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  • Regarding the application and usage of the Homeopathic medicine Berberis vulgaris

    Do you have a query about the application and usage of a homeopathic medicine? Searching for detailed infromation regarding how long can one take a particular medicine? Find reponses from our ISC experts here.

    A few years back, i.e., in the year 2009 I had to undergo gallstone operation. But before the operation I had to spend a long time to finish my other important works; I was then continuing my master degree classes. Before the operation I had to finish some class schedules and so many other works etc. Thus a long time I had to spend doing these works before the operation.

    But my gallstones were rather scattered and in a bad state. One of my relatives who had a good knowledge on Homeopathy, had advised me to continue the Homeopathy medicine Berberis vulgaris till the operation was done. And following his advice I was hale and hearty till my operation was done. But that relative whose advice I had followed, had also expired in the year 2009.

    One of my brothers is now afflicted with gallstones. The doctor has advised his operation. But his operation has to be delayed a lot due to his other works.

    Kindly if any doctor can advise whether he can continue now the medicine Berberis vulgaris until his operation and whether it will be advisable for him and whether it will keep him in a good state till his operation is performed. And also I want to know the strength of medicine, i.e., Berberis vulgaris, mother or ordinary, which should be followed? My brother's age is around 65.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • Burberis Vulgaris has been used over 2500 years in the different parts of Asian Countries including India because of being an excellent herb to be used in the different disorder of our body such indicated below-
    1) It can provide Kidney support- It can provide Kidney support with the elimination of toxins such as excess urea, creatinine and other harmful products. It can even remove the built up of calcified deposit in the kidney causing tremendous pain due to its deposits.
    2) Detoxification- Burberies Vulgaris enhances the detoxification of the liver with the elimination of wasteful products and in that it enhances digestion system. It may be even used for the long term with the prescription of a competent Homoeopath. In case of persistent swelling of the liver, this medicine in the form of tincture or its higher potency can be used as per advice of the Homeopath
    3) Rapid Absorption- If used in the form of mother tincture, it can readily absorb in your system providing you relief from the gall and kidney stones and the treatment should be continued as per advice. It could prove excellent remedies for kidney and liver disorders apart from taking away the pain in such areas due to inflammation.
    4) It can enhance insulin within the system- If administered in the form of tincture or in higher potencies such as 30c, 200c or 1000c as prescribed by your Homeopath, Berberis Vulgaris can regulate your blood sugar level within the system.
    5) Treatment for diarrhoea and other stomach issues - If taken as per advice of your Homeopath Doctor this medicine can be useful in the irregular bowel syndrome, diarrhoea and other stomach disorders.
    Now relating to the doubts raised by the author, Berberis Vulgaris is an excellent herb for the removal of both Kidney Stones and Gall Stones provided its Mother Tincture is used taking ten drops at a time in a cup containing around 50 ml of water and the same is to be sipped slowly through your mouth. This should be taken thrice daily in the empty stomach condition. In order to get the perceptible result, dose as indicated above has to be continued for two months. The entire amount of stones lying in the both the region will melt away and will pass through the region leaving no sign of presence of stone.
    Sometimes, once the body is free from the stones, there might be recurrence of the stone formation. In such situations, the patient would need the homoeopathic medicine China 1000c to be taken two drops thrice after a gap of fifteen minutes. This need not be repeated later and this medicine will eliminate the possibility of formation of stones permanently.

  • Gallstones can be treated with homoeopathy. No surgery is required. There are very good doctors who treat them with medicines and see that they will get dissolved are forced out. In Hyderabad, I met one or two very good homoeopathy doctors who treated chronic cases and cured them with medicine.
    Berberis Vulgaris is a very widely used and well-known medicine in this type of medicine. This is a herbal product that is being used very widely for many other problems. It inhibits calcium oxalate crystallization. The stones that we see in kidneys are made of this calcium salt only. In addition to this problem, this herbal product is used for may other problems like urinary tract health, detoxification etc.
    So you need not worry. Even though there is a delay in surgery by properly using the medicine you can get relieved.
    You advise your brother to see a homoeopathy doctor in your area and explain to him the problem. He will suggest a suitable dosage of the medicine and it is always advisable to use medicine under the supervision of a doctor. He will monitor the patient and decide on the dosage to the patient. Using any medicine on our own without the suggestion of a doctor is never advisable.

    always confident

  • There are some homeopathic medicines which are given to contain or cure the gall bladder stones and doctors recommend it for the intended purposes till the modern surgery is used to get them removed completely. You can also take advantage of that established fact but one thing to be noted is that there is not only one homeopathic medicine i.e., Berbaris Vulgaris for this and there are also some others like Calcarea carbonic, Carduus marinas, China, Chamomilla, Chionanthus, Lycopodium, Veratrum album etc and we as a common person do not know which would be more effective in a particular case.

    A good homeopathic doctor will ask the patient about many things that he is feeling, the symptoms he has, about other problems he has, his food habits, and about his overall life style and then from all those details he would select the drug of the choice in that particular case along with its potency which might give the required relief. In case relief is not there then the expert doctor will change the drug and then try with another one. So, it is not so simple that if a person 'A' has taken Berberis Vulgaris for an ailment and got the relief then the other person 'B' having same ailment would also be relieved with it. This is an important point in homeopathic diagnosis and that is why we have to consult a good doctor who can prescribe a correct medicine in correct potency.

    When we say potency it means the strength of the medicine and all sort of potencies are available for a medicine in homeopathy. Sometimes the doctor will prescribe a potency through mixing of the mother tincture of the particular medicine on white carrier globules of small sizes. With suitable dilution all sorts of potencies can be produced starting from the mother tincture of that drug. It is a different science then the modern science and requires the knowledge and depth of the subject.

    The nature of two human bodies is entirely different from each other and that is why the prescription of homeopathic medicines becomes a challenging task even for a homeopathic doctor. So, what I would suggest is that instead of gulping down Berberis Vulgaris blindly, one has to take the opinion of a qualified good homeopathic doctor.

    Knowledge is power.

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