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  • How can a diabetic considered as a hereditary

    Do you have a query about diabetes being a hereditary disease? Want to know if only few siblings can fall prey while others do not? You can check out responses from experts on this ISC page.

    It is widely told that diabetic is hereditary one. That is if father or mother have diabetes there are possibilities of children getting the same. But a person born to his father in his 30 years but the father fell in diabetes only in his sixty. How can we say the son got diabetes?
    Another my father, grand father, mother, grand mother was not diabetic. My father lived till 86 years without any health setback. But my elder and younger brothers fell in diabetic circle except me. How it could be. What must be reason for their falling?
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • For most of the people having diabetes, this disorder does not indicate a straight genetic group of factors or the environmental ones but it is the combination of both. The role of genetics comes into play depending upon the type of diabetes.
    Type 1 diabetes- It is due to the deficiency of the body's immune system attacking and destroying the cells in the pancreas responsible for making insulin. It is a kind of hormone helping carryover the glucose into the cells so as to be utilised for the energy. As mentioned above, type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder. Such type of higher risk may invite other health disorders such as Grave's disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Pernicious anemia, Celiac disease etc.
    Type 2 diabetes- If the insulin is not working to the optimism level, it may cause insulin resistance giving a rise to type 2 diabetes. Initially the pancreas make more insulin to compensate but with the progress of the time, it cannot sustain the healthy sugar level in the body metabolism. Aged people are prone to type 2 disorder. It may start in the people having attained 45 or more.
    Being overweight having the body mass index more than 25 may invite this disorder. If you come across the people suffering from type 2 diabetes, they are more likely to have people in their families afflicted with diabetes or have obesity or other risk factors.
    However, it is rather difficult to know if the influence is due to genes or a shared environment and lifestyle. It could not be proved so far that its manifestation is due to genetic disorder or otherwise.
    Gestational Diabetes- During pregnancy women normally develop a certain amount of insulin resistance ensuring there is enough glucose available to provide energy for the growth of the foetus. Gestational diabetes can lead to abortion of the foetus or improper growth of the baby inside the womb if it is not attended in time. This disorder can lead to both high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. These symptoms can be checked with the proper guidance of the attending doctor. This disease normalises with the birth of the baby and the patients can lead healthy life afterward without any medical supplementation.

  • Actually, diabetes is of two types, type 1 and type 2. Although both increase the amount of blood sugar in the body, there is a great difference in the cause and treatment of both.
    Type 1 diabetes - In this, our body stops making insulin. It is an autoimmune disease. That is the cells of the body attack and destroy the pancreatic cells that make insulin. This may be due to genetic reasons. Type 1 occurs at a very young age or sometimes by birth.
    Type 2 diabetes - There are many factors responsible for this. These include obesity, hypertension, lack of sleep, and poor lifestyle. Experts also count genetic causes. In this, either insulin is reduced in the body or the cells of the body are no longer sensitive to insulin. Since a poor lifestyle is responsible for type 2, it can occur at any time, but it usually occurs in adults.
    If both mother and father are diabetic patients, then there is an 80 percent risk of it in that family. There is no such research in type-1 nor evidence of being genetic. If a family has diabetes, only six to 10 percent of the children are at risk in childhood. The risk of type-1 diabetes can be mostly due to various reasons like eating, diet, exercise, and the digestive process, etc.
    Experts believe that the discovery of this gene for diabetes type-1 patients is only the first phase. Scientists and doctors have been engaged in research for many years by linking diseases with genes and how to avoid genetic diseases. Even before this, scientists have worked out ways to cure type-1 diabetes with adult stem cells, cord blood stem cells, and bone marrow stem cells. In many leading hospitals, various types of diseases are being treated with stem cells.
    Presently, diabetes has become a common disease. Experts have believed that different genes are responsible for this disease. Now scientists have got a new success in this direction. Scientists have succeeded to a certain extent in limiting the number of genes in the human body by detecting the genes that cause diabetes risk. Now it will be known whose body is prone to 'type-1 diabetes' and how it can be prevented.

  • There are some researches done in the medical field which indicate that there are some genetic factors which can be the reason for having diabetes in some of the persons. It is also observed that generally in such cases the occurrence of diabetes may be there. It is still an area of research and new findings are published time to time. So people having a history of diabetes in their family should be aware of this correlation and should try to take preventive measures to avoid the genetic factor in onsetting of diabetes in such cases. Many doctors enquire the patients about the history of occurring diabetes in their families like in parents and grandparents and that is used by them in understanding the linkage to that which helps in better advice to the patient.

    Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder and generally catches the people in young age. The reason for it is attributed to changes in some genes which produce certain proteins. On the other hand type 2 diabetes is likely to attack people in higher age group say 45 years or above. There are many reasons attributed to occurrence of the type 2 like high weight, sedentary life style, depressive conditions etc. So whether it is type 1 or type 2 the linkage with family history and genetics cannot be ruled out but in type 2 it is believed by the medical practitioners that the life style plays a vital role and this type of patients are advised to manage it more with lifestyle and less with the medicines. Another important point is that type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1.

    It is observed that there is some genetic correlation in a person getting the diabetes disorder but each individual has a different immune system, body constitution, and physiological manifestations and it is not necessary that all the people in a family will get the diabetes because it was there in the earlier generations. That is where researchers are doing research on twins or members of the same family to get an exact answer to the puzzle of correlation of diabetes with hereditary of a person.

    The management of the diabetes or preventing it is based on a healthy diet plan and physically active life style and all the doctors advise that to the diabetic patients as case histories are there to proof the efficacies of such prescriptions.

    Knowledge is power.

  • The diabetes is considered as a hereditary disease and the main reason behind this is the genetic disorder. However, all types of diabetes (already explained in the above posts) are not caused due to genetic factor, but due to other factors such as diet, environment and lifestyle etc. That's why it is also called as a lifestyle disease. And sometimes diabetes is caused due to a combination of both genetic and other factors.

    The genetic factor that makes diabetes hereditary involved a genetic mutation in the protein responsible for insulin production. We can simply understand a 'mutation' as a sudden change in a gene. Due to which the body can not use the insulin properly or there will be less production of insulin in the body.

    The mutation can occur anytime in the life of an individual. That's why a person born to a father in 30 while the father is diagnosed diabetic in the late sixties, maybe diabetic.

    In the case of Type 1 diabetes, which is usually considered as autoimmune diseases, actually, 90% have no family history of type 1 diabetes. If both parents are type 1 diabetic or sibling are type 1 diabetic then there are up to 10 % chances of developing the disease. In type 1 diabetes there is a lack of insulin. If any of the parents have Type 1 diabetes, then in the offsprings the disease can be developed later in life.

    In the case of type 2 diabetes, gene mutations and interaction with several other factors can cause the development of the disease.

    And there may be both genetic factor (genetic mutation) and other factors due to which your elder and younger brother fell into the diabetic cycle while earlier no one in your family history was diabetic.

    If you are worried of getting affected by the disease , then you can go for an insulin antibody test. Antibodies may be present in the blood many years before the actual diagnose of the disease and can take preventive measures.

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