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  • Can I use special characters in my YouTube channel name?

    Looking for the guidance for YouTube Channel's name? Know the rules you should follow to select an attractive name for YouTube Channel.

    I am planning to start my own YouTube Channel. In my preferences list, I have few names with apostrophes like Child's Preference, Mom's day out.
    Are we allowed to use apostrophe (') in YouTube Channel's name?

    What are all the other special characters can be used, what are all the characters should be avoided? Any word limit or Character limit in giving YouTube Channel name?
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • What I understand that YouTube is highly moderated and governed by set rules and they would not agree to the names already existing across the Internet and they would never allow such characters name which may have the risk of legal hurdles in future. Better to have simple name which was not used earlier and the character name should connect with the content of the videos. Even the video just churned out should not have the character assassination of other characters, and that should covey the right meaning and match to the title of the video. My best wishes for your new YouTube Channel.

    K Mohan
    'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
    Even this challenging situation would ease

  • There are no such restrictions. But it is always better to avoid numbers and special characters. They may be not search-friendly. The following are some tips for naming the youtube channel.
    1. Avoid Using Numbers or special characters.
    2. Before finalising the name you see whether any account of that name is there on Social media like Facebook. Select a name which is not there on social media also so that you can have your account there are also with the same name.
    3, Please see that the name will be as simple as possible The name should be easy to pronounce and spell. You can use a phrase with 2 or 3 words
    4. You can try checking in the Shopify Business Name Generator. Open the site and enter the term you want to include and this tool will give you many options including the term you mentioned. is the site you can use for this.

    always confident

  • Please keep the following points in your mind to provide your channel as a special charecter so as to attract the viewers-
    1) The name of your channel is an important issue and so you should spend enough time to find an appealing one.
    2) Avoid the very long name. There is every chance that the viewers may not remember the same exactly resulting in presence of less viewers for your you tube channel.
    3) Ensure that the name chosen by you is not appearing in other you tube channel.
    4) The emotions must fit to your channel. If it is a gaming channel, provide a special sound to it matching your game and if it is fun one, it should have the sound of the similar charecterstics.
    5) Don't be oversensitive with respect to its name. Pay attention to its content. Hence an awful channel containing great content will have the chance to succeed ultimately.

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