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  • Neuro Pain after Left Modular Infract.

    Looking out for treatment for neuro pain after left modular infract? want to knwo the most effective ayurvedic treatment? On this page our experts have responded to your query.

    After being a minor attack in Brain (stroke) it is known to be a Left Modular Infract ,the patient having sensational problems in Right half portion of body (no sense of Hot or Cold) in last three year with pain in shoulders, wrist to Leg Foot in right side. Allopathy treatment Cap.Dulox 30 , aspirin continued. Sugar level is normal by medicine. Is there any Ayurvedic treatment for this? Age 60 years Male.
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • When the oxygen supply to this part of the brain gets restricted due to various reasons mainly due to damage or clogging in the blood arteries which are responsible to take blood to that area, then the rare condition of left medullary infarct takes place. It is a neurological disorder of serious kind as it is still a research area and doctors do not have any sure treatment or cure for it except prescribing some medicines for symptomatic reliefs and blood thinners to stop further clogging. Any such damage in our brain affects our sensation and other stimuli for the particular regions in the body which are controlled from this pocket in the brain. The numbness in the right part of the body is due to that damage only.

    In Ayurveda, it is claimed that there are some supplements in form of Ayurvedic medicines which may help in these situations and restore the damage to some extent though that is not scientifically proved but as is said that we can only find the truth when we try a method, I think one can try to have this line of treatment also as the beauty with the natural and Ayurvedic medicines is that even if they do not cure, they do not pose any side effects. The Ayurveda correlates this ailment with the Vata dosha in the body and prescribes the appropriate remedies accordingly. Keeping that background in the mind I would like to mention some of the commonly prescribed Ayurvedic supplements/medicines in such cases.

    1. Brahmi (Bacopa monneri) - Preparations based on Brahmi are given in this condition which is known to remove the symptoms of anxiety and stress from the person. It also regulates the various internal organs for better functioning of the body. It generally comes in the capsule form and can be taken as prescribed by the Ayurvedic doctor. Generally the dose is 1-2 capsules twice per day.

    2. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) - This is one of the most common and effective Ayurvedic medicine in neurological cases. It is given in nerve related disorders and is said to bring the neuro system back to normal. It is available in capsule form and the recommended doses are generally 1-2 capsules twice per day.

    3. Chywanprash - This is also a very common Ayurvedic formulation made from so many herbs etc and is said to help the body to come back to vigour and action. Many people take it just like that to build a restive body. It is generally taken one spoon with the milk preferably in the night before going to sleep.

    4. Panchakarma therapy - This is a therapy in which the massaging of the body is done using certain oils etc and for that one has to enquire in an Ayurvedic centre and discuss in details with them for its utility in stroke management. It is said to be useful in many such cases.

    Apart from above there are many other formulations given in such condition but one has to discuss them with the Ayurvedic expert doctor who can pinpoint the problem and can suggest the appropriate remedies.

    Knowledge is power.

  • The condition of neuro pain within the left region can be felt due to erratic supply of oxygen within the brain membrane. There could be the different causes othe same but the chief being is the brain stroke or formation of tumor within the brain cell restricting the movement of free supply of oxygen within the brain nerves.
    However, the Ayurvedic approach is different in this regard and according to Ayurveda such type of disorder is due to excess vata within the body system and the same can be mitigated with the introduction of sweets and clarified butter along with the herbs working inside the brain to take care of excess vata. The following herbs single or in the combination can produce fine results. Since you have mentioned that sugar level of the patient is normal and hence the following concoction would prove to be helpful -
    1) Sarswathristha - This Ayurvedic formulation contains a number of herbs such as Vacha, Brahmi, Funnel, Ginge and other valuables herbs prepared from appropriate combination of honey as the base element. This needs to be taken twice daily after meal and twice daily. The result can be seen after a month but this has to continued for six months so as to notice the desired results.
    2) Brahmi Ghritha - Brahmi is an excellent herb in the restoration of intelligence apart from strengthening the mental faculties giving strength to the entire brain cells. It also enhances the capacity of the brain cells to absorb oxygen at the desired levels so that it can work smoothly. Ghritha is benificial in expelling the excess vata within the system and hence the combined effect of the herb and Ghritha would to strengthen the brain nerves thus alleviating the vata dosha.
    3) Chawanyaprash - It contains a lot of herbs nourishing the body immune system in both the ways physically and mentally due to presence of Amlaki, Astawarg, Masparni, Guduchi, Banslochan, Vidarikand and other herbs with the base material of Ghee and Honey with the appropriate quantity which in turn can rejuvenate the entire body should be taken twice daily with a minimum dose of one teaspoon along with warm milk for at least six months.
    4) Smritisagar Ras - It is an ideal tonic containing Vacha, Brahmi, Satwari, Shankhapuspi etc. This rasayan is prepared along with minute quantity of mercury after its refinement. The synergic effect of this medicine is such that it can alleviate the entire disorder of the brain if taken according to the advice of the competent Vaidya.
    Though healing through Ayurveda consumes time but the overall effect is amazing producing permanent results.

  • A stroke in the brain or a tumour in the brain may cause this situation and the patient is already using some allopathic medicines.
    There are medicines in Ayurveda for this problem and I have seen people who got well by using medicines from Ayurveda. But the medicines purchased across the desk may not be good for this. One should consult a good Ayurvedic Physician. He will examine the patient and understand the actual condition of the patient. Once he understands the reasons for the disorder he can suggest medicines. So the best way is to contact an Ayurvedic doctor in your area.
    The following are some of the general medicine that will be generally prescribed by the doctor. The dosage will vary from patient to patient and only an experienced doctor can tell you the correct dosage.
    1. Saraswathi thylam: This is an oil made using some special leaves and herbs and it increases the power of the mind. This is only for physical application and one can apply it to the head like we apply coconut oil. Daily two times we have to apply the same.
    2. Asvagandha: This is oral medicine. It improves the immunity level of the patient and gives relaxation to the patient.
    3. Saraswathi Lehyam: This is also for oral use. Very good medicine for this problem. Daily once in the morning and once in the evening one can eat 5 grams of this medicine.
    4. Chavanprasya Lehyam: This is also for oral use. Immunity developer and general tonic. Two times a day you can use it and gives excellent results.
    I suggest you contact an Ayurveda Physician and take his advise before you start using these medicines.

    always confident

  • There are some herbs or medicines that can help you with this problem -
    1. Bhoomi Amalaki - This is a well-known claim which is considered to be very good in harvesting products. This aim is quite helpful when the patient gets cold, hot or any feeling is reduced or stopped due to a problem related to a neurological disorder.

    2. Balaa - This is a medicine used since ancient times, whose function is to help me keep the human nervous system, and circulatory system functioning smoothly. It is also used to give strength and strength to Sharis. Treatment of muscle and nerve compression and pain is also possible through this.

    3. Haridra - It mainly acts to keep the circulatory system active. With the help of which the blood flows in the veins properly, which is healthy for the veins. Therefore, intake of it also helps in diagnosing problems with the nerves.

    4. Vasantkusumaakar- It is a very effective medicine of Ayurveda, whose main function is to strengthen the nervous system. This drug is also helpful in controlling and reducing the pain in the veins.

    Apart from this, there are some other ways to help you in solving this problem.
    - Put a bandage of hot and cold water on the affected area. For this, fill cold and warm water in two pots. First, do this for some time continuously with warm water and then with cold water.
    - Yoga is a medicine that is very helpful in curing any disease, so do some normal yoga poses at home, if possible, do it with the help of a yoga teacher.
    Special care should be taken to eat and drink, take light and sattvic food so that the digestive system also works properly.
    - Any medicine affects when your willpower allows it to affect you, so be sure that you are getting well.

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