Pressure in the silica in the boiler water is critical for steam turbine and this phenomenon leads to deposition of silica on the internal surface of the turbine. Scale formation is caused due to its accumulation in the steam turbine in the varying concentrations.
The solubility of silica ( sio2) increases with the increase of the temperature and in case of super heated steam under the influence of high steam, formation of silica accelerates with the decrease of temperature and density, the solubility of silica drops. Since the pressure affects steam density having a strong bearing on steam temperature , it can impact the solubility of silica in the steam.
There exists a relation between the solubility of silica at a high pressure lying at 22,0000 KPA and the content of silica in the condensate after this procedure should not exceed beyond 500 mg / kg. This simple to use formula can be of immense practical value for the engineers to ascertain the content of silica content at varying conditions without indulging in any experimental measurement.
Hence at all the costs, silica in the condensate should remain much below the specified values so as to avoid the corrosion of the boilers. This needs periodical check up of feed water to avoid the silica contamination in the turbine.