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  • Query regarding form filling for XII CBSE Board

    Have a query about CBSE XII board options? Wondering what to do if there is a mistake in providing options? No worries, our ISC experts shall provide you with advice to resolve your query.

    I am in class 12 in CBSe board in 2020 and I took admission in state board in class 11th because in CBSE I had filled the form with biology but school made a mistake bio maths. So I applied for change but I fear if the change will be done or I will lose 2 years.
    Hence I went for state board (1year gap between both board ).
    Will this create any kind of problem?
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • This issue can be sorted out with your meeting from the Principal of the school. You may request him to look into the admission form filled up by you. He may definitely locate your choice that you were interested for Biology combination and the mistake emanated from source where the school authorities are involved.
    This can be sorted out easily with your personnel approach. Loosing your academic session with the approach of a state board school is nothing but the wastage of your valuable years and such a loss would prove to be irreparable one.

  • The mistake is done by the school but not by you. You have written properly in your form. You contact the school administration head, that may be Head Master or Principal. Explain to him the problem and let them take out your application and see. Then correct the mistake. This is a simple problem and your school can solve it.
    Going back 11th again means, you will be losing a year. That will be a big loss and never advise that. Just for a small mistake, why to lose one year?

    always confident

  • Generally, the enrollment form and exam forms are filled by the principal of school online. When the principal fills the form he also cross-checks and shows to the student for any correction. Had you not notice the mistake in your form? It is very important for you to check any form and find any mistake made by any person at the time of form filling. After that, you also have the chance to change the subject. You can the main change subject and optional subject.
    It is not a good move to change from CBSE to the state board. Please contact the principal of your school or regional officer of CBSE to find a solution. I think you would be able to find a proper solution to that problem. The problem is not very big. In Sate board, the student can change the medium, subject before two months of examination at a nominal charge. So, contact the regional office and you will be able to correct the mistake made by the principal.

    Honesty is the best policy.

  • As you have mentioned that the subject allotted by the school is not what you had prepared and hence, you have changed to a state board. It is sad to know that even after filling the admission form correctly, such mistake was done from the college authority but mistakes can happen as they go through many forms and such error can happen. It could have to be good if you along with your parents approach the administration or the school/college principal and inform about the mistake which can be rectified than opting out without even letting them know of their mistake.

    As per the circular COORD/ROs/2019 of the CBSE board dated 06.05.2019 which provides instruction to the school/college about Standard Operating Procedures for change of subject(s) in Classes X & XII about the application for changing of a subject, provided it is done before 15th July of the academic session in the format given at AnnexureI along with other instructions given in the circular which needs to be analysed by the school and then compiled and forwarded to the Regional Office of CBSE within 7 days i.e. 21st July.

    “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." — Morrie Schwartz

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