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  • Regarding my phone's memory and software updation problem

    Facing an issue with software updation on mobile ? Searching for help online? No worries, our experts shall provide your with advice to reoslve the issue and start using your phone.

    For the last few months I have been getting memory problem onto my Android phone. It is Galaxy J2, Model number is SM-J200G and Android version is 5.1.1

    (1) Whenever I enter Google Play Store for updation of any application, it shows "not enough memory space; please free up some storage space". Since after I have zipped some applications and kept them within zipped folder. But still I have been getting the same memory problem.

    (2) I have SD Card within my phone. My two applications are running from SD Card. But in spite of this SD Card has still abundant spaces to run other applications also from here. For this I do the following :
    I follow => Settings-> Applications -> then I choose the required application to move it to the SD Card. The popup shows a button over which it is written "MOVE TO SD CARD". But this button's status is inactive, i.e., when I press it, it does not work. That means, sending the application to the SD Card does never occurs.

    Thus I have been suffering from the same memory problem.

    (3) Regarding my phone's software updation – previously software updation happened automatically. I never tried for this. But for the last many months, I see to my astonishment that software never gets updated, as it was done before automatically. Though I have set particular time for software updation and kept the "Automatic Software Updation" option on. Still my phone software never gets updated.
    As a result my phone has been much slower than before in every operation.

    What are the solutions for the above-mentioned problems?
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • Memory issue is now a very common phenomenon in smart phones and for the same reason most phones now come with minimum of 32GB inbuilt memory. although out of this only 25 to 26GB is usable. Now a days with Whatsapp, Facebook, and other applications installed on smartphone the data consumptions and storage is huge as lot of multimedia files are shared and stored in one's mobile.

    In your case, Samsung Galaxy J2 has only 8GB internal memory out of which hardly 5 to 6GB is usable. As you mentioned that you have an external memory card installed but you cannot move all the applications there as many applications are factory installed on mobile and they contain mobile software and hence cannot be moved to any external memory card. Also many applications installed from Google Playstore also require installtion in Internal memeory and not on any external memory card.

    You update regarding software installion is failing again and again because the software first needs to be downloaded in the internal memory of phone and then install from there. As there is not much memory left you are unable to download the update. You have zipped many files but still the memory saving is not enough to release internal storage for software upgrade.

    You can do the following to free your mobile internal storage:

    1. Uninstall unused or unnecessary apps.
    2. Delete multimedia files which we usually get through Whatsapp, Facebook, Telegram or other social media apps as forwards.
    3. If you do not want to delete the data then take a backup of all your documents and multimedia files in a computer. You can take help from anyone known to you whom you can trust with your data.
    4. Also you can go to files/folder manager/whatspp/database and delete all the database files except the last one. Whatsapp creates a backup of all the data almost daily and consumes a lot of your internal storage.
    5. You can also cut and paste all the multimedia files from internal storage to the external memory card, this will also release a good amount of space.
    6. Opt for cloud storage and store your documents online with Goolge Drive or other cloud storage service.

    The only solution is to release the internal storage space and thereby not only you will get the software updation but also the mobile will become faster and smoother.

    Although, the above solution will resolve the issues for a short time and you will also get the software update but, after a few weeks or month same problem may again occur when the internal memory will again runs out.

    Last option which can be an expensive one i.e. to get a new smartphone if, you are thinking of upgarding your smartphone. If you wish to upgarde to new smartphone then go for smartphone with minimum 64GB inbuilt internal storage out of which 50-52 GB will be available for use/storage. Avoid using external storage tehy soemtimes get corrupted and we lose a lot of data (my own personal experience)

    If you opt for smartphone with minimum of 64GB inbuilt memory, then you can be atleast be free from headache of memory shortage for at least 2 years or so. Running out of memory is now a very common problem as the apps now consume and store a lot of data on your smartphone and also multimedia file sharing have become so common that avoiding them has become unavoidable. You cannot always choose to delete each and every file individually. It is time consuming and tiring.

    Live before you leave.

  • I had Samsung J7 phone and experienced same problem and I discussed it with some people and finally what I did was as my SD card was full, I bought a new SD card with 16GB storage and then moved all the important data from phone memory to it and then deleted the unwanted apps and files from the phone main memory. After this I ran the device cleaner which comes with the phone itself when you buy it. After taking these measures, phone started to work properly and new apps were easily installed.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • Phone memory management is a big issue and that is the reason why companies are coming up with high storage memories of the order of 256 GB which is much bigger from the humble 1 GB that used to be there in earlier times even only in the good models of those times. There are some ways in which one can manage the memory efficiently. Let us go through them.

    1. In settings of WhatsApp or any other social media platform, one should disable the automatic download option as so many big video files are coming in them continuously and that would soon clutter the phone.

    2. Please install a bigger SD card as much bigger as possible as per the admissibility in your phone model and store all your data and files in it by moving them from device storage to SD card. Use the file manager to do it and it takes a little time only to do so.

    3. Make a habit of deleting unwanted apps and files from the device time to time.

    4. Avoid playing games on the mobile. It would unnecessarily load it as it eats away a good part of memory. Best way to play a game and experience its thrill in a better way is to play it in a laptop.

    5. Run an anti-virus software and cleaning app time to time to check the health of the memory in the device.

    6. Those who have free or paid cloud storage services, they can very well store all their files there and keep the phone completely free and that would increase its working speed and efficiency considerably.

    7. Keep your device fully charged and connect it to the charger as soon as it goes below around 10% and remove it from charging as soon as it goes above 95% while charging. This would keep the battery healthy and device would work efficiently. It would help in efficient memory transactions and reduce the memory hysteresis.

    Knowledge is power.

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