like C++, Java, Data Base System etc so that the aspirants have sound perceptions in such domains. Further, they can take up the course of M.Sc in Computer Science for the enhanced scope.

  • As you have completed your HSC(+2) in Science stream, there are many other courses for you to join abut you mentioned that you are interested in a computer or IT domain and would like to clear your doubt about the difference between the following courses available i.e B. Sc in Computer Science, BCA and B. Sc (IT). I would like to provide my answer in points.

    1. Bachelor of Computer Science (B. CS) - It is the study of computer software, programmes, performance, design, computability, implementation and theory. They implement and design new software in the areas of networking, database, and human-computer-interface enabled Web. They find ways to computing problems like storing data or information in databases or over networks. Computer Science provides a complete foundation for its students to explore new technologies and new ideas.

    2. Bachelor of Information Technology (IT) - Information Technology (IT) course accentuate on the technology than on the information. It emphasizes on daily needs of business and other organizations that require safe and secure, maintained and upgraded, correct and appropriate programs for the company or organization. An IT professional is responsible for choosing correct hardware and software for the organization along with its purchase, installation, modifying, and maintaining of the program according to the requirement of the user in the organisation.

    3. Bachelor of Computer Engineering (B.E Computers/B.Tech Computers) - Bachelor of Computer engineering is mainly focussed on the design and hardware part or and embedded software of the computer system. The course pivot on the theories, principles, and practices of computer-based devices which includes a club of electrical engineering and mathematics that helps to solve designing and other hardware problems of computer.

    4. Bachelor of Computer Applications(B.C.A) - It is is a three-year undergraduate degree for students who have an interest in programming or software development. The course emphasis on software engineering, computer programming languages, database management systems, data structure, computer architecture and operating systems.

    5. Bachelor of Engineering(B.E)/Bachelor of Technology(B.Tech) - Both the course is a 4 years graduate-level program with a minor difference. Bachelor of Engineering(B.E) emphasis on theoretical knowledge which is required for a creative and new invention of gadgets or technology. Bachelor of Technology(B.Tech) emphasis on practical knowledge that is useful to polish their skills and interests. It helps to modify structures and bring in quality of a product or technology.

    6. Bachelor of Science(B. Sc) - It is normally a three-year undergraduate degree course which is a foundation for students who want to make their career in the science field. You have an option of completing it on a full-time or part-time mode. After HSC(+2) in the Science stream, you can either select any of the one B. Sc in Physics/Chemistry/Biology/ Mathematics/ IT/Computer Science, etc depending upon your taste and passion.

    7. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) - It is also a three-year undergraduate degree course for students interested in starting a business or makes an entry in the business world. The course covers subjects like accounting, marketing, operational management, economics, legal administration, supply chain management, and public relations that provides an overview of how to build a successful business.

    “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." — Morrie Schwartz

  • According to your interest and according to your stream, I am giving you information about the courses which will help you in making your future in your favorite area, as well as information about your asked courses.

    BSC Computer & IT

    BSc is a Computer Science Bachelor degree course. Its duration is 3 years. For admission in this course, the candidate should be 12th pass with PCM subject. Nowadays, Bsc Computer science course is conducted in many colleges. From where you can do this course. Its fees range from 60 thousand to 1 lakh per year. After completing this course, you can make a career in the field of Computer Science.

    After doing Bsc in Computer Science, you can work in IT, Telecommunication, Database Management, Web Designing, Software Designing, Multimedia, Embedded Systems, App Development, Gaming Industry, Hardware & Networking etc.

    There are good employment options in these areas. Therefore, the trend of students towards computer science is also increasing in the last few years. Here are some attractive career options after doing Bsc in Computer Science. Such as-

    Hardware Engineer- Hardware engineers have to perform tasks related to maintenance, installation, testing and research development related to computer hardware in any industry.

    Software Engineer- Software engineers are involved in designing and developing software, software processing, coding, programming, project management etc.

    Database Adminstrater- Database administrator's main job is to design, implement, repair and maintain the database.

    System Analyst- Their task is to do research related to the program and solve the problem related to the system. Along with this, there is also the work of coordination among the business development team.

    Networking Engineer- His main work is in designing, implementing and troubleshooting computer networks.


    For BCA course, you should have passed 12th standard from PCM subject with at least 50% marks. In some universities, the required qualification for BCA Course is 12th pass from any stream. Admission in government college is given only after qualifying the entrance exam. In some government colleges, admission is also available on the basis of marks obtained in 10 + 2. Direct admission is available in a private college or university.

    BCA course fees vary from institution to institution. The fees of this course can range from 30 thousand to 80 thousand per year.

    Some main institutes -
    Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
    Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Delhi
    Ruhelkhand University, Bareilly
    Lucknow University
    Allahabad University
    Makhanlal Chaturvedi University, Bhopal
    MS University, Vadodara
    Devi Ahilya University, Indore
    Xavier's Institute of Computer Applications, Ahmedabad
    National Institute of Management, Mumbai

    BBA -

    It is a bachelor's degree which is done after 12th. After doing this course, you can also do your own business and if you apply for a good job then you can also get a good job. In this course, you are given all the information about Business Management. This is a 3-year course. Which consists of 6 semesters. By doing this course, the communication skills of the students are better and they also have the qualities of entrepreneurship.
    You can also select some subjects to do BBA. With these Subject you can do BBA.

    Bachelor of Business Administration Marketing
    Bachelor of Business Administration Finance
    Bachelor of Business Administration International Business
    Bachelor of Business Administration Human Resource Management

    Next, some job profiles are mentioned in which you can do a job.

    Finance Manager
    Marketing manager
    Research analyst
    Financial analyst
    HR Manager
    Business Consultant

    Hope this answer works for you.
    Thank you

  • Many students today are struggling at this juncture that is after HSC as what to do next. It is definitely a challenging question. You have indicated some degrees like in computer science and also in commerce area. It means that you have some interest and inclination towards those streams. Now today there is unemployment everywhere and one cannot be sure to get a job by doing a particular stream only. So, in essence what matters is merit and score. Hence I would suggest you to choose an area where you have interest and liking so that your performance would also be better and then making a career would be an easier task then to qualify a degree with mediocre marks or grade.

    Computer science area is an evergreen one and it makes sense to acquire higher qualifications in that. Another interesting and important thing is that after acquiring a degree one can go for some specific course which gives edge in some particular line. For example many people are pursuing Python language as many organisations are preferring a professional having a good grip on this emerging programming language. Likewise cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence are two areas which are also in limelight. Keeping these aspects in mind, I would suggest you to try your luck in computer science area.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

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