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  • How to be looking really ‘face to face’ or eye-to-eye’ in a video call

    Have a query regarding how best to display yourself in a video call? Searching for practical tips for the same? No worries, our experts shall respond to your query on this page.

    Most of us do Video calls with our mobile phones and other devices as this facility is available since many years. In the present pandemic locked down situation this has become more useful.
    Bu I have a practical doubt.
    When we video chat with a person, the emphasis is on 'face-to-face' communication. However as the camera in the mobile is at the edges -centre-corner or else- the real face-to-face effect does not happen.
    It will be our tendency to look at the other person's picture on the screen. So we will not be looking at the camera and for that reason not facing the other person. We (or even the other person) may appear as bending down or looking up etc. and not straight on the other person's eyes.

    How to make a video call with real effect of eye-to-eye or face-to-face mode? (The TV newsreaders are able to do that because they need not see our face there.)

    How to remedy the situation and have a face to face or eye to eye video call using a mobile?
    I welcome and await result-oriented practical tips.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • Due to the placement of the mobile camera lens outside the screen it is natural that we will not be able to see towards the lens which is the primary requirement for eye to eye contact. So, during video calls this problem is often encountered. The participants appear modest looking downwards.

    One solution could be to be away from the phone as far as possible so that the person can see the screen and the front camera lens at the same time. But everyone cannot be too much away from the phone due to eyesight and also losing the clarity of the face(s) sitting at the other end. Some people flicker their eyes hovering from the lens to the screen and back to the lens and appear seeing straight to the other party. It would require some practice but it is worth trying.

    Knowledge is power.

  • By the way, this is a difficult task because normally when we talk to a person on a video call, our focus is on the front face which is visible on our mobile screen and our mobile camera is on the top of the screen. . When we look in the lens of our camera, the person in front of us who is on the video call, then our eye to eye contact will be done correctly. But it can be made possible in other ways -
    1. Do not keep your mobile face very close to you during a video call, due to being slightly different, contact can be made with both eyes and face.
    2. When making a video call, instead of holding the mobile in the hand, place it on the table in front of it, for this any object can be resorted to.
    3. Do not keep the mobile in front, either by keeping the position slightly above or slightly below the normal, you will also be able to manage face and eye contact in the video time.
    4. If the video call is being made from a laptop, they also do it at a certain distance, which will also make it easier.
    5. In general, it becomes complex because when we talk to a person on a video call, then our focus is less on all these things because at that time our entire focus is only on the front matter. But still, if you take care of the distance then some solution can be found.

  • Generally while having video calls we can't not focus eye to eye due to following major reasons:
    1) Our front camera is on the edge hence we can not focus at middle.
    2)Our main focus is holding on our device if we are using smartphones and tablets, this problem does not occur in case of laptops and pc.
    So its difficult to persuade someone at times in case of business video calls and even during online classes but there can be some useful remedies which can be followed as:
    1}It's better to have a mobile tripod stand. It's a device to place smartphones and tablets. It's not expensive and generally available at all accessories shops ar even at online platform. And in case of business calls this can be very useful. Otherwise several youtube videos are available on making such homemade devices.
    2}Sometimes due to poor audibility we places devices near our face but this looks awkward. Therefore we can put it at sone distance and use earphones instead of device's sound.
    3} Screen shyness is also major reason for this so screen shyness should ne reduced.
    So next time while having video calls you can follow thess tips and improve conversation.

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