The row houses are the separate houses and each house is owned by the different members. These houses would need cleaning, proper availability of water supply, cleaning of bath - rooms, to ensure that flushing of the cistern are in order in the toilet, toilet cleaning, civil maintenance, roof leakage etc form the basic parts to be monitored closely so that these row houses are well maintained in respect of basic facilities for such houses.
Though the members are the independent owners of their row houses, they would have to form a society consisting of members of each row and the members elected after the voting formalities would take up different responsibilities for smooth maintenance of these row houses.
From the residents of such houses, secretary, treasurer, auditors and other responsible officials would be chosen to look after the various affairs for better up keep and cleaning of the row houses.The owner would also take part in all such affairs since he would remain actively involved for undertaking various jobs required to keep the area in cleaned condition and there is provision of electricity, park, parking areas for the cars of the residing members and would also provide space for cars visiting the houses of the members.
Elected members would raise funds for the accomplishments of the following jobs -
1) Emergency Fund - This fund will be developed to take care of any eventuality such as demolishing of any part of row house and its subsequent repair.
2) Maintenance Fund - This will include the expenses required for the payments of security guards, plumbers, electricians, cost arising due to electrical and mechanical maintenance undertaken in the row houses.
3) Common Room and Park related funds - Common Room will be the area where the members and their families may assemble together to enjoy reading of Newspapers, Magazines and there will be also a library having different books such as novels, story- books or any other informative books to be issued to the different members. Addition of books in the library would involve additional cost.
4) Collection of funds for visiting doctors and health staff - This fund would be utilised for the medical checkup of the members and their families.
5) There will be monthly meeting of the members to discuss any important issue relating to improvement of the existing facility, if they feel.
6) There will be an annual general meeting where the different agendas will be discussed relating to better infrastructure.