Actually, diabetes is of two types, type 1 and type 2. Although both increase the amount of blood sugar in the body, there is a great difference in the cause and treatment of both.
Type 1 diabetes - In this, our body stops making insulin. It is an autoimmune disease. That is the cells of the body attack and destroy the pancreatic cells that make insulin. This may be due to genetic reasons. Type 1 occurs at a very young age or sometimes by birth.
Type 2 diabetes - There are many factors responsible for this. These include obesity, hypertension, lack of sleep, and poor lifestyle. Experts also count genetic causes. In this, either insulin is reduced in the body or the cells of the body are no longer sensitive to insulin. Since a poor lifestyle is responsible for type 2, it can occur at any time, but it usually occurs in adults.
If both mother and father are diabetic patients, then there is an 80 percent risk of it in that family. There is no such research in type-1 nor evidence of being genetic. If a family has diabetes, only six to 10 percent of the children are at risk in childhood. The risk of type-1 diabetes can be mostly due to various reasons like eating, diet, exercise, and the digestive process, etc.
Experts believe that the discovery of this gene for diabetes type-1 patients is only the first phase. Scientists and doctors have been engaged in research for many years by linking diseases with genes and how to avoid genetic diseases. Even before this, scientists have worked out ways to cure type-1 diabetes with adult stem cells, cord blood stem cells, and bone marrow stem cells. In many leading hospitals, various types of diseases are being treated with stem cells.
Presently, diabetes has become a common disease. Experts have believed that different genes are responsible for this disease. Now scientists have got a new success in this direction. Scientists have succeeded to a certain extent in limiting the number of genes in the human body by detecting the genes that cause diabetes risk. Now it will be known whose body is prone to 'type-1 diabetes' and how it can be prevented.