As far as D-Pharma is concerned it cannot be done by distance learning but you cannot do this course with distance learning. Whether it is D-pharma or B-Pharma is such exams for which you have to clear the entrance exam then only you will get selected. Since we know that this field is related to health and it demands only qualified people, which requires proper knowledge and it is not possible through distance learning. But yes apart from this, if you want to go in the medical field itself, then there are some courses of medical which are also available through distance learning, but during these courses also you need some practical experience. For this, if you want, you can choose either distance learning or open university. Online classes are also provided with distance learning material, only you will not have to go to college. As far as the Open University is concerned, there are many courses available here too, in this also distance learning is there, but in this, you may have to go to college sometimes. By the way, both are almost the same and both are recognized. For some specific courses, regular students may get more priority but it is not necessary for everyone. If your knowledge is good then there will be no hurdle in your career building.