You have mentioned that there is only one electrical point outside the house but have not mentioned what is the current rating of the point, that means how much current the point can deliver to the load. I am sure the switch for that point is fitted inside a switchboard where multiple switches and sockets are also there for other points inside the room and either connected to a fuse or MCB which trips if there is overload. Normally, the switchboards inside our rooms can deliver up to 10 Ampere current and is sufficient for a good number of lights and fans but they are not suitable for heavy loads like refrigerator or AC for which a separate point with heavy load capacity is required. Now, let's come to the calculation of current supplied to the loads. I am not complicating this by adding power factor (cos phi) in the formula and making a simple calculation. We will use the formula W=V * I, where W(Watt)=Power, V(Volt)= Line Voltage across the load which is 230V in India and I(Ampere)= Current consumed by the load.
For one 20Watt LED baton, the consumed current is 20/230 = 0.09A, for a 70Watt ceiling fan the consumed current is 70/230 = 0.3 A. For example if there are 10 such LED batons/bulbs of 20W each, the total consumption is 0.9A and if there are 2 ceiling fans of 70W each, the total consumption of current will be 0.6A. By adding these two: 0.9A+0.6A = 1.5 A. So out of 10A, you are using only 1.5A inside that room. Generally, we do not connect a load of more than 100W in a point and if the load is 100W then the current consumption of the load is 100/230 = 0.43A. So, in your case, if the total number of lights connected to that point which is outside of your house is within 100W, you can safely connect them without worrying. Nowadays, we use LEDs and they consume very less power. A 10W LED lamp provides enough light and in that particular point, you can connect 10 LED lamps in parallel. Do not make the connection series since it will deliver less current to the lamps and will glow dimly.
One precaution, if the wire of that point outside is lying naked for a long time check the condition of the wire and if there are leakages you need to replace the wire. The connection is shown with the help of a diagram.
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