What is the difference in working in a profit-based private company and a non-profit-based NGO?
Check this ISC page to know about the difference between profit based private companies and and non profit based NGOs with reference to their work.
Is there any difference in working in profit-based organization to that in the nonprofit based organization in terms of work culture, threats to employees or members, job security, work pressure, and even work-life balance? Recently I visited one NGO and they told me to work in excel as an analyst or work in the MIS report because I am an engineering graduate. I got fired from 2 private companies in manufacturing sectors and got rejected in many interviews. I got a very good treatment in NGO trust which I have visited and the NGO chief accepted all my fault especially in facing rejections and told me that there is no tension in it as in life we have to face many rejections. Many private companies don't want to waste time on employees who have a fault.