Qualifying in NET is a primary condition for applying for lecturer or Assistant Professor position in any college or university. The score in NET will also be helpful as that would determine calling for interview or further tests by so many institutions in our country. One has to try to get the best possible score in the NET exam. In the private colleges or universities, they have their own recruitment system and when they advertise the vacant positions, one has to apply for the same if it is in ones core subject in which one has done the PG.
As regards the Govt colleges in the state Govt many states have State Public Service Commission entrance examination for selection for the post of lecturer. There is much rush there as after that one gets a confirmed Govt posting in some Govt Degree or PG College.
Another thing is that there are some vacancies which can be temporarily filled by even the principal of the college but once a person selected from the entrance exam route comes to join the temporary post then the temporary person has to leave the job immediately. Many people join such temporary posts especially in the remote places where generally people avoid going and join some private college with less salary in the big cities which have their own charm. So, one can keep such vacancies also in mind and if opportunity knocks then take advantage of that.
Other thing is if you are having some inclination and interest for research then you can do PhD in your core area of interest and after that the chances of appointment as lecturer increase and the NET qualification is also not needed. So, you can consider that option also in the meantime.
Please keep a watch on the job portals where vacancies for the lecturer or Research fellow or Assistant Professor are published time to time and one has to keep a track of them.
There are some high end
coaching centres in the big cities where the students are prepared for IAS or likewise exams. These centres also require qualified Post Graduates in various disciplines and though vacancies are very limited but as an interim measure such avenues can also be considered for time being.