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  • How to apply for re-evaluation for NEET 2020?

    Disappointed at the low score in NEET-2020? Check out the expert responses here to know if it is possible to get your paper re-evaluated and if so, what is the procedure for it.

    My cousin appeared in NEET 2020 but got just 304 points. According to the answer key of NEET 2020 paper, she should be getting much more than that. Hearing about the complaints regarding the same by other students, she now wants to go for the re-evaluation. Can anyone tell me the procedure to apply for NEET 2020 re-evaluation?
  • Answers

    5 Answers found.
  • It is not possible to get the NEET-2020 paper re-evaluated because there is no procedure to do so by the National Testing Agency (NTA) which conducts the exam. It has been reported in various newspapers that a couple of candidates approached the Court to take the legal path to re-check their OMR answer sheets. However, it is not necessarily the case that all the results are incorrect based on a few possible genuine errors. Note that, as per a notification issued by NTA, they object to baseless allegations and rumours that are affecting their reputation [refer -].

    It is suggested that if there is a genuine grievance, your cousin can approach NTA directly. Their email ID is You could also contact Ph.0120-6895200 and inquire to whom and how a grievance can be sent.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • There is no system of your answer sheet revaluation. But National Testing agency has given a chance to you to verify scanned copies of OMR Answer sheets and challenge the answers if you have any doubt in the correction. NTA will scan and upload your answer sheet on their website once you apply for the same and pay the required fees. Once you decide to do this you go to their site But as per the site, the time given is up to 8th October 2020. I think now you can't do that also. You delayed the issue. You might have done this before that date. I think now you may not be able to do anything except going through court. But the court also may not entertain the case as they have given some time for you to check and challenge.
    As a lost resort before going legally you can approach NTA through email giving your observations and points. They may consider. But I doubt very much.

    always confident

  • NEET result of 2020 was announced on 16 th October but in some cases the aspirants are agitated due to incorrect evaluation of OMR sheets after tallying the answer keys released by NTA agencies. So far the NTA maintained the clean image with respect to publication of results. Hence the aggrieved students should be heard with the opening of grievance cell so that the issues could be resolved amicably.
    As per latest revealation appearing in a Hindi News paper Hindustan dated 22 th October a candidate approached court for the revaluation of OMR sheet after tallying their answers from the answer - keys released by NTA.
    Keeping in view of their own image, they should entertain such aspirants so that their confidence is restored with the existing norm of evaluation of NTA agency.

  • Thank you so much clearing the things. I was confused by many of my friends regarding the NEET 2020 revaluation. I didn't want to go to court or something. It was just if there was any way around. I got my answers. Thank you all.

    "For winners never quit, For quitters never win!"
    With regards
    Syed Musaddiq Andrabi
    Love ISC

  • The National Testing Agency (NTA) who conduct the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET)/ the Medical Entrance Examination do not have any provision for revaluation of results once it is out or declared. The reason as mentioned by the National Testing Agency (NTA) is:
    a) NEET's answer key sheet are assessed and scored with the help of precise software Optical Marking Response (OMR) that is impartial to all as it does not go by the name, gender, institute or region but by Roll No.
    b) NTA do provide the opportunity for a particular window of time for raising any grievances to candidates after the NEET answer key is released. Once the results are out, even filing a case won't work as it is the final result.

    For more details of the National Testing Agency (NTA):

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