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  • What to do if a document for an SSC selection post has expired

    Have doubts about whether or not an assured job may not be offered due to a document's date maturing and you have been unable to renew it? Learn how you can deal with this situation without losing out on the job offer.

    I have cleared the exam for an SSC selection post and my document verification process is also completed. However, now when I received the offer letter, I found that one of the main documents is incomplete. The document is of a first-aid certificate, and its validity has expired and because of the Covid situation, I am not able to renew my certificate. Please advise what I should do and let me know if I would face any problem while joining the job.
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • If you are not able to do the first aid course due to Covid situation then you have to make an application to them that you would be submitting it subsequently and they will give you provisional appointment subject to your production of the certificate at a later period. You have already cleared the exam and your essential qualifications are already there existing correctly and there is no problem in your eligibility for the posts advertised by SSC. First aid is a desirable condition and generally the first aid certificates are valid for a few years about 2 or 3 years and one has to get it renewed with a fresh training. The basic first aid training is only for a few days and one can manage it at any convenient time.
    Red Cross of India has also got approved first aid courses and they also give a certificate for that valid for a few years. You please visit their site and find out the details. Due to Covid situation there is a provision of online first aid training also.
    You have to make a contact with them and you will get a speedy solution in your case. The website of Indian Red Cross is and you will get all the details there.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Since you have already cleared SSC examination and even your documents verification is already over other than the certification of First Aid Course which has expired and its renewal could not be completed due to the COVID situation.
    In this situation, you have to intimate the Board that you would submit this certificate once it is received from the authorities of First Aid Course. On such a declaration, you will be given a provisional appointment subject to production of First Aid Certificate.
    The tenure of validity of such a certificate is extendable from two to three years and if the term has expired, you need to undergo a fresh training for a couple of days as suggested by the First Aid. It can be completed conveniently with a little effort from your end.
    You refer to the website to the First Aid organised by Red Cross Society and obtain the details relating to certification. In the wake of COVID situation, there is the provision of on line first training. You may avail this facility as well after intimating your desire.

  • You have already cleared the formalities and you have already received the offer letter. There will not be any problem with your joining. The certificate of first aid will have a validity period and you have to get it revalidated once the timeline is over. Wherefrom the first time you obtained your first aid training certificate you have to contact the same organisation. They will do the needful.
    You can show the old certificate while joining the job and you can tell them that there is a delay due to the present pandemic. You can also tell them that already you have initiated the renewal process and you will complete the process shortly and ask for some time. Definitely, you will not have any problem.
    As already you have received start the process from your side and join the job at the earliest. Don't delay with unnecessary doubts. Your offer will not get cancelled because of your expired first-aid certificate.

    always confident

  • Since you have fulfilled all formalities and recieved offer letter for joining job so you need not to be worried. As you said that your first-aid certificate has expired because it has validity period for approx 2-3 years. So, you may apply for renewal process. Red cross society provide this certificate and I think you may go for training for getting cerificate. You can get it by little effort.
    Ask for some more time till renewal process gets over. Before that you should join your job at the earliest. I think they will not have any objection due to expired first -aid certificate.

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