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  • How can I use my both government jobs

    Want to know how to make the best of two government jobs? Interested in knowing how to put in the resignation and transfer bank account to the new job? On this page our experts shall respond to all your queries.

    I have selected in railway assistant loco pilot job grade pay 1900 but my joining date has not been confirmed yet. On the other hand now I have been selected in UP police constable job grade pay 2000 and joining date is 6 oct. But I want to become an assistant loco pilot.
    My question is
    (1) can I resign my constable job in my training period for a lower grade pay job of central government.
    (2) is this possible..
    (3) if I got resignation then how can I transfer my NPS account for railway.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • You can join the post of constable on 6th October and find out the terms of the joining as you would be asked to fill some papers at the time of joining and there the main points would be mentioned. You also find out that if you resign during the training period then how much time notice you have to give (generally it is 1 month) otherwise they might claim salary for that period if you just resign on a fine day without any advance notice. Accordingly you have to plan your resignation there and then join the other job in Railway. We do not know how much time the Railway would take in giving you a confirmed date for joining there. In case it is delayed and your training period is over in the police department then you will have to find the terms and conditions of resignation of the regular constable post (generally it is 3 months notice period or salary in lieu of) as that could be different from the training period rules. As regards your issue of NPS, I do not think that there is any issue as you can continue the same account and deposit the premium in the NPS account timely.

    Knowledge is power.

  • The terms and conditions of your trainee constable appointment are to be studied. In some states, while joining a trainee constable has to submit a bond and the condition in the bond are applicable if you leave the training before completion. Generally, if you are going to another government job, they may not ask you to pay the money but some states you have to pay back the money they spent on your training with interest and that amount will be mentioned in the bond.
    There will not be any problem to resign to go from one job to another job but the conditions of your appoint me are to be fulfilled.
    Once your resignation is accepted there will not be any problem with your NPS. You can continue with the same account in the new job also.

    always confident

  • You have been selected simultaneously for the two jobs and the one being the police cons table for which date of joining has been confirmed being the same as 6 th October but for the the second one assistant loco pilot the date of joining has not been released from their end.
    In such a situation, you can join as the Police Constable and you need to follow the rules and regulations as indicated in your offer letter. Normally, a bond is to be filled up carrying some fixed amount to be deposited in the event of breach of your service due to your joining in some other organisation. Training period for this job would be indicated in your offer letter and during the training period, you could get an intimation for the date of joining as loco pilot, you can resign straightaway from this post after paying the due amount applicable in your case so as to join as assistant loco pilot.
    I think the amount to be paid to the police department should not be significant amount since both belong to the government organisation but ensure that the terms indicated there on for Police Constable is to be followed religiously in order to avoid the future complications.
    Once there is smooth joining of yours as an assistant pilot, NPS fund will remain operative even for your second job and the fund from your first service will be transferred in your NPS system.

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