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  • Age criteria for CBSE 10th exam

    Are you bothered about the age limitation to appear for 10th CBSE board examination? You are landed in the right place. Scroll down to know more from our experts

    My child DOB is 11.11.2014, and now he is in 3rd standard, CBSE. Please explain whether his age sufficient to appear 10th CBSE board exam. And please guide us about age limit. We are belongs to Hyderabad, Telangana. Please guide us on how to plan for civils exam from this stage onwards.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.

  • As per the guidelines of CBSE, a student should complete 14 years of age by 31st December in the academic year in which that student will be appearing in the class 10 final examination. For example if a student is going to appear in his class 10 exam in March/April 2022 then he should attain an age of 14 years by 31st December, 2021.
    In your case your child's DOB is 11.11.2014 so he would be completing slightly more than 7 years by 31st December 2021 and now he is in class III during the academic session 2021-22. If we extend it then we get that he will be in class 10 during the academic year 2028-29 and his age by 31st December 2028 would be slightly more than 14 years so he would be eligible to appear in the exam.

    Knowledge is power.

  • The minimum age for appearing for 10th as per CBSE norms is that the candidate should complete 14 years by 31st December of the year in which the candidate will appear for the final examinations. As of date your son is in 3rd class. He will complete that class by March 2022. So your son will write 10th examinations in the year 2029. By that time his age will be 14 years and some months. So there will not be any problem for your son for appearing in the 10th class examination as per the schedule.

    always confident

  • The minimum age to appear for 10th Board as per CBSE guideline is 14 year on 31 st December of the previous year in when he is to appear for his final year Board Examination in the next year.
    At this moment, your son is studying in class three and he is likely to appear for the final examination of class three in March '22. Going through the simple calculation, we see that he will appear for final examination of class ten in 2029 when he will be completing 14 years and some odd months.
    This would not create any problem for your son in respect of his age for writing his class ten Board Examination and his appearance for the said examination is within the scheduled norm.

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