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  • Sovereignty and Liberal rights

    Looking for information upon the sovereignty and liberal rights in a country like India? Check out this page to read our experts' input.

    Sovereignty can be defined as the supremacy of power, authority, command of the state over every other organisation, association and individual. Sovereignty gives the State the right to make laws as well as change them.

    In a country like India which is a sovereign, socialist, secular democratic republic. How are individuality and liberal rights of its citizens protected? Also, how are we as citizens of India protected from a despotic rule in the name of sovereignty?
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    4 Answers found.
  • The laws in a democratic system are derived from the constitution. They are basically enacted to protect the interest of a common citizen of the republic. If there is a flaw in the laws or rules or the constitution itself then time to time the Govt rectifies it and changes it to suit the common people. So, that is the way rule book in a democratic set up is devised and it is supposed that all of us should abide by it. Now let us see the practical side of it. First and primary is the governance in the system. If a person wants to report something wrong he has to go to police station and lodge an FIR. If the police is reluctant to do that or sees that it is against police itself and avoids that person then it is the lackness in the system and we say that governance is poor. When governance is poor the rights of the common people are not protected. It has happened in many democracies that people did not get the justice because the governance was poor. Now, who are these people due to whom this governance is poor. This is a question which we usually ask and answer is very simple that the people who are ruling the country and sitting on high posts are responsible for it because if a police station ignores you for writing a FIR, there is no one above to tell him that he is doing a wrong thing. If you go to the higher person he may accept the FIR from you or me but still would not bang his people. Is he afraid of them or he is hand in gloves with them. So, these are the things which make the sovereignty and freedom weak for a common man. Corruption is another problem which masks all rules and regulations and people take advantage of it when they have power in their hands. A corrupt person can never help a common man because he has already taken money from someone and done the favour to him and now he is not in a position to help us. These are the practical problems that are threatening today the democratic and sovereign states in this world and India is no exception.

    Knowledge is power.

  • A constitution is made which says the government in the country is for the people, by the people and of the people. There are certain rules and regulations made. A judiciary is made to see that the legislation and the execution will work within the framework given by the constitution. So on paper, everything is very clear and it is the duty of the governance to protect the individuality and liberal rights of its citizens. But when we see the actual happenings, the system that is going on ground is entirely different.

    The law and order department is in the hands of some people who will have their own preferences and selfish attitudes. That is why many poor people hesitate to go to a police station to report the problem they faced. They may respond or they may not respond. Added to that there is a fear they may twist the case in favour of the culprit as they have some relations with those people.

    Another problem is with political leaders. They spend a lot of money to get into the power and they will be busy in earning it back before their tenure is over. It is where the problems of a common man start. The rich people will catch hold of these people and pay them money and see that they will come to our safety from the problems they are facing. So money has become very important and the poor are not having any protection from the evils in society.

    The corrupted officers, the corrupted politicians are ruling the country and they are being controlled by the rich people in the nation. The present system is like fencing which is created to protect the crop itself eating the crop. The people who are supposed to protect the system are spoiling the system. There are many practical issues like mentioned above and they are posing a big threat to the Democratic and Sovereign states. India is also facing the similar problem.

    always confident

  • The purpose of law and rules of a system are meant for a good governance and justice to all. The basic idea is to give justice to each and everyone as well create equal opportunities and amicable atmosphere for the progress and prosperity of the citizens. Right from constitution to working guidance and procedure everything is in that direction only. Now there are two things which make this system to work and make it successful. First is the honest governance. The ruling party in the democracy whichever it is should be honest in functioning and there should not be a place for any favouritism, corruption and nepotism. The people working in high positions should present a model working pattern to the public and secondly the citizens should abide by the rules and regulations to help the system to work and bring the prosperity to all. Opposition is to be done against the wrong doing of the Govt and not against the power and desire to replace it. If opposition is done for snatching the power from the present Govt then the new incumbents cannot be trusted for their intentions of running the country.

    So written constitution and rule books are alright in their respective places but until the leaders and citizens do not follow them for the greater interest of the country, the common interest of the common man cannot be protected.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • Due to sovereignty, the state is different from all other communities. Sovereignty is of two types, internal and external. Sovereignty is the supreme power of the state, in principle it cannot be banned. The principle of sovereignty came into existence as a result of the rise of states in national and monarchy.
    Religion and punishment have been considered as the basis of the sovereignty power of the state in ancient Indian thought, completeness, universality, and non-transferability; stability, indivisibility, and exclusivity are the principal characteristics of sovereignty. The name of sovereignty and the actual scientific, political and Vedas and real, etc. can be many forms.
    According to an elemental notion of sovereignty, the supreme sovereign power is unbroken, it is a unit and cannot be divided into individuals and associations.
    According to the pluralistic notion of sovereignty, sovereignty does not reside only in the state, but it also resides in a variety of political, religious, cultural, social, and economic institutions in society.

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