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  • Which company is better to work in the long run, Nestle India or Tech Mahindra?

    Confused between joining Nestle India or Tech Mahindra? Wondering in which one can one perform better in case one does nto have any software skills? Find advice from experts here to resolve your dilemma.

    Being a graduate of Btech Electrical Engineering and having exposure to 2 different electrical control panel manufacturing companies in 1 year, I got an offer from Nestle India ltd and I am continuing the job in Nestle since 15th February 2021. I got this offer from an autism institute where I have done training in Employment readiness. I have a problem with mild autism along with stammering problems. I am given work from home from my home city Kolkata with 6 months contract with office Location at Gurgaon. The contract might be extendable based on my performance. The work I am given in Nestle is very simple, i,e updating the training undertaken by the employees, sessions of the training, online course, marking the attendance of the training, updating the trainer and training venues from the website of Nestle's training database to Nestle's learning portal. The stipend is 10,000 per month with position Learning Operation Support. I also got an employee code and laptop from Nestle.
    Recently 2 days ago, I got another offer from Tech Mahindra with reference from a relative who works in Tech Mahindra as an associate software engineer with a salary higher than Nestle. But I don't have skills in software engineering. I am also in doubt if I had to leave Nestle for joining Tech Mahindra, there might be some disadvantages, one is I may miss further facilities or opportunities in Nestle as it is a very large old company. The way I got an opportunity in Neste, I may not get such opportunities in life in Nestle.
    Secondly, if I am not sure with zero software engineering skills whether I could perform in the client's location of Tech Mahindra as given in the offer letter after formal training Still I am in a dilemma whether to leave Nestle or not. I want suggestions from you.
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • Before coming to help you in making a decision in this matter let us briefly see what these companies do and what is their main area of operation.

    Tech Mahindra is a global company offering digital transformation, consulting and business re-engineering service to its customers. It has expertise in IT enabled solutions and is operating worldwide. It is a big company and there are good prospects of career in this for the capable candidates especially in the areas of software and project engineering.

    Nestle India is a subsidiary of Nestle SA of Switzerland. It is also a big company. It mainly deals in food and beverages area and has an emphasis on good health and well being and its products are aligned in that direction. People having good skills in the area of healthcare and nutrition have definitely a good scope in this company.

    Now coming to your case if you are getting a general position then working as a generalist doing non specialisation job in these two companies, both suit to you. But as you mentioned that Tech Mahindra will be asking you to go for some software training, I do not think that such a training will make you ready for specialised IT enabled projects so easily and so quickly. Hence, if they give you some HR or training or general supervisory jobs in their set up then only it would be prudent to go for that position in Tech Mahindra. The technical position should only be accepted when you have the requisite skills and expertise. Considering these variances, I suggest you to accept the Nestle job position.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Both the companies you have mentioned are multinational companies with their presence in multiple countries. They have a reputation in their respective field of operations. So we need not think about the companies.
    We should concentrate on the roles we have to play in the company once you join there and evaluate ourselves how best we are suitable for the posts they offered us.
    As for the job description you have mentioned, the post in Nestle is non-technical and your B.Tech electrical may not be useful to you in your day to day operations. But the nature of the job is general in nature and with your academic and technical background, it is not difficult for you to manage this.
    The post in Tech Mahindra requires some expertise in Computer Science. But it is not a must. Many engineering graduates who did their graduation in other than computers also able to manage such posts. Even B.Sc graduates are also able to manage such posts. My son who did his B. Tech in EEE joined IBM as Software Engineer and did extremely well. He is presently working as a Manager in a software company. That way one need not worry. I think you can do well in that post also. But you should have confidence in yourself and respond to the needs positively. Then only you can perform well. So it is the individual who has to make a decision.
    Another point you have to consider is the Job in Nestle is temporary and likely may be extended. But Techmahindra is offering you a permanent post. Of course, it all depends on your level of confidence. As you are already in a job and able to do that positively you can continue in the present job. But before saying no to Techmahindra get a confirmation from Nestle that they are going to extend the job further. If there is any small doubt also don't leave the job in Techmahindra.

    always confident

  • Your continuation of the job in the Nestle is disturbing you since it is general in nature and there is no application of your qualification earned in your engineering stage. You are discharging your job effectively in the present organisation relating to updating of training programmes of the employees. There is every possibility of your extension in the same contract. However, there are two worth points to be considered in relation to the job prospects of the existing organisation- firstly being your low remuneration and secondly is your lack of interest for such a training programme to be given to the prospective employees.
    Your nature of job seems to be extendable prior to expiry of contract. This is indicative of your future uncertainties.
    While considering the job of Tech Mahindra, I can forsee your future with the offer of an assignment of training of Software Engineering. You are under impression that you can no longer be fit for this job since basically you are an electrical engineer. However, it is your wrong notion since many engineers of different streams have discharged their jobs successfully despite their different backgrounds of engineering other than the computer engineering. Hence you are advised to take note of the situation and weigh pros and cons of the merits of the jobs of each company.
    I think Tech Mahindra would offer you hefty package viewing your satisfactory performance. Moreover, you would be suitably motivated with the nature of the job.

  • One person reached a town and asked
    a native whether that place is good. The native replied,' if your tongue is good this town is good'. Like this all organizations are good and similar. The calculation of long run is only according to the mentality of the employees. Earlier we have seen many people served in one organization for more than 20 years. Now we are seeing even well paid employees shifting to organization by organization. We have to keep our mind steady.

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