Gram panchayat approved layout, planning to buy in 2nd floor flat. what needs to be checked?
Interested in buying a flat in gram panchayat approved land? Wondeirng if it is safe in case if the builder has made some deviation in plan? On this page our experts shall respond to your query.
Planning to buy 2nd floor flat in gram panchayat approved layout in Hyderabad. The builder has made a deviation in the plan by making groud floor parking and illegally constructed 3rd and 4th floor. However, I am willing to purchase 2nd floor flat. What would be the consequences and recommendations to proceed. I have taken legal opinion with a lawyer about the land, EC, link documents, land conversion. However, BRS is not available. The total land is 300 Sq yard and undivided share is about 19 sqyd. Visited the Municipality today and discussed about this. The officer said upto 2nd floor no issue. However, might have to pay a penalty for deviation, illegal construction by the builder above 2nd floor and for Godavari pipeline and all. SBI/PnB/Gramin bank is not providing loan, as they said they dont finance grampanchayat approved layouts. I also seek suggestions from experts here on which nationalized bank I should try to get the loan as we wish to avail PMAY scheme.