There are many systems of curing the illness or ailments in the human bodies like modern medicine (Allopathy), Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani etc and each of them have their own knowledge base and time tested descriptions for curing and treatment of ailing persons. Let us consider some basic elements of Unani and Homeopathic systems to understand their working and differences. In Unani system the basic approach is to use herbal remedies for the cure and at the same time the dietary control is also applied on the ailing person. At the other side, in Homeopathy the detailed symptoms of the person are noted down and there are many things about it are asked by the homeopathic expert to find out to decide as which homeopathic medicine would be better in that situation. Homeopathic medicines are the natural materials and they are supposed to cure a person if the detailed diagnosis is correctly made by the doctor.
In Unani system it is believed that disease is caused by an imbalance between the four elements of nature that is air, earth, water, and fire. It is also mentioned in the Unani system that the balance of body fluids like blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile is necessary to keep the body healthy. These are also known as four humours also. In Homeopathic system, the expert doctor studies the symptoms in the body of the patient and then finds out some natural compound which can bring such conditions in the humans. Once that is known or identified then a little quantity of that is given to the patient. It is believed that if an ailment is caused by some material or even a poisonous substance then a small quantity of the same substance can get relief from that situation. The quantity is too title but has great power to affect the body and the system starts to work against the ailment producing threat. In homeopathy to identify the chemical or material doing cure takes time and in many cases we see long treatments where the doctor go on changing the medicines.
Unani formulations are prepared with a particular ratio of herbs like Saffron, Cardamom, Indian bay leaf, Citron, ginger, aloe vera etc. Different herbs and their combinations are prescribed in different ailments. For example in Arthritis, ginger and aloe vera are given while in heart problems Saffron, Cardamom, Indian bay leaf etc are found more useful. In Homeopathic medicines the natural materials like Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Calendula, Sulpher etc are used in small quantity and the main material in liquid form is then diluted in different potencies and is taken then through sprinkling the same on small white edible balls and this dilution of the main material (which is known as mother tincture) is the important aspect in Homeopathy. Sometimes medicines in combinations are also prescribed depending upon the understanding and interpretation of the expert Homeopathic doctor.
Knowledge is power.