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  • Is it possible to get an Accounts job after the age of 29

    Worried that you may not get a job in the Accounts field after the age of 29? Find out the possibility of switching to a new, secure job after this age.

    I am currently working in an automobile company as an accounts executive, and I am also doing CMA Inter. I am 28 years old. I want to skip from my current company in 2022 when my age would be 29. I got 2nd division in 10th, 1st division in 12th commerce and pass in B.Com. I have more than 7 years of working experience. I have applied for 25 jobs this week. I am totally disappointed with my career as I am not selected by employers.

    Now I have come to the conclusion that I want to join a new company in 2022. Is it possible to get a new job after the age of 29?
  • Answers

    9 Answers found.
  • If you are doing your CMA inter, it will definitely open up plethora of accounting jobs provided you have the ability to expose your potentials before the interview board. By going through your academic qualifications, it does not appear to be consistent considering your achievements in the different examinations. You have simply indicated that you have passed B.Com but division or grade obtained for this examination is not indicated.
    Currently, you are engaged in your preparation for CMA Inter. It demands your full concentration and devotion to pass the same with an impressive score so that there will be openings of lot of jobs which can be seen on the notice - board of your institution. A few openings after your intermediate in CMA will be in the lines of ERP implementation, Financial Risk Manager, Cost Managers, Surveyor, Cost Editor, Chief Finance Officer etc.
    Hence you need to develop a positive attitude. I would like to suggest you a few useful points apart from preparation for CMA Intermediate examination.
    1) Take the help of a career councillor who can provide you better suggestion how you can represent your self before the board conducting your interview.
    2) Make your resume attractive enough with the inclusion of few extra curricular activities both at your school and college levels. This might be in the fields of sports such as your active participation as a Football player or a hockey player or showing yourself that you had been an excellent debater during your academic tenure.
    3) You have worked over seven years in accounting line reflecting that you are aware of the different financial tools and the same is to be projected effectively during the course of interview.
    4) You need not be depressed at this moment for not getting any offer from any prospective employer.
    5) Revise your B.Com syllabus so as to clear your fundamentals apart from grasps of different financial tools being employed in your company.
    6) If needed, take a short course of communication skills from a prominent institution which will be helpful for you in your effective representation during the course of interview.

  • You are a commerce graduate and doing CMA. You have 7 years of working experience. You are working in an automobile company and you want to change the company. There will be chances to get a good new job. Don't worry. Be positive and continue the search for a new job. It is very important not to leave the present job till you get the appointment letter from another company. Without getting any written confirmation about your selection doesn't leave the present job. A bird in the hand worth two in the bush.
    How you present your candidature to the employer make a difference in getting your name shortlisted for the interview. Your CV only will introduce you to the new employer. Based on the CV only the employer will make a decision to call you or not for an interview. So write the CV attractively. The hiring company will look for the positives in your CV. So give higher importance to the achievements in your career. Explain in detail the nature of work you are doing as of now and if you have any special achievements please mention that also. There are people who can make a CV for you against payment. But that is not required, You can make it by seeing some models available online.
    Many private companies try to fill vacancies in the accounts department through references. So if you know any accounts professionals in other companies refer your CV to their companies through them. That will be an added advantage.
    Try to acquire some skills related to accounting software like ERP, tally etc., so that you will be considered for post where these skills also are required.
    Go through various newspapers and apply for various posts that are suitable to your qualification and experience. That is very important.
    Post your CV in job portals like, etc. You will be receiving alerts from them and at the same time, you can also search for suitable jobs on these sites. There are many HR agencies where they will be referring the names of the candidates to the companies that require some manpower. You can send your CV to them also.
    Once your application is shortly listed, you have to attend the interview. Be ready to face the interview. Never get tensed. Be normal. Be thorough with the subject and you should be able to explain to them what you are doing presently in the present job. Be confident and face the interview with a positive attitude.
    If you have any problem in presenting yourself in the interview in English, you better take a short term course in spoken English. That will give an edge to you in facing the interview. All the best to you.

    always confident

  • By using your experience, you can apply for jobs in govt. Services up to 30 years of age. Besides you can get a job in big companies/factories irrespective of you age.By the side you can increase your qualification through distance education if you are interested. You should have faith on you and your experience. You can approach big automobile parts manufacturing companies. You go through the local newspapers or you can approach registered HR consultants for getting a job at the earliest.

  • Today the job situation in our country is very dismal and the demand for the professionals is much less than their availability. A large number of students are coming out of the colleges and institutions but there are limited jobs in the industries in most of the disciplines. Still there are ways to deal with this situation by acquiring some specific skills and short certificate courses which might be helpful in getting a job in the present set up of the industries. You already have the experience in the Accounts line but that might be with the old applications and utilities and today so many new Finance and Accounts software platforms have come which are integrated with big corporate platforms like SAP, ORACLE, Data Base, and Cloud porting. So it makes sense that one has to look into those territories and once your Bio data/CV shows those skills and experiences then the chances of getting positions in the industry would be easier.
    CMA would also be helpful but I would suggest you to see the feasibility of doing some short certificate course also in some latest niche areas in Finance and Accounts field as that would give you an edge over your competitors who will also be desperately seeking a change in job or new job.
    There are many career options in Finance and Accounts area like Tax Accountant, Finance Controller, Budget and Audit Accountant, Accountant/Accounts Manager, Treasury Analyst, Forecasting and Cash Management, Business Shutdown/ Bankruptcy consultants, Investment Banking, Portfolio Manager, Fund Specialist etc. Most of them are interconnected and doing a particular course would get access to many of these.
    Some of the short courses that you can consider based on your past learnings and interest areas are - Financial modelling/planning, Financial reporting, Wealth management, Investment analysis, Treasury management, Financial risk management etc.
    Once you acquire knowledge and skill in some niche area then while your interview itself the company or organisation where you would be applying will get the feeling of your competence in that particular niche and your chances would brighten up. Today the companies not only check and test the core knowledge of the discipline in the candidate but also observe whether the individual is aware and capable of handling the latest software tools for solving the financial and accounting problems. Everything today is getting integrated with the software applications and programmes on which a finance or accounts person works and it is obvious that a knowledge on that would be a great advantage in seeking a related job. So keep the IT aspect always in mind when acquiring some new skills.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Your experience displays a good effect even if you don't have some big degree. Also, if you are doing your CMA inter then it demands more concentration and if you clear it then you get the recognition of semi-qualified CMA which can enhance your chances of getting a good job. The need is to stay positive and groom your skills and fundamentals. Although it would be difficult for you to concentrate on your studies as at this age the responsibilities also increase but always remember that the more you fails the more you are closer to some big success.

  • You need not worry. 'Present fears are less than horrible imaginations'.
    There are many positives for you now about your age, qualification experience and your current pursuing course.
    Definitely there will be good prospects in career for you.

    However please do not hurry impatiently. First conserve the current job giving it due attention and priority. Continue your current course and see that you finish it with final qualification. Then the chances will much better than what you can get now.

    As you are able to pursue your CMA course, it seems the current job gives that convenience. Though you may continue with the current job until you get a real better job, you need not be applying for any sundry job in panic. First shortlist jobs that fit your current qualification ,experience and fetching more salary and compensations along with convenience. Then select such good jobs which also have more opportunities for growth in career.

    As govt or public sector jobs have certain maximum age thresholds, if you like such jobs and if you are now eligible or nearing the maximum age limit, apply to those jobs as priority. You can also apply for jobs in private sector too if you se good prospects there.

    Do not worry unnecessarily about future. Future holds chances . There may be opportunities which you may not imagine now. So be realistic keeping hopes and confidence. Do what is best possible and what is to be done now.

    Do not quit current job until you get a better one in all respects. After all, ' a bird in hand is worth two ni the bush'.

  • As you know everywhere crucial phase is going on due to covid -19 in case of employment. Unemployment is increasing in entire world day by day. We need to have patience till corona virus end. So, you should be careful about employment. You should not leave your present job until get new job.
    As mentioned above, you are 28 years old. You have completed graduate in commerce and currently pursuing CMA. You have long working experience as well. You are not satisfied with present job and want to change the company. You have good qualification as well as experience so no need to be worried. There would be lot of job opportunities for you at this age. There are many account related job where you can apply such as Tax Accountant, Finance Controller, Budget and Audit Accountant, Accountant Manager and Treasury Analyst etc. If you are not selected by employer than you should make attractive CV where you should give details about qualification, experience and other achievement like sports, music etc. Then there would be more chance to call for interview. Besides, I would suggest you to post your CV in job portals like, etc. You will get alerts from them then you can also search for suitable jobs on these sites.

  • Yes, you will get at an age of 29 because you have good experience of about 7 years. Mention the current work profile in the resume. This will give you extra points to be considered for hire. Before applying for the company, always do some basic research about the company you are going to apply for. This will help you to prepare for the interview. There is nothing difficult to get a job at an age of 29. You will get it. Be confident and do the preparation accordingly.

    Dr. Paresh B. Gujarati.
    Mechanical Engineer.
    'I'mprovement always begins with 'I'.

  • In the private sector, there is no age limit for accounting professionals, the maximum age limit is considered only in case of Government jobs. As you have seven years of experience and you can get a new job with a higher salary and perks. If anyone does not have any experience in the respective field then he also can get a job in the private sector but the salary will be less.

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