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  • Collaboration with jio cinema.

    Interested in collaborating with an online media streaming platform to pitch short and full length films? Searching for details here? Find detailed advice for collaboration on this page.

    Now-a-days film making is getting better day by day, but film gets noticed when it is released by a big production house. people like us don't have a big amount of money to distribute in big platform, but jio cinema is releasing low budget films too. My question to all my experts, please guide me with how can i pitch my short film and my full length film to jio cinema ?
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • The terms and conditions for pitching with Jio Cinema should be obtained. You can send an email to the following email address with all your details and mention all the doubts you have.
    You will be provided with all the details regarding the process.

    always confident

  • Jio Cinema has collaboration with many companies from where it is getting material to show in its site or mobile application. It is getting movie videos from various production houses or distributors by paying them the royalty or other charges. We do not know whether it is taking the movies made by the amateurs also. Many individuals are also making movies but are not getting a launchpad for it. So, in your case it will be advisable that you visit their office whichever is near to your location and take appointment with them for putting up your work to their knowledge. If they feel that your work is of good quality they can launch it in their site. These are business matters and are to settled over the table through proper channel. If they give you time, then it makes sense to present your work to them and if it clicks then you are benefited.
    Their address is - Maker Chambers Iv, 9th Floor, 222, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021
    Their website is -

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • Jio has an aggressive plan to raise money through the public to enrich its Jio cinema plateform. Since this business capital oriented, Jio would go to the public ultimately to raise capital so that it could enter successfully in the area of Jio cinema.
    Jio cinema consisting of lot of movies along with TV series and clips would like to have alliance with Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hot Star who have so far launched several series liked by the audience.
    However, Jio cinema would like to retain its aggressive position with the offerings of quality contents both the short films and the long ones. In case, you have such short series or the long films and you feel that such productions will click ultimately, you may approach the authority of Jio cinema for the review from their end. If liked by them, you are to be benifited.

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