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  • HP Pavilion G6 Screen not turning on.

    Facing trouble with HP Pavilion G6 Screen? Know whether it is hardware issue or software issue, and how to resolve this problem.

    I have an old HP Pavilion G6 laptop which I tried to turn on but the screen was pitch black but, I can hear the sound of hard drive. So, the laptop was turning on but the screen seems dead.

    This problem I had faced once in the past and I went to the repair shop and he repaired it and returned the laptop and gave me 6 montn warranty. The same issue cropped up again within 5 months and I again went to the shop. The repair guy again repaired it, but never told me the exact issue with the screen.

    Now, I have brought another laptop but, I needed the old one for some data transfer but when I tried to switch it on the screen remained black with nothing displayed.

    What can be the issue? Is there some hardware issue or software issue, how to get it repaired as the service centre guys are not transparent and want the customer to visit again and again with no proper solution.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • When the screen of the laptop is not turning on then there are some basic things that can be checked before we call or give it to a professional to fix it. Some of these are -

    1. Just listen for the fan sound when you are turning on the laptop. If it is there then one can reasonably assume that power from the battery is going to the laptop.

    2. If you have some technical hand, try to remove the CMOS battery for a few minutes and again put it back.

    3. Removing the Ram and reseating it might help sometimes.

    4. HP Pavillion G6 is having an AMD graphic card which generally do not go bad and might not need reflowing (reflowing is required in modern graphic cards when due to heat and cool cycles the bottom solders of the graphic cards become damaged and misbehave), still the graphic card could be the culprit.

    5. Can you use an external monitor to find out if the fault is with backlight or something else.

    6. There are two slots for RAM, try to change and fix RAM to other.

    The above are some basic measures that people having a little technical knowhow can attempt. Of course if you are able to handle the opening of the device you can as well check for some broken wires or burnt part or any thing of that nature which can help in troubleshooting.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Its a clear issue if RAM .Try to change Your RAM With A Genuine RAM and Please Do Check the ram slot is not filled with dust .if it is then clear it with the soft brush .

    Another in All the g6 series have the same problem both AMD and the INTEL socket type.the problem is caused with overheating..i don't know why hp don't make a fix for this problem.the fix should reduce the processor voltage by 0.5v and turn up the fan RPM..Anyway the problem can only be solved by changing the motherboard because its the video chip damage.

    For Transferring the data for Urgent Basic .

    Open your back of your Laptop .
    Remove your HDD.
    Buy a HDD External Case

    And use your HDD as Pen Drive . Take All Of your BACKUP .


    Delete Attachment

  • Here are the troubleshooting steps:
    1. Connect the charger/ AC adapter and switch it on.
    2. You can change the charger and check to verify whether the fault is with the charger.
    3. Remove the battery and directly connect the charger to the plug point to know if the battery is defective.
    4. Hold the power button for about 30 seconds and see for any differences. (check for any blinking light or fan sound)
    5. If all the above steps did not work, assume that the problem was caused by hardware inside.
    6. If you are familiar with internal parts, try to remove RAM. You can change the slots and check or go for a new RAM.
    7. Replace the hard disk with a new one or a good working one and try.
    8. If you see the power button light is blinking but only the display remains blank, change the display.
    9. If nothing works in your favor, visit a technical guy.
    10. If you require only data from the old laptop, you can remove its hard disk and connect it to some other PC using a SATA cable and copy the things.

    "Imagination has no boundaries"

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